@StrongBlackVine said:
FFVII Remake will great. SE won't blow that. FFXV will be good at the least.
To the person whining about the combat unless it is Pokemon turn based combat does not appeal to the mainstream any more, myself included. I will tolerate it for a game like Persona 5, but I'd rather not.
Couldn't care less about it being episodic as long as it is good.
FF7 was not turn based. The battles dont flow in turns, so it is immediately disqualified.
Turn based not appealling to the mainstream? Then explain Why Civilization 6 has already sold over 1 million copies. Divinity: Original Sin was arguably the most successful successful of the kickstarter RPGs selling well over 1.2 million copies on steam alone (not bad for a game with minimal marketing). XCOM 2 sold over a million copies. Mario RPGs are still multimillion sellers. Persona 5 is poised to become another best seller. And Fire Emblem is selling millions. Turnbased is alive and well in the mainstream. It may not be quite as popular as ARPGs are, but it is far from dead in the mainstream.
And Turn Based combat is far superior anyways. Action RPGs, with a few exceptions, play like crap. RPGs excel at abstractions and manipulating variables in your favor. Action games are about tight combat. Action RPGs, due to the much higher pace, often fail at being abstract and manipulating variables often doesnt work since reflexes and button mashing is often a much easier, and ultimately viable path htan just trying to manipulate the field, oftentimes, due to the lack of menus and options you have, you often are not really able to manipulate the battle anyways, not having anything more than a stun and offensive spells. As Action games, the RPG elements completely mess up the balance, and movesets. Because progression has to be made, movesets usually start extremely limited at the start of the game, and because the higher emphasis on numbers, it never quite feels like I am beating down the enemy but just whittling down their healthbar. Something I never felt while playing bayonetta or Devil May Cry (I felt I executing a long as combo on them). Likewise, the addition of additional variables makes it nigh impossible to have a truly balanced experience. So the battles in fail at being the tight experience one would expect from an action game. The combination of these 2 genres dont really add anything unique either, so it doesnt exactly ahve anything going for it.
In short, action RPGs suck.
Edit: Of course, this does not mean FF7 had good combat or anything. ATB is a mess, and the combat really is nothing more than using your best offensive attack when high on health and healing when low on health. So easy, I could program a bot in an hour to play the game for me.
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