Goldeneye is still better.
Wolfenstein: The new order, bad blood and the new colossus.
Half life has more quality in thier little fingers than those games combine. im not even consider Doom to be better than half life. let alone miles.
only Stalker can match half life.
Half life has more quality in thier little fingers than those games combine. im not even consider Doom to be better than half life. let alone miles.
only Stalker can match half life.
Part of the gaming experience is not having to worry about the game engine crashing and and causing you to lose a substantial amount of progress. Unfortunately, the xrengine that powers the STALKER games is prone to crashing. It almost harks back to the Win9x era. And when the engine works, it's clunky most of the time.
I recommend playing the STALKER games because any game you play afterwards will feel a million times more optimized. ;)
Maybe that last part is a stretch. The STALKER games have a charm all their own, especially when the game setting is at night. The nights in the STALKER games are the best anywhere, with accurate depictions of totally dark nights and moonlit nights. And then, bzzzt. Crash. Time to go to Task Manager and end task xrengine.exe.
Half life has more quality in thier little fingers than those games combine. im not even consider Doom to be better than half life. let alone miles.
only Stalker can match half life.
Part of the gaming experience is not having to worry about the game engine crashing and and causing you to lose a substantial amount of progress. Unfortunately, the xrengine that powers the STALKER games is prone to crashing. It almost harks back to the Win9x era. And when the engine works, it's clunky most of the time.
I recommend playing the STALKER games because any game you play afterwards will feel a million times more optimized. ;)
Maybe that last part is a stretch. The STALKER games have a charm all their own, especially when the game setting is at night. The nights in the STALKER games are the best anywhere, with accurate depictions of totally dark nights and moonlit nights. And then, bzzzt. Crash. Time to go to Task Manager and end task xrengine.exe.
That's not a stretch. Even Metro, which people directly compare to Stalker is no where close to it. It's comparatively trite.
About the closet comparison to atmospheric is probably Silent Hill, and even that doesn't pull you in, in the same organic way Stalker does.
When games try to be beautiful e.g. Bioshock: Infinite, they make it as elaborate and pitch perfect as possible. Laboriously handcrafted with all intent to wow the player.
Stalker has an incredible ability to make the mundane speculator, because the game doesn't feel like it's consciously trying. That's generally what style is, making something difficult look easy.
All of lack of Americanized Hollywood production values and odd quirkiness that just completely ignores the current trend or expectations gives it an identity all the Bioshocks or Fallouts in the world couldn't match.
For me...... Halo 1........ For the time it had everything I could ask for..... I've completed all the Half Life games and while they're good games I felt that just like Uncharted 4 they didn't quite match the hype levels
All of lack of Americanized Hollywood production values and odd quirkiness that just completely ignores the current trend or expectations gives it an identity all the Bioshocks or Fallouts in the world couldn't match.
Unfortunately, it's not just the odd quirkiness and crashes. Game crashes and glitches are the norm with all the STALKER games. Not even the Bethesda games (Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas) come close, at least from my experiences so far.
There are a lot of other games that don't have glitz either and none of them are as bad as the STALKER games when it comes to ruining the fun due to game-impacting crashes. The STALKER games have its cult following. But, I wouldn't put them forward as a shining example of PC gaming.
That's not a stretch. Even Metro, which people directly compare to Stalker is no where close to it. It's comparatively trite.
Metro is mix of Stalker, Call of duty, Half life into one.
4A games are closest thing to valve this generation. and now metro getting sandbox missions that will be even more comparible to Stalker games.
. But, I wouldn't put them forward as a shining example of PC gaming.
An incredible game without marketing, high budget or polish, spread primarily by word of mouth?
It's the epitome.
You have to judge these games by how they were received when it came out, and what other games were on the market. There was nothing even remotely like Half-Life when it came out, from story telling, to AI. And thats not even counting the mod scene. Most shooters these days, you play 1 or 2 times, you dabble in the multiplayer and then its on to the next. Half-Life lived on for over a decade purely because of mod support. Tens of thousands of hours. Also, people that keep bringing up games like Golden Eye makes me scratch my head. Yeah, it was great, I played it a lot actually in 4 screen multiplayer. It was great for a console title but honestly wasn't anything special when compared to FPS games on the PC. Try going back and playing it now, it hasn't aged well. Its almost unplayable how awkward the controls are. If you have to pick a console FPS, at the least pick Halo. The core mechanics of Half-Life are basic and simple compared to today, but the game still plays great. The movement, the feel of engine, the shooting. It still holds up. Actually the movement I would say is better than modern games.
An incredible game without marketing, high budget or polish, spread primarily by word of mouth?
It's the epitome.
There are plenty of PC games without marketing or a high budget. Yet, they have the polish of AAA games. Those are the games I would put forward. The STALKER games fall outside that realm. They have a hard enough time remaining stable as it is. In fact, the more I enjoyed and played longer, the more the three games tended to crash.
Normally, I wouldn't even bother with such buggy games. The only reason I started playing the STALKER games recently is because I had the original disc versions gathering dust. I tend to feel guilty about having a backlog. Plus, I wanted to play all the PC FPS games I missed within the last 10 years because once I upgrade to a new gaming PC, I'll naturally be focusing on the newer games only.
All three games would have been good for one playthrough and then I'd forget them. But, the mod Call of Chernobyl perked my interest because it vastly expanded the game world of CoP. Its free-roam is a step up from the Reset Outpost mode of FC3/FC4 because the player starts with almost nothing whereas with the Ubisoft game, the player is usually maxed out.
Painkiller Black Edition, although I don't play a whole lot of FPS. Also Half Life 2. The original holds up pretty well in a lot of ways but there are definitely some dated features in there as well.
All of lack of Americanized Hollywood production values and odd quirkiness that just completely ignores the current trend or expectations gives it an identity all the Bioshocks or Fallouts in the world couldn't match.
Hey, lets not lump in some great games with Bethesda's trash.
Lets go down the list
FPS games "miles" better than Half-Life? I'm not sure about that, but there's a number of games which are on a pair with HL series, such as: Unreal (this game was released a couple of months earlier than HL and featured impressive A.I. for its time), Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Dishonored, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, and Outlast series.
Yeah, I know, Outlast is not really an action game, but I regard this game as the "Half-Life" of the survival genre.
All of lack of Americanized Hollywood production values and odd quirkiness that just completely ignores the current trend or expectations gives it an identity all the Bioshocks or Fallouts in the world couldn't match.
Hey, lets not lump in some great games with Bethesda's trash.
half life 1 remake should look like modern graphics but remain to have same level deisng and gameplay with some changes.
Yeah man this doesn't look much better than the original half life:
What the FUUUUUUUUUUCK are you smoking ?
Stop it man, it's making your brain all messed up.
I mean it looks good for 2007 standard but not for toady standard. and game is not even complete. its using half life 2 engine and looks alot like half life.
1. No
2. You're an idiot, sniper.
@Ballroompirate: Very nice list bro though I am unfamiliar with shadow Warrior, Space Hulk, Killing Floor series & Rising Storm 2 Vietnam. But I would say you are definitely missing Halo CE,2,3, Reach, ODST. All of those games have fantastic story based campaigns, with 4 player split screen and tons of extra game modes that even out with Half life 2's Intricate and dark campaign. Though, I have to admit. Half life 2 has a special touch when it comes to it's atmosphere. I think Halo CE, Crysis, Stalker Call of Pripyat & Metro 2033 have their own unique atmosphere that Half Life 2 doesn't have. Though, the characters in Half life 2 had a certain realism to it that made walking into City 17 for the first time extremely special. I was in that world, and the people spoke to me. That's why Half life 2 is special. It takes you on a journey and doesn't let you go.
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