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can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.Prab93
How about you make your own decision. You have the internet, do some research and decide for yourself. All you're going to get here is a bunch of bickering.
the 360s lineup is gonna be equal to the ps3s 09 and beyond, ppl are forgetting the next halo, and im sure there are gona be a lot more that on the 360.
ps3 fanboys are always ripping on the 360 for having rrod but thats something u can fix by sending it in to microsoft. it takes a couple weeks but thats it. the ps3 on the other hand has crappy games. unlike the rrod, u cant fix that in 3 weeks, u gotta wait a couple years.
so its ur decision. its a personal pref.
Right now, the Xbox has a higher amount of games. The only good exclusive for PS3 is MGS4, which doesnt even have reasonable multiplayer. For xbox you have Halo 3, Bioshock (I know its comming out on the PS3, but a year too late) Mass effect. The lineup of games for the 2008 are equal. Online xbox360>PS3. Price Xbox 360>PS3. Availible games xbox 360>PS3. Comming games 08 Xbox360 = PS3 (Its hard to judge those games, so check them out and see which ones you like more) In the end, if you really need one now, get the xbox. However, I would suggest to wait untill the end of the year and see how each console does before making your choice.Belwar555
ps3 has more games then just mgs4..
gran turismo 5, heavenly sword, god of war 3, resistance, resistance 2, uncharted, infamous, motorstorm 1 and 2..
saying that the only good game the ps3 has is mgs4 is like saying the only good game xbox has is gears of war..just becuase it's the best game the ps3 has doesnt make it the only game..
[QUOTE="Belwar555"]Right now, the Xbox has a higher amount of games. The only good exclusive for PS3 is MGS4, which doesnt even have reasonable multiplayer. For xbox you have Halo 3, Bioshock (I know its comming out on the PS3, but a year too late) Mass effect. The lineup of games for the 2008 are equal. Online xbox360>PS3. Price Xbox 360>PS3. Availible games xbox 360>PS3. Comming games 08 Xbox360 = PS3 (Its hard to judge those games, so check them out and see which ones you like more) In the end, if you really need one now, get the xbox. However, I would suggest to wait untill the end of the year and see how each console does before making your choice.michelle341
ps3 has more games then just mgs4..
gran turismo 5, heavenly sword, god of war 3, resistance, resistance 2, uncharted, infamous, motorstorm 1 and 2..
saying that the only good game the ps3 has is mgs4 is like saying the only good game xbox has is gears of war..just becuase it's the best game the ps3 has doesnt make it the only game..
Im talking about new (released in the last year or so) games. I never decide which game selection is best before the games are actually out (e.g. Too Human).
[QUOTE="Sonicplys"]Lets see, is Brawl in one of them. NO!?!? then screw that. Wii it is.ps3wizard45is third party support a nd non gimmicks in ps3 and xbox ? YES forget wii that rubbish Funny when the wii isn't in the topic and some random fanboy jumps only to attack it and not giving any inteligent reasons
Here's the thing. Both consoles have awesome games. Don't let stupid fanboys in this forum say "ps3 only has two good exclusives". That's just bs. Anyhow. In terms of hardware, what ppl say here is true. The 360 does have a rather high failure rate regardless of how you try to sugar coat it (3 year warranty).
Anyhow I prefer the ps3 but if the hardware issue is fixed on the 360. I might consider getting it for the future. Look somewhere else for advice. It's pretty clear SW is a forum to contain fanboys.
360 all the way unless you want a media centre (from a manufacturer that lies all the time about its games and tacks on broken motion sensing to it controller just because it was scared by the competition) first and a games console second then PS3 all the way.
oh by the way I actually do own all three consoles. unlike probably most of the people in this thread.
oh that was a nice unbiased pitch, thats sarcasm by the way
No i did not drop any of the PS3 or keep them in a box, they stood at the same place as the 3rd one does now, good space around it and good ventilation. The first i replaced cause it made alot of noise, it was like putting your ear to your dishwashing machine, the 2nd broke after a few months faulty dvd/br player who scratched my gaming disc or movies. The 3rd one which i have had for over a year now works smoothly.
Dont think its just users with just xbox who have problems they also are some faulty ps3 out there but the percentage of getting a faulty console is less buying a ps3
ugh theres a million different thread of theses.
1. take in account which systems do you friends play, If your a online player u may want to get the system your friends have.
2. Are you a online player, XBL is more featurefull then psn at a cost of 50 bucks a year to keep things running smooth, constant updates, and basically has more bells and whistles. While psn is free and has most feautres XBL has, some features u may not find like ingame voice chat to a friend playing a DIFFERENT game.
3. What exclusives do you like? Would you want to play Halo, gears, fable, banjo, gta4 DLC, or would you want to play metal gear solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, socom, resistance2, infamous, etc. Also note if u like alot of the Mircrosoft exclusives, most of them release on PC, so if you wanted to save money play on pc, or if u want to play all exclusives play on pc and get a ps3.
4. Which system is more last longer? As much as i may get flamed for this, MS is having overheating problems (even in the new Elite units) its been a constant issue. While PS3 is generally known to not break down as easly there still is DRE known to occur. As for engines and graphics, Ps3 wins this hands down, the cell is powerful. Right now however there really is know difference, multiplats look same, and games published by Mircosoft and sony will polish there pretty games up to look nice (look at gears and MGS4). However i honestly beleive in a few years PS3 power will be unlocked more (just look at heavy rain i think it looks nice).
5. Are you using your console for strictly gaming or a overall system. Ps3 has Blu-ray built in wifi, internet, easy to install a new HDD(very cheap aswell), remote play, etc, etc. Bascially its a media killer. Also you can install linux on ps3 making you have a computer in the ps3 (run Word, excell, firefox, flash enabled sites etc). Blu-ray also is great if your a movie fanatic (and sony can run netflix to on there system, theres 2 ways actually). However, the 360 is known for gaming, MS is a rich company who buys out many games (meaning more exclusives), whether there good or not, or if you like them or not, itsnt up to me. Also the XBL community is filled with ppl with mics and very very very actice. Ps3 community is still very active however not everyone has mics, it might change with socom, but who knows.
Both system has pros and cons. I went with ps3 because i felt like i answered "ps3 in all these questions", alot of friends of mine have ps3, i play online (and dont like i have to pay 50 bucks a year) now with the sony ingame xmb, before i would have said 50 bucks may have beeen worth the ingame xmb. However i like the epic single player adventures aswell (unharted, mgs4), im sorry but gears didnt have a impressive story, it was short and to me half-baked, however tons loved it, dont let me tell you what to like. If been around the corner with sony and love the excluives (mgs4, killzone, god of war3) and i loved the new exclusives like LBP, infamous, resisttance. I heard problems with the rrod (it was a major issue when i bought my console) so i decided to go safe. I also was convinced blu-ray would be the new standard, so i went with that (then it just so happened it came to be). I love the fact the ps3 can turn into a computer by running linux). To me Ps3 had everything i was looking for, and the downfalls, i didnt mind so much.
Really it depends on WHAT YOU WANT. Welcome to system war your gonna get fanboys of EVERY system telling you what to buy, really its all on you, happy shopping !!!
Note: no matter what system you get wait a lil, if u get a xbox get the "new elite" it prolly wont rrod as easyly as before. And if u get ps3, unless u want the mgs bnundle with BC, then get the 160g version (500 bucks) you get a great deal on both consoles.
so, remind him that he has to pay 2000 bucks every year + upgrades
can people give me their opinions on which console is better to buy so i can make my decision.Prab93
if you can afford it, buy both. if not ps3. the 360 only has 2 good exclusives, gears and halo, everything else sucks, or is on the ps3 also.
well..both are great consoles that u will enjoy..which ever console u pick I'm sure ull be happy with it but in my opinion the better console is: ps3
1) it's more reliable and has a 0.2 failure rate while xbox 360 has a 30% failure rate
2) xbox 360 can scratch your discs
3) psn is free (I know that xbl is better..but there isnt such a big diffrence)
4) sony will support this console for 10 years
5) more powerfull hard drive = more powerfull games
6) blu ray
7) good exclusives ( resistance 2, motorstorm 2, infamous, god of war 3, gran turismo 5, mgs4, uncharted and more..)
so in my opinion u should pick the ps3..but again, both consoles are great
5) xbox 360's usualy last a little more then a year before they break..ps3's last for much longer (I'm not sure for how long..but I think that at least 4 times as much if not more)
Thoses are the games u recommend for back catalog? Really, what about MGS4, Uncharted, R&C ToD, HS, Tekken DR, RFoM, how u gonna list two of the best games in your library, then list 2 of our wackest! Oh and our future line up is lookin so much betta than yours, Gears is all u got left, while we got R2, LBP, Bioshock, MS PR, KILLZONE 2, etc... I mean come on!Either eally, I have an xbox and the only thing that makes me want a ps3 is mgs4.
Do you play online with friends - xbox
Can you afford to pay for xbox live? - if not then ps3
Cheaper games - more people have 360's = more likely to find the game you want preowned , 360
Exclusive DLC - 360 (gta4 and fallout 3)
Reliability - ps3 by miles, although I've never had a problem with my xbox, it happens
Back catalogue - 360 easy - gears, halo, mass effect - lair , haze.
Size of online community - xbox plus the majority have mics, not many do on psn
The future - Gears 2, halo wars, banjo - LBP, a side scroller
it's your preference.
PS3. Better games, free online, better graphics, better controller, Blu-ray. Need I say more?metalgear-solid
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