Ok, so which special combonation of systems would you prefer? Here they are. Just pretend that you have NO systems now, but all these combos, you get ONE for free.
You get one Xbox 360 elite with a 120GB hard drive and an 80GB Zune. You also get all the imaginable accessories such as an HD DVD player, Xbox live gold, a protective case and car charger for the Zune, 4 wireless controller, a media controller, an Xbox live camera, 2 128 MB memory sticks, a wireless router thingy, ETC...
You get a WII, a DS lite, and all the imaginable accessories such as the nunchucks, 4 Wiimotes, an 8GB memory stick for the WII, a wireless thingy, all the other accessories that I don't know about because I have neither system ETC.
You get a 120GB PS3, and a PSP with an 8GB memory stick, and a ll the accessories such as 4 PS3 controllers, a case for the PSP, wireless router, a hiher capacity battery for the PSP so it lasts longer, a car charger, ETC.
You get a high end PS laptop thats more powerfull than any other PC out there and its really durable and has a good screen, plus a high end PDA cell phone that can play videos and MP3's, plus all the accessories like an 8GB flash drive, an extra desktop monitor and keyboard so its easier to play games at home, high speed internet, a wireless router, ETC.
You get all the systems mentioned before, but...
The Xbox 360 is not Elite, only a regular one, it has no hard drive, only a 64MB memory stick, so you can still play game and DVD's and CD's, but nthing stored on it except for game saves, an ethernet cable instead of the wireless thing, Xbox live SILVER, and ONE WIRED controller. So nothing besides play games and DVD's and music, no XBL games, no EXPANSIONS, no DEMO's. You can still stream music, videos, movies, and pictures through Zune and other portable devices.
A 30GB Zune instead of 80GB, no biggie unless you plan on putting THAT many movies and albums on it.
A WII with a 32B memory stick, you can save games but no retro games from VC, and only one Wiimote. You can still play all the great WII games on it.
A DS fat instead of the newer DS lite, it might not even fit in your pocket.
A 20GB PS3 with only one controller, you can still play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games on it and Blueray movies and put stuff on the hard drive, but maybe you could put to much stuff on and run out of space.
A PSP with only a 32MB memory stick, only games and UMD movies, no multimedia, although you can put one or two videos and a few songs and quite a few pics, though I geuss you have your Zune for that.
A low end desktop PC with slow internet, you can still play older games on it but no newer games and since its not a laptop you can't bring it places.
And a low end cell phone.
So which combo do YOU choose? I choose the Lemming setup, an Xbox 360 elite with a 120GB HD and an 80GB Zune.
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