Buy both of them - Asylum and City. Both are rather cheap regardless of platform, besides they're frequently featured in sales.
As for the games themselves - City was IMO superior in almost every way, but it's not like it means Asylum is unplayable.
However, City featured a lot more gadgetry and thus made you think like a real Batman, plus you could grapple just about everywhere and traverse in the air instead of slow and dumb walking.
Besides, in Asylum RC batarang was completely useless and optional whereas in City this gadget was very meaningful and creative.
City made this Metroidvania structure more compelling.
Boss fights were a lot more varied and featured checkpoints throughout so they weren't frustrating.
In Asylum most of them had simply one pattern, throw a batarang, watch enemy hit the wall, then either hit or mount him. But the surrounding grunts at times made it impossible.
In addition, you couldn't always use counter-attack mid-animation in Asylum whereas in City it was rarely the case when you couldn't counter attacks when you mounted someone on the ground.
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