I thought a poll on this might be telling. I have yet to buy a 360, but I will before the year is out, likely, simply because MS has done a great job getting great games on their machine, and more are on the way. In fact, I think it will be a long, long time before the other consoles touch the 360s game library. And in the final analysis, it is all about the games, so the 360 is a must buy.
That said, I HATE that it is a must buy, because it blows so much as a console. Here are the reasons:
1. The failure rates are such an unbelievable joke.Everyone I know who bought a 360 has had it break at least once. That is pathetic. I pray the new chips fix this, I really do.
2.DVD on a HD console is a bad idea.Blue Dragon on three discs, and Lost Oddyssey on 4 is just the beginning. I know it isn't a huge deal, but it is annoying. I hate that Sony put blu-ray in as a trojan horse, but MS could have included HD-DVD as a gaming option, much like DVDs became an option vs CDs on the PC. I guess it would be a ditribution annoyance for MS and game makers, but it has worked in the PC realm and I'm not sure why it wouldn't in the console realm, unless you beleive the assumption that console owners are too dumb to know the difference and would buy the wrong version. In any event,all the disc switching is lame. 4 discs?!? Annoying.
3. The peripherals are crazy overpriced. $100 for a $5 wifi dongle? MS nickel and dimes its customers under the label of "choice." ANd don't give me the whole wifi is lame thing--I want it and I don't care about online gaming. I just want to get updates, demos anddownload XBLA games.
All that said, anyone who loves gaming and who doesn't want to play a lot of their games on their PC has to get a 360, because its game library is the best around. I guess MS knows this, so it was a good strategy to focus on software over hardware, but man, the 360 was such a rush job, it annoys me that I can't play all of the great 360 games on other systems. It makes me pine for a unified console platform, which some say will come, but I dont' see that happening anytime soon.
So who feels the same way?
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