Well if you are aware that everyone has an opinion you shouldn't be bothered by mine at all, especially enough to accuse me of trolling(which I don't do lol) or make posts about it.
See the difference in passing opinion as opinion and not fact comes down to using one of these: IMO or I think or I feel or I believe, (etc) X game is bad becase Y,Z, or whatever
However when you just say: X game is bad because of Y, Z, or whatever, since we can't actually hear you, it comes off as you passing it as fact. And that is what I was objecting to, since in your first posts (to me) it sounded like you were just claiming it as universal fact and not your opinion.
But it's coming from me, so it's my opinion.
It doesn't matter if you state your opinion as fact, it's still an opinion even if you say "this is fact."
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