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FF12 was bad. The story was acctually one of the best parts of the game, though any part of the story that involved characters in your party was useless and dull. I would have rather it have been a movie about the judges and the politics there than anything involving the playable characters. Also, the combat was a wreck. It was as if they looked at Kotor, decided to copy it, but totally missed the point and sucked at it. All the characters were bland as well.jeffwulf
Man I really don't see how anyone who put a reasonable amount of time into the game could say that the combat was bad. Sure the license board thing is nonseniscal, but as a game, setting up your gambits and being able to switch on the fly to manage your party was fun and challenging, especially with the ATB on.
[QUOTE="RogueGoose"]Do you understand that its not, By Definition(OMG Look an Interupter Phrase), a Spin-off? It has nothing to do with the Story of Any other Final Fantasy Game... The only thing it shares is the Name "Final Fantasy", and that does not make it a spin off...
Next time, Before you Insult me, LEARN WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!!!
...Are you finished?
Oh wow A Picture your Cool...
Anyway I just wanted to point out Final Fantasy Tactics was in no way a Spin-Off... So are you done?
WARNING: OPINION I absolutely LOVED FFXii, thought it was a lot better than FFX, the combat system, the mature story, the art direction. I thought it was incredible.DaysAirlinesI agree with you the onlt y thing I didn't like was it had such little character interaction compared to other FF's and I hated Vann and Penelo so much
WARNING: OPINION I absolutely LOVED FFXii, thought it was a lot better than FFX, the combat system, the mature story, the art direction. I thought it was incredible.DaysAirlinesagreed
:lol: I love people that complain about 12's story! It's finally one of the most mature stories told in the series and people dog on it. I for one loved 12 and it was my favorite in the series, but that's because I don't like turn based.OllivanderYes, the story as a whole was great, but getting through the story was rather boring because the characters barely interacted with each other and non-interesting characters that barely contributed to the plot and did not have much personality like Vaan were really unnecessary. Other than that, I really liked the game! ^_^ It improved the series when it came to gameplay (except for the license board, it would have worked well with skills and magic but why do you need a license to wear a hat?), graphics, and such.
I would have to agree, if you watch the Gametrailers review it pretty much sums up my feelings.I give it a 8.5. It was great but it lacked so much elements.
I personally disliked it.
To me the game was more like a JRPG trying to be a WRPG.
But it failed to do both.
JRPG's in general have far deeper combat systems then WRPG's, but the game used a KOTOR like battle system. I don't know about anyone else, but I found the battle system to be very shallow.
To me this is what every boss battle was like: Have all your party attack but one and have that one person heal and provide support to your party. If that doesn't work then simply level up and try again. There were really no tactics or startegy's to beat any enemy, it was really a routine.
In terms of travel yes it was fun for a while but I got bored by taking so long to travel from one area to the next, and the constant grindfests just made it unattractive.
But the thing that kinda made me angry is that while the JRPG sub-genre was in despair, instead of reviatlizing the genre (as Super Mario Galaxy has to the platforming genre) they just simply tried to make it a WRPG.
Though I'm not really fond of the Final Fantasy Series in the first place.
Oh wow A Picture your Cool...
Anyway I just wanted to point out Final Fantasy Tactics was in no way a Spin-Off... So are you done?
Final Fantasy Tactics is obviously a spin-off since it isn't a next interation to the series but a different type of game using the name and IP.
Leveling up wasn't even all that necessary in that game. It was all about the license board. Also, your last statement pretty much ruined your whole argument. Since you aren't fond of Final Fantasy in the first place, why would you like Final Fantasy XII? So obviously, that makes your post biased.I personally disliked it.
To me the game was more like a JRPG trying to be a WRPG.
But it failed to do both.
JRPG's in general have far deeper combat systems then WRPG's, but the game used a KOTOR like battle system. I don't know about anyone else, but I found the battle system to be very shallow.
To me this is what every boss battle was like: Have all your party attack but one and have that one person heal and provide support to your party. If that doesn't work then simply level up and try again. There were really no tactics or startegy's to beat any enemy, it was really a routine.
In terms of travel yes it was fun for a while but I got bored by taking so long to travel from one area to the next, and the constant grindfests just made it unattractive.
But the thing that kinda made me angry is that while the JRPG sub-genre was in despair, instead of reviatlizing the genre (as Super Mario Galaxy has to the platforming genre) they just simply tried to make it a WRPG.
Though I'm not really fond of the Final Fantasy Series in the first place.
Leveling up wasn't even all that necessary in that game. It was all about the license board.Platyphyllum
And what did you have to do to get more points in the licensing board?
Also, your last statement pretty much ruined your whole argument. Since you aren't fond of Final Fantasy in the first place, why would you like Final Fantasy XII? So obviously, that makes your post biased.Platyphyllum
What? Final Fantasy XII was a so call refreshing departure to the series, so maybe that's why I was intersted in it. A series that I found true and tired changing things up I found pretty intersting and eye catching. So because of that I am biased? :?
Probably my least favorite FF in a while. The reason being is because the characters were horribly developed (I felt no connection with them) and the story was pretty bad....I got to the part where [spoiler] Balthier reveals his father is Cid and he was a judge [/spoiler] and I haven't played it since.
I'm not really very fond of SE trying to bring over that whole MMO feel. I mean the combat is ok, but the fact that they try and create their own "Final Fantasy universe" with the same "species" from FFXI and what not is not to my liking.
Great and interesting, in-depth battle system
Marvelous graphics and sound
Good change of pace story
Games story is good overall but the characters easily could have been more interesting if more of their past was revealed.
Waaaaay to long for it's on good, game becomes a bit of a chore around the fifty hour mark
Lame riddles and puzzles you have to figure out
To much level grinding
Overall I liked the game i'd give it a 8.5 but it has many flaws.
First note: I'm playing through FF XII right now.
Characters: I think the main character is awful (did you know SE wanted to make him even MORE effeminate, but the voice actor 'screwed it up'?), as are some of the other characters but Balthier, Basch and Ashe are some of the best characters ever in a Final Fantasy game. The scriptwriting was the best I've ever seen in an FF. The characters in FFX, on the other hand (which I just beat) were two dimensional, had brutal dialogue and awful voice acting.
Story: The story in FFX is theoretically more interesting, but was really hampered by poor dialogue. The story in FF XII is more 'realistic', is that word can really be applied here, but still suffers from the typical FF pacing problems. 'Watch a story cutscene, go do a sidequest for three hours, come back ot the story and have completely forgotten what's going on'. Frankly, the stories in FF games are generally pretty nonsensical, a standard for JRPG games.
Battles: The battles in FF X were occasionally interesting and usually boring. You would do the exact same thing 400 times, making grinding painful FF XII's battle system DOES largely play itself, which is occasionally good and occasionally bad. In boring, easy battles, not having to go through the tedium of selecting commands over and over to one hit kill enemies is nice, and the lack of a battle screen is nice too, but you do feel less involved in the game unless you're in a tough battle that needs some interesting strategizing.
Other gameplay: The sidequests in FFX are NOT FUN. They are extremely tedious and frustrating (lightning dodging, anyone?), and seem almost intentionally designed to make the gamer hate the game. I understand they wanted to increase play hours, but COME ON. IN FF XII, the lack of character combat differentiation kills character relations. Both have a number of problems.
Graphics: FF XII is better than FF X. That's obvious, and understandable as FF XII was released after FF X. FF XII is one of hte best looking games on the PS2.
Music: FF X's music is generally agreed to be better. I agree.
Of the two games, I'd say I prefer FF XII. The grinding is less painful, the sidequests are more fun, the world is better developed and the script is better written. I love FFX too, and neither game is perfect by any means, but I'd say FF XII is among the better FF games. I look forward to FF XIII, and hope they find a happy medium of convenient and involved combat.
I think FF XII is incredible, it's a refreshing change to the other ff's but still has that Final Fantasy feel. I think the ADB allows for more epic battles than the ATB, expecially in some of the later battles against the big enemies like King Behemoth, fafnir and Yiazmat. These battles are so big and usually go on for about 30 mins, sometimes more (Yiazmat way more) and it really is an incredible feeling when they fall down, especially when you consider that you've just been constantly mashing in commands for your team.
Either way i like both the ATB and the ADB and i could'nt choose a favourite but if the series continued with the ADB then i certainly would'nt be dissapointed.
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