[QUOTE="hustler_151"][QUOTE="Deevoshun"][QUOTE="crazy-player"][QUOTE="KittyKatB"] 360.
PS3 has no games.
Uncharted, Ratchet, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, and Multiplats.
Yeah, PS3 has no games...
Let me reprhase that, PS3 has no AAAE games, NONE
Seriously quit putting Resistance on that list, it was a launch game and us 360 gamers stopped including those in our lists of games to look for when purchasing the best gaming system, a long time ago.
Also how long could you possibly (seriously now) be playing Uncharted and Heavenly Sword? I mean their like what? 5 hour games? (I know I am pushing it but I know their short). Its like watching re-runs of the The Jerry Springer show, all flash no substance. I wont comment on Ratchet, not my type of game.
Multiplats...well we all know where they play better on.
In the meantime Xbox right NOW is offering everytype of game for every kind of gamer, what in the world are you doing on that side of the fence? JUMP IN.
you still put gears on the list of games to have for 360...guess which one came out first?
First off, I said launch games, second; even you remove Gears from the Xbox list guess what Xbox still wins. Heck I'll give you this, lets erase all the games that came out for the Xbox since resistance launched...Xbox still wins.
Ok not good enough?
hmm should I move the date foward? Lets say all the way up to august 2007 so your PS3 has some room to breath...OMG guess what? Xbox still wins
You get the picture? PS3 has nothing you cannot get on the 360 and we got more. You can play on the PC? who cares Xbox still has it.
Hey when you got it flaunt it.
i was just pointing that out. i could care less i get to experience the greatness of all 3 consoles :)
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