I remember back when ME2 was released and I was reading Eurogamer's review, one phrase got my attention, it said that Mass Effect 3 would be the most important game in Bioware's story.
It makes sense. Mass Effect trilogy had a huge impact in gaming and is widely regarded as one of the best franchises thin gen and a lot of people will say it IS the best. With Mass Effect 3 Bioware can more than ever confirm its position as one of the top developers around and finish a trilogy that will be remembered for decades.
One the other side, ToR is clearly the biggest (thinking about time spend and budget) project ever handled by Bioware. Not just that, it has a huge and daring ambition, "kil" WoW. If this games fail, the repercussionwill be big.
What do you guyns think? I think that a ToR flop would be worst than a ME3 flop, however, ME3's suscess would have much larger impacts. Probably not a financial one, but it would put the Mass Effect name is a standard that a very selected few franchises are. And because I think games are not just about making money and popularity, my choice is Mass Effect 3.
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