This is how you know who's a fanboy when they say the best exclusive is a game that isn't even out yet, MGS4.
ive liked every other metal gear game more than all three of those, so im guessing 4 wont be any different.
and also lets concider the choices...
Halo 3- half baked series ender which is mostly purchased for multiplayer. Not NEARLY as good as Halo 1.
SSBB- really great game, for about 2 weeks, till you unlock every character and your friends stop coming over cus they found something better to do.
Gears-The only REAL contender in this poll. Great story, incredible gameplay, but WAY too short, and multiplayer needs alot of work. It MAY go down the path of halo, getting consecutivly worse(kinda. halo1>halo3>halo2) OR it could be getting much better. but as of right now, i can GAURENTEE you that i will enjot MGS4 much more than those 3 games. so i guess you can take that as you will.
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