Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
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Super Mario Galaxy 2 - lower (8.5 for me)
Metroid: Other M - a tad lower (7.0, which is still a good game, just quite flawed)
Same here Bore fest FC2 and Asscreed definitely deserved lowerInfamous 2, deserved higher.
New Vegas, deserved higher.
Far Cry 2, deserved lower.
First Assassin's Creed, deserved lower.
Let's see, where do I start:
- Mass Effect 2, deserved lower.
- Metal Gear Solid 4, deserved lower.
- Saints Row 2, deserved higher.
- Saints Row The Third, deserved higher.
- Splinter Cell Conviction, deserved lower.
- Splinter Cell HD Trilogy, deserved higher.
- Just Cause 2, deserved higher.
- Mafia II, deserved higher.
- Resident Evil 5, deserved lower.
- Tomb Raider Underworld, deserved higher.
- Skate 3, deserved higher.
- The Sabotuer, deserved higher.
- Ace Combat Assault Horizon, deserved higher.
as a massive ace combat fan i wholeheartedly disagree, it should stick it was average, the on rails dogfighting got in the way the new plane handling mechanics were pisspoor and they took away the soul of the series in my eyes.
Duke Nukem forever should have been higher, atleast a 7 worth in my book. It was an awesome game.
MGS4 should have been lower. 8 or so.
Uncharted 2/3 lower. 8-8.5.
Uncharted 1 schould have been 9.
Mafia 2 higher.
F.E.A.R. 3 bit higher, since there was replay value in the campaign, and the co-op multiplayer was awesome. That game had more to offer then a regular FPS game.
Mostly all the 10s of this generation.
Grand Theft Auto IV did NOT Deserve a 10. It was NOT better than San Andreas in ANY way shape or form. It only got a 10 out of pure Hype.
Metal Gear Solid 4 did NOT Deserve a 10, but it did deserve a High Score since it was still very good, it was just not 10 worthy at the slightest, "Prime"? Please Gamespot, MGS3 deserves "Prime" than 4.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 did NOT Deserve a 10, no matter how great the platforming is, the game felt decent at best and it feels as if Gamespot gave it a 10 cause lets be honest guys, there's hardly been a decent Platformer this entire gen and Mario was just good enough to get a good score.
At most these games probably deserved a 9.5 or a 9.0.
A Game that should have a 10/10 is a game that will be talked about for years to come and so far I think only one game deserves that spot from this Generation and that is Batman Arkham City.
Let's see, where do I start:
- Mass Effect 2, deserved lower.
- Metal Gear Solid 4, deserved lower.
- Saints Row 2, deserved higher.
- Saints Row The Third, deserved higher.
- Splinter Cell Conviction, deserved lower.
- Splinter Cell HD Trilogy, deserved higher.
- Just Cause 2, deserved higher.
- Mafia II, deserved higher.
- Resident Evil 5, deserved lower.
- Tomb Raider Underworld, deserved higher.
- Skate 3, deserved higher.
- The Sabotuer, deserved higher.
- Ace Combat Assault Horizon, deserved higher.
as a massive ace combat fan i wholeheartedly disagree, it should stick it was average, the on rails dogfighting got in the way the new plane handling mechanics were pisspoor and they took away the soul of the series in my eyes.
I never actually played the previous games, if I did, I might have had a different opinion on the game, anyway, if critics are bashing the game for betraying it's fanbase, then why are Resident Evil 5 and Splinter Cell Crapviction getting high scores?[QUOTE="razgriz_101"][QUOTE="RageQuitter69"]
Let's see, where do I start:
- Mass Effect 2, deserved lower.
- Metal Gear Solid 4, deserved lower.
- Saints Row 2, deserved higher.
- Saints Row The Third, deserved higher.
- Splinter Cell Conviction, deserved lower.
- Splinter Cell HD Trilogy, deserved higher.
- Just Cause 2, deserved higher.
- Mafia II, deserved higher.
- Resident Evil 5, deserved lower.
- Tomb Raider Underworld, deserved higher.
- Skate 3, deserved higher.
- The Sabotuer, deserved higher.
- Ace Combat Assault Horizon, deserved higher.
as a massive ace combat fan i wholeheartedly disagree, it should stick it was average, the on rails dogfighting got in the way the new plane handling mechanics were pisspoor and they took away the soul of the series in my eyes.
I never actually played the previous games, if I did, I might have had a different opinion on the game, anyway, if critics are bashing the game for betraying it's fanbase, then why are Resident Evil 5 and Splinter Cell Crapviction getting high scores?because they didnt totally bastardise and thorw away the series.
A few things they done away with were tried and tested fan favourites and hallmarks of the AC series and threw it all out the window to appeal to the CoD crowd with the real world story and dropping the cannon and lore built up over the past 15 years.
RE5 didnt really betray the fanbase as it just followed what RE4 done before it, SC conviction got a backlash from the fanbase despite being a well made, something that AC AH isnt compared to its predecessors which were extremely polished for example planes feel sluggish and one dimensional on AH compared to 5 especialyl which was the peak of the series.
It feels like the plane is never truely in your hands liek the old games and instead a matter of hitting the RB and LB buttons quick enough to go into Assisted dogfighting, the online was pretty poor aswell they said it woul alleviate pixel shooting and stuff but really it changed that in lieu of who could hit the butons quick enough in a totally new fashion.
Games that deserved higher
Skyward Sword definetly deserved a 9 at least
InFamous 2 certainly highly than a 7.5
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction: How could it get lower than Deadloacked.
Mario Land 3DS and Mario Kart 7: These games are the best on the 3DS and easily AAA titles.
Games that deserved lower than what they got
Metal Gear Solid 4: Don't get me wrong it's an amazing game but certainly not 10 material
GTA4: I'd say a 9 at most.
Tekken 6: It was a bad game lucky to get an 8.5
Resident Evil 5: It was lucky to get an 8.5 an 8 at most.
The entire Disgaea series. They are amongst the best jsrpgs around and they deserve to get a good score for that. IMO scores should be given within the genre they are and not over all games that exist oO
-inFAMOUS 2 deserved higher
-Skyward Sword desereved a lot higher
-Uncharted 2 deserved much lower
-Assassin's Creed II desereved much lower
Games that deserve less than what it got:
MGS4: Proficient game, but there are more cutscenes than gameplay.
GTA4: Good game, but yes it should be less.
Left 4 Dead (both): Game focused so much on co-op the single-player isn't enough
Games that deserve more:
Skyward Sword: WTF Mcshea
Infamous 2: WTF Mcshea
The Binding of Isaac: Deserves more than what it got
I can make a list, but since Gamespot reviewers are not good at their job as reviewers, I won't waste my time to list it. Then again, these are all opinions even though reviewers have bias and bribed written all over them.
Infamous 2 I thought deserved an 8
Halo 3 I thought deserved a 7 or 7.5 (crap SP, good MP)
Journey I thought deserved an 8 (nice game but over priced for it's length)
Uncharted 3 I thought deserved a 10
Resistance 2 I thought deserved a 7 or 7.5 (Kind of like Halo above, MP is the only real draw)
Mario Galaxy I thought deserved an 8 (good game but overrated, LBP much better)
Rachet and Clank Tools of Destruction I thought deserved a 9
Assassin's Creed 1 I thought deserved a 5 or 5.5 (too reptitive and combat too easy)
Killzone 3 I thought deserved a 9.5
Battlefield Bad Company 2 I thought deserved a 5 or a 6
Twilight Princess I thought deserved a 9 or a 10 (it was on the Wii too)
Mass Effect 2 I thought deserved a 10 on all platforms (the PS3 version was falsely rated lower)
Uncharted Drake's Fortune I thought deseverd a 9
But all this is just MY opinion, GS ha their own opinions too. Neither of us are wrong. If I disagree with a score then I simply disagree with it. Only scores I care about are my own.
Silent Hill: Homecoming got a 6.5 here, and a 70 MC rating. User scores have it at a much more accurate 79 MC score which I think it deserves, if not better. I gave it a 9 because it was the best survival horror this gen has put out on consoles...
Red Dead Redemption is an 8.5 max.
Mass Effect 3 deserves no more than an 8.0, and this is coming from somebody who liked the ending.
Heavy Rain is very overrated, B rated story at best.
Spec Ops: The Line is at least an 8.
Fallout: New Vegas is way better than a 7.5.
Every Assassin's Creed Revelations and Brotherhood are extremely meh.
Heh heh. I guess I'm not the only one who actually enjoyed SH: Homecoming.Silent Hill: Homecoming got a 6.5 here, and a 70 MC rating. User scores have it at a much more accurate 79 MC score which I think it deserves, if not better. I gave it a 9 because it was the best survival horror this gen has put out on consoles...
i definetly agree with you guys on infamous 2, I would have given it a 8-8.5.
here is my list
ff 13- should have gotten a 7
gta 4- shouuld have gotten an 8
uncharted drakes fortune should have gotten a 8.5-9
pokemon black should have gotten a 8
yakuza 3-4 both should have gotten 8's
Transformers: War for Cybertron should have been more than just a measly little 6.5, it's the best Transforms game out there and it's also one of the best third person shooter games of 2010.
Brink should not have gotten a 6.0; should be at most a 5.0 and at least a 4.0.
Duke Nukem Forever should have been at least a 6.0. It's really not THAT bad.
Morrowind should not have gotten an 8.7 but a 9.5.
Deus Ex should have gotten a higher score than just an 8.2. At the very least a 9.0.
MGS4 - should have got an 11/10. Worth more than the other 10s (Zelda OOT, Chronocross, Soul Calibur etc)
SMG2 - Not worth a 10, even though a 10 on the Wii scale is no where near a 10 on HD twins / PC. I would say 9.0-9.5, even on Wii standards. - but I guess the GOTY awars reflected that fact.
GTAIV - Definitely not worth a 10. Where reviewers high? GTA San Andreas, GTA3 and GTA Vice City were all much better games. GTAIV was a 5/10 for me..
SMG 1 - 9.0 at best
Halo 3 / Reach - not AAA games
Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools - should get AAA like it did everywhere else, not a 7.5 game......
No way is that game on par with MGS4/OOT/Soul Calibur/Chronocross/ etcPushmo got robbed (it got an 8.5). It should have gotten AAAAE but GetPaidSpot's bias against handheld/puzzle games got in the way of their objectivity, which is absolutely shameful.
[QUOTE="GreySeal9"]No way is that game on par with MGS4/OOT/Soul Calibur/Chronocross/ etcPushmo got robbed (it got an 8.5). It should have gotten AAAAE but GetPaidSpot's bias against handheld/puzzle games got in the way of their objectivity, which is absolutely shameful.
Pushmo destroys MGS4 (MGS4 has too many problems to truly be a 10) and is easily on par with OoT. Actually, it's a little better.
Also, I've actually played Pushmo and you haven't, so my opinion is more credible.
MGS4 - should have got an 11/10. Worth more than the other 10s (Zelda OOT, Chronocross, Soul Calibur etc)
SMG2 - Not worth a 10, even though a 10 on the Wii scale is no where near a 10 on HD twins / PC. I would say 9.0-9.5, even on Wii standards. - but I guess the GOTY awars reflected that fact.
GTAIV - Definitely not worth a 10. Where reviewers high? GTA San Andreas, GTA3 and GTA Vice City were all much better games. GTAIV was a 5/10 for me..
SMG 1 - 9.0 at best
Halo 3 / Reach - not AAA games
Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools - should get AAA like it did everywhere else, not a 7.5 game......
All the other 10s have higher aggregate scores than MGS4. Stop being delusional.
Also, everybody knows that Ratchet and Clank Future is mediocre.
MGS4 - should have got an 11/10. Worth more than the other 10s (Zelda OOT, Chronocross, Soul Calibur etc)
SMG2 - Not worth a 10, even though a 10 on the Wii scale is no where near a 10 on HD twins / PC. I would say 9.0-9.5, even on Wii standards. - but I guess the GOTY awars reflected that fact.
GTAIV - Definitely not worth a 10. Where reviewers high? GTA San Andreas, GTA3 and GTA Vice City were all much better games. GTAIV was a 5/10 for me..
SMG 1 - 9.0 at best
Halo 3 / Reach - not AAA games
Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools - should get AAA like it did everywhere else, not a 7.5 game......
All the other 10s have higher aggregate scores than MGS4. Stop being delusional.
Also, everybody knows that Ratchet and Clank Future is mediocre.
MGS4 is the only game in the world to have a perfect 10 from the Big Four reviewers :cool: from reivewers that actually matter, MGS4 has the highest score in history. Who cares what award your movie/tv series won.. Oscar, grammry, emmy and bafta is all that matters.. Same applies to gamesNo way is that game on par with MGS4/OOT/Soul Calibur/Chronocross/ etc[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"][QUOTE="GreySeal9"]
Pushmo got robbed (it got an 8.5). It should have gotten AAAAE but GetPaidSpot's bias against handheld/puzzle games got in the way of their objectivity, which is absolutely shameful.
Pushmo destroys MGS4 (MGS4 has too many problems to truly be a 10) and is easily on par with OoT. Actually, it's a little better.
Also, I've actually played Pushmo and you haven't, so my opinion is more credible.
I'm sorry but no. MGS4 doesn't have too many problems to truly be a 10. Best voice acting in any video game best cinematics in any video game best narration in any video game best opening in any video game best soundtracks in any video game best storyline in any video game best ending in any video game perfect controls / gameplay (<-- can't really rank games by control scheme / gameplay mechanics) so yes, MGS4 is flawless. unlike other 10s (not true 10s like MGS4)I'm sorry but no. MGS4 doesn't have too many problems to truly be a 10. Best voice acting in any video game best cinematics in any video game best narration in any video game best opening in any video game best soundtracks in any video game best storyline in any video game best ending in any video game perfect controls / gameplay (<-- can't really rank games by control scheme / gameplay mechanics) so yes, MGS4 is flawless. unlike other 10s (not true 10s like MGS4)Mozelleple112
MGS4 has more cutscenes than gameplay. I thought that Kojima wanted the game to be a blockbuster experience than a game.
[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] No way is that game on par with MGS4/OOT/Soul Calibur/Chronocross/ etcMozelleple112
Pushmo destroys MGS4 (MGS4 has too many problems to truly be a 10) and is easily on par with OoT. Actually, it's a little better.
Also, I've actually played Pushmo and you haven't, so my opinion is more credible.
I'm sorry but no. MGS4 doesn't have too many problems to truly be a 10. Best voice acting in any video game best cinematics in any video game best narration in any video game best opening in any video game best soundtracks in any video game best storyline in any video game best ending in any video game perfect controls / gameplay (<-- can't really rank games by control scheme / gameplay mechanics) so yes, MGS4 is flawless. unlike other 10s (not true 10s like MGS4)not true in any of those counts[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"]
MGS4 - should have got an 11/10. Worth more than the other 10s (Zelda OOT, Chronocross, Soul Calibur etc)
SMG2 - Not worth a 10, even though a 10 on the Wii scale is no where near a 10 on HD twins / PC. I would say 9.0-9.5, even on Wii standards. - but I guess the GOTY awars reflected that fact.
GTAIV - Definitely not worth a 10. Where reviewers high? GTA San Andreas, GTA3 and GTA Vice City were all much better games. GTAIV was a 5/10 for me..
SMG 1 - 9.0 at best
Halo 3 / Reach - not AAA games
Ratchet & Clank: Future Tools - should get AAA like it did everywhere else, not a 7.5 game......
All the other 10s have higher aggregate scores than MGS4. Stop being delusional.
Also, everybody knows that Ratchet and Clank Future is mediocre.
MGS4 is the only game in the world to have a perfect 10 from the Big Four reviewers :cool: from reivewers that actually matter, MGS4 has the highest score in history. Who cares what award your movie/tv series won.. Oscar, grammry, emmy and bafta is all that matters.. Same applies to gamesExquisite damage control.
[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] No way is that game on par with MGS4/OOT/Soul Calibur/Chronocross/ etcMozelleple112
Pushmo destroys MGS4 (MGS4 has too many problems to truly be a 10) and is easily on par with OoT. Actually, it's a little better.
Also, I've actually played Pushmo and you haven't, so my opinion is more credible.
I'm sorry but no. MGS4 doesn't have too many problems to truly be a 10. Best voice acting in any video game best cinematics in any video game best narration in any video game best opening in any video game best soundtracks in any video game best storyline in any video game best ending in any video game perfect controls / gameplay (<-- can't really rank games by control scheme / gameplay mechanics) so yes, MGS4 is flawless. unlike other 10s (not true 10s like MGS4)So delusional it hurts.
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