I'm not just gonna sit here and take it.
That's a horrible mindset. "We can't do anything about it so let's just fork over all the money they want."
You shouldn't just excuse them because they're still abiding by the law. They're exploiting the system, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
There really isn't much we can do about it. The most we can do is refuse to buy their bullcrap DLC and online passes. (Unfortunately most people are suckered in to buying that stuff.)
Look at buisnesses like Halliburton,Bank of America and even Coca Cola...and you think EA is bad, the whole EA is the worst company in America was pretty much engineered by pissy gamers not getting what they wanted beccause of the online pass and their what i could consider tight assed spending habits of not buying new which is partially why these things have came into play.Companies gotta recoup a bit of cash on a game somehow considering budgets are has astronomical as they are.
Sorry but this forum just come off as pissy gamers, with no real world ideology or sense bout how capitalism works.Companies exist to make profit nothing else, Apple are equally ruthless they wouldnt be where they are today if they didnt take the decisions they did.
The law essentially exists to be exploited aswell, the majority of the western world IS and always will be a capitalist society its what drives our economy in a fair portion.
Face up things like online passes WILL become the norm next gen, much like the CD-Key and DRM did on the PC, the only ones who beech and whine are the ones who seem to live in a time bubble and refuse to adapt.
The moral of the story is adapt or die, all publishers are just as bad as EA and theres companies far far worse when it comes to buisness practices and i mean WAY worse.
So you're just gonna lie down and take it.
Have fun spending more money than you should.
No i pick and choose what i buy i dont rush out and buy games or DLC and i always inform myself bout if a game is worth buying then i'll buy it, companies are only there to make profit so get over it.
Being Savvy is a whole diffrent thing from lying down, gamers are honestly the whiniest consumers overall in so many ways.
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