By now we are all aware of the holiday onslaught that just started today. Gears 3 just came out, Skyrim comming out, Battlefield 3 (which I have on preorder but have no idea how im going to pay for), Uncharted 3, Modern Warfare 3, etc. Blah, blah, I wont bore you with the lists anymore (assuming we are not counting this list :P ).
Once all these games come out, I might catch up on a few games I missed this gen, but outside of that, I am completely mentally checked out of this generation.
New God of War in 2012?.......New "insert random PS3 exclusive#xxxx here" in 2012? Yea, dont care.
Halo 4, you say? Yea, no Xbox720 no care.
Once these games come out I could not give two flying f***s about this current gen of consoles anymore. Bring on Xbox720 and PS4. Who else is with me?
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