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I've owned both in the past, now I only own a Wii, but I'm thinking of snapping up another 360 or PS3 so I can play their exclusive titles. But not sure which one I should go for. I was thinking of choosing the one that will have the longest lifespan. So, which do you think will live longer? Freeze-dried
360 has more exclusives and new IPs than ever next year, so is going full force for 2012 and probably 2013, then a new system will appear in 2014
[QUOTE="Freeze-dried"]I've owned both in the past, now I only own a Wii, but I'm thinking of snapping up another 360 or PS3 so I can play their exclusive titles. But not sure which one I should go for. I was thinking of choosing the one that will have the longest lifespan. So, which do you think will live longer? loosingENDS
360 has more exclusives and new IPs than ever next year, so is going full force for 2012 and probably 2013, then a new system will appear in 2014
Well,it has to catch up for this year!An interesting question. I think you might want to go with a PS3, though I think both systems will have a few years left in them. MS doesn't want to abandon the 360 just yet since the Kinect is doing well for them and as mentioned earlier M$'s seems to have a lot of support lined up for the system next year. Still there are loads of rumors surrounding a new system being revealed at E3 and given M$'s track record, they might just drop the old system.
Sony has a lot invested into the PS3 and also has shown in past gens that a new system coming out doesn't kill the old one immediately. Considering their past behavior I'm guessing the PS3 will have some legs months, if not years, after the PS4 lands.
I doubt you'll be disappointed with either system, though. Both companies are kind of reluctant to start the next gen, especially since they are finally making some headway against Ninty.
I think a more interesting question is - how are Sony and Microsoft going to respond to the launch of the Wii U? They may be reluctant to start the next gen, but they'll at least have to respond to it when Nintendo start theirs.Freeze-dried
I am sure MS will reveal a super hardware ub E3 2013, just a few months after WiiU release in US and maybe before its release in Europe
And will release in holiday 2013, with the best hardware possible
Considering Sony's plans to have the PS3 live 10 years (like the PS2), and it coming out a year later then I'd say the PS3 might last longer.
This one is pretty obvious, MS is notorious for abondoning ship when they have new software/hardware coming out.
No contest Playstation 3 will "live" longer. Microsoft will drop support for Xbox 360/Xbox 360 S. when the third Xbox hits retail. Since kinnect is an add-on MS can just have a kinect contection port on Xbox 720.
Playstation 3 however will still be sold alongside Playstation 4. Sony has "promised" a 10 year lifespan for it's playstations.
The original Playstation/PSone Dec 4th 1994 - March 23 2006. ThenPlaystation 2 October 20th 2000 - Novemeber 2011(still on going) if just barely NHL 2012 & NBA 2012 are the onlynew PS2 game releases in Oct 2011 and Nov 2011.
So Playstation 3 March 11 2006 - November 2011/still on going. Sony's Playstation 3 will still be on sale in 2016 of even 2017/2018. Given the history of the first 2 playstations.
Playstation 3 will easily out last/out liveXbox 360.
[QUOTE="Freeze-dried"]I've owned both in the past, now I only own a Wii, but I'm thinking of snapping up another 360 or PS3 so I can play their exclusive titles. But not sure which one I should go for. I was thinking of choosing the one that will have the longest lifespan. So, which do you think will live longer? loosingENDS
360 has more exclusives and new IPs than ever next year, so is going full force for 2012 and probably 2013, then a new system will appear in 2014
Really? I'm not questioning you in any way since I haven't been up to par, but seeing your sig bellow kind of has me curious. I thought the console was pretty much dead in the exclusive category as of now?--bar for the ones who are looking forward to the remastered halo.
[QUOTE="Freeze-dried"]I've owned both in the past, now I only own a Wii, but I'm thinking of snapping up another 360 or PS3 so I can play their exclusive titles. But not sure which one I should go for. I was thinking of choosing the one that will have the longest lifespan. So, which do you think will live longer? StealthSting
360 has more exclusives and new IPs than ever next year, so is going full force for 2012 and probably 2013, then a new system will appear in 2014
Really? I'm not questioning you in any way since I haven't been up to par, but seeing your sig bellow kind of has me curious. I thought the console was pretty much dead in the exclusive category as of now?--bar for the ones who are looking forward to the remastered halo.
They have 18 exclusives and 5 PC/360 only games already for 2012
I would not call that dead, they have more exclusives and new IPs coming in 2012 than any other year in 360 life
And among those are a new Fable, Halo, Alan Wake, Panzer Dragoon, Ryse etc
360 has more exclusives and new IPs than ever next year, so is going full force for 2012 and probably 2013, then a new system will appear in 2014
Really? I'm not questioning you in any way since I haven't been up to par, but seeing your sig bellow kind of has me curious. I thought the console was pretty much dead in the exclusive category as of now?--bar for the ones who are looking forward to the remastered halo.
They have 18 exclusives and 5 PC/360 only games already for 2012
I would not call that dead, they have more exclusives and new IPs coming in 2012 than any other year in 360 life
And among those are a new Fable, Halo, Alan Wake, Panzer Dragoon, Ryse etc
all them games will be kinect compatiable so stop acting like a fanboy.IT depends do you mean which console will be on sale longer, or which console will stll be played longer?
Both consoles will probably be owned by gamers for a long time, but I can promise that Sony will milk every last drop of sales from the PS3 before abandoning it. So the PS3 will be available for sale in store way after MS has moved on to the Nextbox.
Thankfully Sony wasn't involved with the beginning of video gaming or we would probably still have Sony 2600s on sale in the store.
Really? I'm not questioning you in any way since I haven't been up to par, but seeing your sig bellow kind of has me curious. I thought the console was pretty much dead in the exclusive category as of now?--bar for the ones who are looking forward to the remastered halo.
They have 18 exclusives and 5 PC/360 only games already for 2012
I would not call that dead, they have more exclusives and new IPs coming in 2012 than any other year in 360 life
And among those are a new Fable, Halo, Alan Wake, Panzer Dragoon, Ryse etc
all them games will be kinect compatiable so stop acting like a fanboy.Kinect games aren't exclusive? Sounds a tad bit fanboyinsh to me.
Hardware wise (other than disc format) i would say 360 is more future proof. More usable ram and a more balanced CPU/GPU combo. PS3, on the other hand, has a bluray drive and far better first parties who will support it for longer.
At the end, i would say both equally. MS and Sony will probably launch their next consoles in the same year.
I would say its about equal with a slight edge to the ps3 since Sony is willing to milk their systems for all they are worth.
all them games will be kinect compatiable so stop acting like a fanboy.[QUOTE="free_milk"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
They have 18 exclusives and 5 PC/360 only games already for 2012
I would not call that dead, they have more exclusives and new IPs coming in 2012 than any other year in 360 life
And among those are a new Fable, Halo, Alan Wake, Panzer Dragoon, Ryse etc
Kinect games aren't exclusive? Sounds a tad bit fanboyinsh to me.
Exactly, these are 18 exclusive games, no matter if they use pad, kinect or a hybrid control with both
The plug should be pulled on both since their pulse is fading, long in the tooth and powerful more awesome consoles are on the way !! :D
Slow console deaths are brutal for the VG fans. :twisted: :P
there are so many reports out about the new microsoft console that you would have to think they are accelerating their plans to their new console out ASAP. With Sony we are getting very little info. It's likely in development but if it were as far along as the next xbox we would have heard about it by now. In fact all their press releases point to the fact that they are comfortable with a late release, which has certain advantagesGunSmith1_basic
Fake news, rumors and reports mean nothing much
I can give a link saying Sony is already heavy at work on PS4 actually and from Sony themselves no less
Asked to explain increased research and development costs, a Sony senior executive told investors that work PlayStation 3 successor is "already under way."
Seems Sony will release a PS4 before xbox 720, MS has not even hinted on a new system, also said Kinect is like a new system to them, meaning at least 3 years lifetime (2 years remaining)
The plug should be pulled on both since their pulse is fading, long in the tooth and powerful more awesome consoles are on the way !! :D
Slow console deaths are brutal for the VG fans. :twisted: :P
360 seems to be selling better than ever
It also gets some of its biggest sequels and games in 2012, a new Alan Wake, Witcher, Halo, Fable, Panzer Dragoon etc
And Crytek next epic, Ryse
The Playstation brand works a lot more different than the Xbox brand. In japan the PS2 is still one of the best consoles and is STILL getting games that look better than the Wii. Hear in the US/NA the PS2 doesn't get these games but there still releasing PS2 consoles, while the Xbox was unplugged 6 years ago.The plug should be pulled on both since their pulse is fading, long in the tooth and powerful more awesome consoles are on the way !! :D
Slow console deaths are brutal for the VG fans. :twisted: :P
PS3 has more exclusives and has all the good 3rd party titles, Also MS is announcing their Next xbox already so it's quite possible the 360 will stop having exclusives pretty soon. I would go with a PS3 for sure this late in the game. Is my honest answer. But it's your choice OP
By the way Thread Opener I wouldn't listen to "loosingends" he seems to be a troll and a ps3 hater... his lack of honesty can be spotted by even the most ignorant of people. Even goes by saying "the witcher 2" as if it was an xbox360 exclusive. It's a fully performed Pc game and it will not be as good when it releases to console of that i'm pretty sure.
PS3 has more exclusives and has all the good 3rd party titles, Also MS is announcing their Next xbox already so it's quite possible the 360 will stop having exclusives pretty soon. I would go with a PS3 for sure this late in the game. Is my honest answer. But it's your choice OP
By the way Thread Opener I wouldn't listen to "loosingends" he seems to be a troll and a ps3 hater... his lack of honesty can be spotted by even the most ignorant of people. Even goes by saying "the witcher 2" as if it was an xbox360 exclusive. It's a fully performed Pc game and it will not be as good when it releases to console of that i'm pretty sure.
But 360 has more exclusives than ever for 2012, 18 exclusives confirmed already
and many PC/360 only titles like Witcher 2 too
They seem to be getting more exclusives than ever, than stopping
Exclusives (18) in 2012
Ryse (exclusive)
Fable Journey (exclusive)
Project Draco (exclusive)
Alan Wake Night Springs (exclusive)
Halo 4 (exclusive)
Dust Elysian Tale (exclusive)
Haunt (exclusive)
Star Wars (exclusive)
Steel Batallion (exclusive)
Battleblock Theater (exclusive)
Bloogforge (exclusive)
Clas4 Zombi MMO (exclusive)
Diabolical Pitch (exclusive)
Hybrid (exclusive)
Obsidian RPG (exclusive)
Skyrim DLC (timed exclusive)
Trials Evolution (exclusive)
Fusion Genesis (exclusive)
PC/360 only games (not on other consoles)
Witcher 2 (PC/360 only)
FEZ (PC/360 only)
Minecraft (PC/360 only)
Owlboy (PC/360 only)
Capsized (PC/360 only)
PS3/360 only games (not on PC)
FF13-2 (PS3/360 only)
Dragon Dogma (PS3/360 only)
Asura's Wrath (PS3/360 only)
Overstrike (PS3/360 only)
Skyrim timed exclusive DLC expansions
Exclusive Kinect support for Mass Effect 3
The PS3 will live longer because Microsoft is moving on to its new console. Sony probably can't afford to move on right now.
PS3, historically, Sony prolongs support of their older systems for as long as demand still lingers.
Unless you enjoy paying extra unnecessary XBL Gold fees, get a 360.
But it really boils down to the type of games you enjoy, really.
The 360 has already had a longer life than the original xbox. Trying to base what will happen to the 360's life span on the original xbox is a joke.I personally think Sony will support the PS3 longer, as they did with the PS2. Microsoft ditched the Xbox once the 360 came out.
Seeing as how rumor says Xbox is releasing a new console next christmas and sony says their is 2013 I'd say Sony only because MS will be focused on the new xbox if the rumors are to be beleived.wolfbm
But this rumor is 100% fake, now that Halo 4 is confirmed for 360
current evidence would support buying a ps3, MS seem to be winding down core exclusive support for the 360 whereas SONY appear to be ramping up there core exclusive support for the Ps3, most exclusives for the 360 next year are kinect, which is great if you are into that sort of thing, i personally am not.delta3074
Actually they have 18 core exclusives in 2012, more than any other year so far
That is not winding down, that is increase tenfold comparing to 2010-2011
also 5 PC/360 only games
An interesting question. I think you might want to go with a PS3, though I think both systems will have a few years left in them. MS doesn't want to abandon the 360 just yet since the Kinect is doing well for them and as mentioned earlier M$'s seems to have a lot of support lined up for the system next year. Still there are loads of rumors surrounding a new system being revealed at E3 and given M$'s track record, they might just drop the old system.
Sony has a lot invested into the PS3 and also has shown in past gens that a new system coming out doesn't kill the old one immediately. Considering their past behavior I'm guessing the PS3 will have some legs months, if not years, after the PS4 lands.
I doubt you'll be disappointed with either system, though. Both companies are kind of reluctant to start the next gen, especially since they are finally making some headway against Ninty.
Completely different situation.
Ps3 will last longer though, they need more time to make up their loses.
[QUOTE="delta3074"]current evidence would support buying a ps3, MS seem to be winding down core exclusive support for the 360 whereas SONY appear to be ramping up there core exclusive support for the Ps3, most exclusives for the 360 next year are kinect, which is great if you are into that sort of thing, i personally am not.loosingENDS
Actually they have 18 core exclusives in 2012, more than any other year so far
That is not winding down, that is increase tenfold comparing to 2010-2011
also 5 PC/360 only games
kinect games are not what i, or for that matter most people would call 'core' games dude.Please Log In to post.
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