Ahh, these price point and sales threads and posts are hilarious. It seems most of the posters here forgot about reality.
Example: The ficticious gamer
So, if you listen to 360 supporters, there are droves of gamers who want an HD gaming console but don't want to game online, won't ever need to take their console a normal cable's length away from their modem/router, and could care less about watching HD movies (unless its on the super sweet NetFlix, :lol:)
I contend that this type of buyer is in the minority. I think that anyone who really owns a HDTV sees the big benefit in HD resolutions. Especially when you consider most SD TV looks horrible on HDTV's. In fact, most HDTV owners become HD-snobs and reduce the amount of channels they watch just to stick with HD quality. This also means that they do have an interest in blu-ray movies. Not saying it would always be a large interest but enough to give the blu-ray feature some worth.
But some will say, "Most don't care about HD that much. It doesn't even look that different." Then why buy a HD console?
I also find it outlanduish that 360 supports suggest that there are droves of gamers out there not interested in online gaming. Sure, little Timmy and little Sarah might care less about playing online. But any REAL gamer sees the extra value and endless hours of play with online gaming. Not to mention, one of 360's touted advantages over the PS3 is the online play.
Then they want to pretend that most people live in a one room apartment. That people never need to move their console far enough away from their modem/router to need wifi. And this is a great thought if everyone on this planet was 18-22 years old.
"What's your figgin point," you ask.
My point is, most of the people who have bought or will buy the cheaper 360 models will end up spending more money than the initial point of sale. And by looking at some of the biggest, most popular items to buy for 360 you can see it doesn't take long to spend a hundred. Oh, we can inhale some Kameo dust and make ourselves believe that a REAL gamer would be happy with a arcade model. But the reality is, in the long run, that person will get less bang-for-the-buck.
Think about it people. You looked at PS2 last gen and said, "Great its selling well, but it is the inferior product because you get more with the Xbox." And you were right. Why? Because Xbox gave you the best value for your money.
Isn't that what we want as REAL gamers? Don't we want these companies to make us consoles that will give us the best value and experience? Or do we want the consoles to tailor to the casuals and just sell well?
** Before any of you try to be smart and say, "Says the PS3 supporter while Sony's in third place." I will stick with this opinion no matter where PS3 ends up. Whether PS3 comes in 1, 2, or 3, I believe it gives and will always give the best for your money. You will see this demonstrated this spring when Sony drops the price on a PS3 model that will STILL have blu-ray, HDD, and wireless ALL INCLUDED.
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