Splinter Cell - has a noise meter that fills up depending on how quickly or slowly you move and what posture you're in (radical actions like jumping also affect it). The meter also takes into account background noise that can produce more favorable conditions for sneaking depending on how much it increases. The game also has a light meter that indicates how shrouded or exposed you are in light or dark places.
MGS4 - Has a camo index that indicates how well you blend with your surroundings based on what you wear or camo you adopt and based on how light or shaded the area you're in is. It also fluctuates based on the speed of your movement and how low you are to the ground. Also, the proximity of your enemies is taken into account.
Having played MGS4 and Chaos Theory, I can safely say that these two different series of stealth parameters make for good rivals. So what do you think?
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