I'm not really much of a PC gamer, but PC.
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PC by far. Halo has lost everything that made it good(and that was never the multiplayer), Gears had potential to be good but the clunky gameplay and **** map design completely ruin it. Killzone and Resistance can be fun, but they both suffer a lack of players and map design problems, Uncharted controls don't work well online, MAG and SOCOM have a ton of gameplay issues, and MGO is just hilariously bad. Goldeneye isn't terrible, but it has a lot of issues, both Conduits have horrible infrastructures, and Super Smash Bros. is an abomination and the greatest insult to the fighting genre. Consoles just lack the necessary infraustructure and games to beat PC.
I really wouldn't call WoW competitive, but whatever. I vote 360 cause of Halo.enterawesomeArena WoW is pretty competitive.
[QUOTE="GhoX"][QUOTE="mariokart64fan"]Seriously? I don't think you remotely understand what competitive MP means. SSBB is competitive. In fact it is the game I have my most hours on this gen playing against with my friends. But since this is about best competitive online experience, SSBB is automatically ruled out. It's only competitive if you arbitrarily restrict the use of just about everything. The game was never designed to be competitive and it shows.wii has more multiplayer split screen games to choose from so that gets my pick
dont bring up oh but 360 and ps3 have online , that online can some times be un competitive due to some one cheating
and i dont like that one bit
i know alot because they do this all the time in gta iv
And here I thought you were going to say Quake III or StarCraft. :( Those work too, or UT2004 ;) Mmmm..... UT2K4. So good. ;)[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Merex760"]There's a game that is timeless on PC, something that will be more competitive than anything consoles release - and that's Counterstrike.Merex760
Anyone down for those new Tribes Games coming out this year!8)
Anyone down for those new Tribes Games coming out this year!8)
Hell yeah. Looks sick. Now, if we could only get another Planetside...
Crysis is not a competitive game. Counter Strike is an e-sport. Not to mention things before CS like Quake.
ADD: Herehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_sports
Among all the games listed up there, Xbox has Halo and PS2 has fighter games. The first Halo torunament was hosted in July 2010, the first PS2 tournaments were hosted earlier, and the first PC torunaments were hosted way back in the 90's. PC e-sport tournaments are still prevalent even today.
Wtf are you talking about you know nothing of mp obv the first mlg official halo tournament was 2 months after halo 2 came out nearly 6 years ago even before then halo ce was having couch lans. Halo was and always be the consoles goto mp experience as stated by its thriving history no other console title has had any amount of official tournament status like halo has.regardless of ones opinion its an mlg proing fact that nole shooter is as well made,well thought out,well planned,most balanced shooter available on console always has been , always will be.[QUOTE="NoodleFighter"]
Anyone down for those new Tribes Games coming out this year!8)
Hell yeah. Looks sick. Now, if we could only get another Planetside...
I hear that Planetside Next will be out later this year since they saySony online entertainment is near completion with EverQuest Next. Anyway we got FireFall and Tribes Universe to look forward to for extremely massive multiplayer :P
Anyone down for those new Tribes Games coming out this year!8)
Hell yeah. Looks sick. Now, if we could only get another Planetside...
I hear that Planetside Next will be out later this year since they saySony online entertainment is near completion with EverQuest Next. Anyway we got FireFall and Tribes Universe to look forward to for extremely massive multiplayer :P
I need to see more on Firefall, but it looks cool.
Starcraft 2 alone makes any argument against PC a battle loss before even beginning and anyone who thinks this is wrong has no idea of what Starcraft 2 is.
If you put in the comparison WoW and MOBAs it shows how much people here doesn't know anything about PC games nor about competitive gaming.
Starcraft 2 has an entire nation playing it with 2 TV stations dedicated to it. Is it even a contest?
When it comes to exclusive multiplayer action the PS3 has a lot more choice though.[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="pc-ps360"]
pc first ofcourse no question asked, then 360 then ps3 then lastly wii.
those that said ps3 before 360 probably dont hav the system or are biased.
yes i agree, btw im not bashing the ps3 but the 360 has a much larger community for competitive multiplayer game. like halo3, reach, gear, gear 2, codmw, codmw2 etc. u will around 100 000 people playing these game daily at almost anygiven time on the 360.
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in class MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
- Starcraft 2
- Crysis
- League Of Legends
- MOH Heroes
- Quake Live
Thanks for mentioning League of Legends, that trully is a incredibly competitive game, one of the most popular games currently and i've even seen plenty of proffesional matches for prizes and money.
Its a shame though that you didn't mention Counter Strike. I don't think that game is bound to any generation, its user made content released these past 5 years is fantastic.
- Halo
- Forza
- Gears
- Ace Combat 6
- Dead or Alive 4
That's better.
- Wipeout
So do downloadable games count?
So do downloadable games count?
Relatively, i think.. there's at least a dozen popular competitive f2p downloadable PC games, there's no point in listing them all, only the ones that are more popular because then people are going to complain 'oh, i've never heard of that game'.
Thanks for mentioning League of Legends, that trully is a incredibly competitive game, one of the most popular games currently and i've even seen plenty of proffesional matches for prizes and money.
Its a shame though that you didn't mention Counter Strike. I don't think that game is bound to any generation, its user made content released these past 5 years is fantastic.
Thread title says this gen, although I agree with what you say.
Theyre not, TheMoreyouown tends to like to exagurated his opinion over reality.[QUOTE="Birdy09"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"] Well I stick to the single player and summon help once in a blue moon if I'm really stuck. Wasn't aware the one on one battles were taken seriously.TheMoreYouOwn
400 hours of Demon's Souls MP says otherwise. You should probably play the game first before making such assumptions, and drop the jelly. ;)
Its in my Raptr.... or to make it easier again for you Meurig_Birdy PSN. Nobody treats demon souls competitivly, just because you grinded for 400 hours (good god... what did you do in such a small game for so long.... keep on Game+ing?) you could get all the achievements in about 50-60 hours I would say easily.PC by a longshot. Really, reading some of the comments here really shows how ignorant systemwars can be.
Even comparing the competetive Halo or Gears scene (while good games) to scenes like Counter-Strike, Quake 3 or StarCraft 2, not to mention the huge ammount of relatively unknown games that are extremly competetive aswell, is quite frankly, ridiculous.
Educate yourselves before you post nonsense.
Someone's opinion=nonsense on a FORUM.PC by a longshot. Really, reading some of the comments here really shows how ignorant systemwars can be.
Even comparing the competetive Halo or Gears scene (while good games) to scenes like Counter-Strike, Quake 3 or StarCraft 2, not to mention the huge ammount of relatively unknown games that are extremly competetive aswell, is quite frankly, ridiculous.
Educate yourselves before you post nonsense.
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"] When it comes to exclusive multiplayer action the PS3 has a lot more choice though.Pug-Nasty
yes i agree, btw im not bashing the ps3 but the 360 has a much larger community for competitive multiplayer game. like halo3, reach, gear, gear 2, codmw, codmw2 etc. u will around 100 000 people playing these game daily at almost anygiven time on the 360.
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in class MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
Best in class?, are you joking? :?
That's your opinion because you like HALO. Yes, you have confessed it many times before. But factually, it's Starcraft 2 and I don't even like it.The one with Halo, by far.
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"] When it comes to exclusive multiplayer action the PS3 has a lot more choice though.Pug-Nasty
yes i agree, btw im not bashing the ps3 but the 360 has a much larger community for competitive multiplayer game. like halo3, reach, gear, gear 2, codmw, codmw2 etc. u will around 100 000 people playing these game daily at almost anygiven time on the 360.
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in class MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
LOL Not really, despite all of this variety the PS3 has, most gamers are still glued to Call of Duty. Fact is, more people play Reach online (a 360 exclusive) than people play Resistance, Mag and KZ combined. Variety is good when the games are good, unfortunately Resistance is boring, MAG isn't fun and Killzone just loses its appeal after a couple of games.
Gears is far better than Uncharted in multiplayer, PGR and Forza offer great online that nothing on PS3 can compete with. So really, the 360 is the place to be if you're into online on consoles. Everyone knows this, whether their fanboyish ways allow them to admit it or not.
yes i agree, btw im not bashing the ps3 but the 360 has a much larger community for competitive multiplayer game. like halo3, reach, gear, gear 2, codmw, codmw2 etc. u will around 100 000 people playing these game daily at almost anygiven time on the 360.
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in class MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
Best in class?, are you joking? :?
No, and why should I be? Warhawk alone trumps any competitve MP game on any other systemt this gen for me. U2 is in a class of its own, since there's just nothing else like it. Resistance is bigger, better, and more stable than Halo, all while providing better weapons and gunplay.
MAG is in a class all its own, as is KZ, since there isn't really a comparable game.
It's unfortunate that so many people are swayed by commercials, so they don't go out and try what is out there for themselves, but that's the world we live in I suppose.
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in class MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
Best in class?, are you joking? :?
No, and why should I be? Warhawk alone trumps any competitve MP game on any other systemt this gen for me. U2 is in a class of its own, since there's just nothing else like it. Resistance is bigger, better, and more stable than Halo, all while providing better weapons and gunplay.
MAG is in a class all its own, as is KZ, since there isn't really a comparable game.
It's unfortunate that so many people are swayed by commercials, so they don't go out and try what is out there for themselves, but that's the world we live in I suppose.
Oh i've played the games you're talking about, but from my perspective and experience with those games, i experienced nothing of what you claim these games to be.
The one that has me in stitches laughing though is the "Resistance is bigger, better, and more stable than halo, all while providing better weapons and gunplay", thats the best comedy i've seen in years. Considering its easily the worst FPS i've played this gen (in fairness i dont play alot of them).
U2 a class of its own, gimme a break, the SP is fantastic but the MP is nothing to brag about, but i suppose on the PS3 its kinda special.
Warhawk i'll give you, it is a pretty damn good game and unique.
MAG and KZ2 i havnt played so i wont comment on them.
I thought you were a lemming.[QUOTE="Ravenchrome"]
The poll pretty much nails it.
I am.
BUT why PC?[QUOTE="Snugenz"]
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in ****MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
Best in ****, are you joking? :?
No, and why should I be? Warhawk alone trumps any competitve MP game on any other systemt this gen for me. U2 is in a ****of its own, since there's just nothing else like it. Resistance is bigger, better, and more stable than Halo, all while providing better weapons and gunplay.
MAG is in a ****all its own, as is KZ, since there isn't really a comparable game.
It's unfortunate that so many people are swayed by commercials, so they don't go out and try what is out there for themselves, but that's the world we live in I suppose.
Agreed. PS3 just has much more and more qualified tourney compatible games. You mentioned all the major contenders (Resistance, KZ. MAG, Warhawk (soon Starhawk), Uncharted 2 (soon 3), and of course GT5 which is easily capable for massive scale tourneys as done with various launch toiurneys for it. Maybe Motorstorm too.[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
[QUOTE="Ravenchrome"] I thought you were a lemming.
I am.
BUT why PC? I think he realizes PC is the clear winner. It's just been out a lot longer. It would really be sad if PS3 beat PC with PC having superior developing tools and such. The only thing I don't agree with the poll is how 360 is above PC.[QUOTE="Snugenz"]
I don't know how many people are playing the individual games. Since I can get on them and play it doesn't really matter. If there are more people playing on each title on 360 it's simply due to there being less to choose from, which is not a check in the pros column in my opinion, as it just means less people are playing the game they really would like to be playing.
On the ps3, there are a lot of options of best in class MP games to choose from. You've got Warhawk for TPS, U2 for TPS/platformer, Resistance/MAG/KZ for FPS, GT5/Wipeout/Motorstorm for Racers.
That's not even all of them, yet demonstrates what the 360 lacks... variety. The differences between each game, even within the same genre, are astounding.
Best in class?, are you joking? :?
No, and why should I be? Warhawk alone trumps any competitve MP game on any other systemt this gen for me. U2 is in a class of its own, since there's just nothing else like it. Resistance is bigger, better, and more stable than Halo, all while providing better weapons and gunplay.
MAG is in a class all its own, as is KZ, since there isn't really a comparable game.
It's unfortunate that so many people are swayed by commercials, so they don't go out and try what is out there for themselves, but that's the world we live in I suppose.
LOL No, Warhawks community died a long time ago for a reason. Nothing on the PS3 matches Reach, or even Halo 3 for that matter.
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