Which will reign supreme?
I'll list a bunch of exclusives for each platform, feel free to add.
Xbox 360:
Halo 4
Kinect Star Wars
Fable: The Journey
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Dust Elysian Tale
Fable Journey
Crimson Dragon
Battleblock Thater
Sine Mora
Trials Evolution
Alan Wake Night Springs
Class 3
Class 4
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Twisted Metal
The Last Guardian
The Last of Us
Yakuza: Dead Souls
Ni No Kuni
Mario Party 9
The Last Story
Pandora's Tower
Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise
PokePark: Wonders Beyond
Dragon Quest X
Xenoblade Chronicles (NA)
Kid Icarus Uprising
Animal Crossing 3DS
Mario Tennis Open
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Luigi's Mansion 2
Paper Mario 3DS
Heroes of Ruin
Rune Factory 4
Etrian Odyssey 4
Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle
Resident Evil Revelations
Rhythm Thief
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Layton vs Wright
Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Unit 13
Resistance Burning Skies
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Call of Duty Vita
Wipeout 2048
Uncharted Golden Abyss
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Little Deviants
Sound Shapes
I think this is Nintendo's year. I didn't even touch on the Wii-U, which will more than likely have some impressive stuff to reveal at E3, and provide us with at launch.
The 3DS looks like the clear winner to me, with the PC right behind it, and Wii coming in at 3rd.
PS3 is a bit of a tough call for me, because who knows if The Last Guardian or Final Fantasy Versus XIII will ever see the light of day. Plus, no one really knows anything about Agent, but I gotta say that The Last of Us looks amazing.
Vita looks alright, better than PS3. It does have some pretty good titles coming.
Xbox 360 is dead last. I'm hoping for the best when it comes to Halo 4, but Bungie has moved on, and 343 Industry hasn't proven anything yet, so the results of Halo 4 remain to be seen. Kinect Star Wars, on-rails Fable and Alan Wake DLC? No thanks.
So here's how I would rank the exclusive lineups for 2012.
1) 3DS
2) PC
3) Wii
4) Vita
5) PS3
6) 360
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