Nintendo failed hard last year and people assume that it'll always be that way. In general, Nintendo almost always impress at E3 and I think they know that they have to come out strong this year. Anyway, I think everyone's going to have a big show this year. E3 is back in full force and everyone's going to try to put their best foot forward. Here are my predictions:
1. Nintendo
-new entry for Zelda or Zelda calibur franchise
-DSiWare news/"Virtual Handheld"
-Whatever Retro Studios is working on.
-new entries for 2nd tier franchises like F-Zero, Starfox, Pikmin, etc..
-new "Wii _____" title.
-Big news regarding Pokemon Gold/Silver remakes and other future DS games (DSi related).
-several new franchises geared to casuals and non gamers (new non-game apps for Wii, as well)
-one new franchise geared toward the core.
-More New Play Control remakes
-Unlikely: Mario Galaxy 2
2. Microsoft
-Halo OTST
-Update on Peter Jackson's Halo project.
-More additions to the Xbox Dashboard
-New big exclusive franchises from Microsoft and third parties.
-"stealing" away another "PlayStation associated franchise"
-Motion Controller along with casual games that it'll work with.
-New Rare game (probably Killer Instinct)
-Mass Effect 2 will be PC/Xbox only
-Unlikley: New LionHead Game
3. Sony
-PSP Go!
-God of War III footage
-Team ICO game
-Long dead Gran Turismo for PSP resurrected as PSP Go exclusive.
-Gran Turismo 5
-New Ratchet & Clank
-Lost and Damned coming to PS3
-small price drop for PS3 ($20-30)
-Unlikely: Any talk of Home's "success."
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