A year ago, I sure did not see this coming. But my main contention was where Nintendo was back then. Having been reigning champion in the 8bit and 16bit generations, Nintendo fell very very far by the time they got to Gamecube. Last place in market share with the scaresect of 3rd party support last generation. It seemed Nintndo had a really long way to go just to reclaim some of the lustre they had in the eyes of gamers, let alone market position.
But then I see the reaction they're getting at E3 05. Lots of buzz. Lots of excitement from the crowd. OK so I'm thinking they're improving their image, getting the people to like them again. While they'll still be 3rd place this gen, they'll be in a better 3rd place than they were before, with overall more units being sold. That should be a good start for them to keep climbing in the future generations.
E3 06, more of the excitement, people hailing the innovation of a new interface, lots of devs talkinmg about how they want to explore making games with this, HUGE lineups at the booths to get their hands on this. Then of course launch happens and you can't find a unit in any store to save your life. OK, so now I'm thinking they're 3rd place is going to be so close to the 2nd place contender, they'll be rubbing bumpers. hell... mmmmmmmmaybe they'll take 2nd place.
Months go by, and STILL stores are posting signs they have none in stock. This is nuts. The sales numbers keep climbing and climbing with no end in sight to the momentum.
How wrong I was a year ago. And the funny thing is, they STILL don't have the strength of 3rd party support that PS3 and X360 has - no Assassins Creed, GTA IV, VF5, DMC4, COD4, Orange Box, RainbowSix Vegas, GRAW, or Oblivion, to be seen here.... yet STILL outselling both systems with that kind of monster lineup!! Who'd of thunk it??? :o :o
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