Soundtracks... this is something we really need to talk about more in system wars and it makes me sad that it barely gets a whisper when compared to its graphics counterpart. I can gurantee you, Halo would have not been as epic if it wasnt for the kickass soundtrack. What ive figured out is the soundtrack is usually what makes me remember games.
As in the case of OOT and TP. OOT had an amazing sountrackand was a perfect all round game. TP was just as good but i was always wondering just why nothing stood out from the game to me and i figured it was because the soundtrack was dry. Apart from 1 or 2 pieces, everything was very average.
Anyway for me, it was a tough debate between OOT and Majoras Mask (MM is my favourite game of all time). In the end, i had to give it to OOT. The sountrack in OOT is PERFECT, i remember every piece from the game and the way it synergises with the suroundings was magical. Some of my favourites are.
Master Pieces.
Anyway so yeah, we need to consider soundtracks more when we debate games. I know its a very subjective area but we could at least try. What are yours?
*NOTE** im talking about soundtracks, not just ONE track from a game. Games that have all round amazing soundtracks. Not just ONE OR TWOepic track.
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