The nominees
No More Heroes.
Travis touchdown is a man on a mission, and that mission is freaking awesome. Any game by the makers of killer 7 that exists not to please the audience but as a statement of intent from the deranged mind of a man known as Suda51. This alone gives it a place on the underground heroes poll, not even mentioning he bought a lightsabre of E-Bay and proptly started chopping people in half.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; Shadow of Chernobyl
Sometimes ambition and determination pays off. It took almost 6 years for The Zone to come into being, but being an almost unheard of ukrainian developer is not the best attribute to have when you are attempting to make one of the best shooting games of all time. Steep dificulty, crushing layers of atmostphere and sheer mind****ery, arsanals of wepons and being the Ani-Halo make this game a worthy contender. That and Snorks.
Sins of a Solar Empire.
Vast space battles are always good but this game takes it to a whole other level, it's hard to imagine it was made on a budget of under $1 million but it was. This a a game for the patient, games canlast hours and extand accross many solar systems, the game has a save feature for on-line battles such is it's epicness and grandure of scope and such here we are.
The Witcher
It seems Eastern Europe has been showing us casual heathens how it's done, if you want an RPG with an inventory that you could lose a dog in, a campaign that can last you up to 60 house without Oblivion stlye ass-hattery look no further, with a free upgrade to an enhanced feature set for all and sundry and more nipples than a small brothel The Witcher delivers oodles of deep RPG goodness wraped up an engaing story and after market support.
Valkyria Chronicles
Welkin Gunther is just a dude who loves nature and he has a war to fight, but you'll have to wait your turn!Overworks is bringing SRPGs back and for that i commend them and commend this shamefully overlooked game, with a nice mix of deep strartergy, unique art and silly names you can't got much wrong. you may be niche and you may have ridiculously named characters and cartoon warfare but you represent the underground just as much as anyone else and we still love you. Cue epic soundtrack!!
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