I alaways want the best one or nothing. The high-end Xbox360+Hd Tv cost 500+1000= $1500
The High-End PC costs
Intel Core2 Q6850=$999
Useless you will not notice a huge difference with a Core 2 duo lower then this the majority of the time.. Basically you just wasted $600 at least.
Geforce8800 SLI=$1350
SLI = Useless the majority of the time. A single Ultra, GTX, or GTS will play the upcoming games at max settings.
Nforce 680imobo=$200
Another useless trinket, price does not equate to the best motherboard.. I can find just as good motherboards for $130..
1 TB hd= $400
Another useless item, there is no way in hell you will need this much if your going to play it for video games.
Memory 4gb= $200
You can get memory cheaper then that for around $80 for 2gb of ram.. And 4gbs are not needed for Xp (XP doesn't even register them) and Vista has yet to prove its worth..
1000 watt psu=$300
Yeah that is so worth it, a PSU that can power a stove and refrigerator.. There is no way in hell ANY one needs a PSU of this size or magnitude, you can get a top one for $130 that will support everything that you have listed.
22 inch monitor=$300
You can get a montior of that size for cheaper then that.
Accesories= Minimum $500 (casing,cooling,cables,sound system keyboard mouse,etc)
I do not see how you can get around this.. Sound cards you can get a great one for $100 tops.. Mouse $50, Keyboard $50.. case you can get one for $60 to $80.. Cables? Everything should have came with cables.. Stock cooling for the system should be just fine because there is NO WAY you need to overclock at this time.. Speakers? You can get great ones for $100... And the best of the best will always be headphones.
Total=$3000 or if u dont want to build, u can buy an alienware Aurora starting at $4999. U can buy a car with that
Best of the best is a real dumb approach when building computers.. Because in the end you are looking for the biggest bang for the buck and your system you projected is far from that.
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