Who is going to pay $249 for Beatles Rock Band!

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#51 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
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But i am a huge beatles fan

well then, you need this. it's fantastic. i unlocked some weird [spoiler] beatles christmas album that they sent out to the people in their fan club and it played the audio from it [/spoiler] D= Does that count as a spoiler? :lol:
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Member since 2006 • 4352 Posts

the Mic, a Poorly designed Ludwig Drum controller, and the a Ugly and Cheap Hofner Bass (why make the Hofner at all?)

The Gretsch Duo and the Rickenbacker 325 are sold seperately at £90 each!! s

o £180 + £90 + £90 = £360!

How about a PS3 slim, Accesories, Games and Blu rays instead?

I hate The Beatles anyway

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#53 AFBrat77
Member since 2004 • 26848 Posts



The Beatles suck why would anyone under 40 pay anything for it?


You have failed in musical taste.

you fail for telling people they should like the beatles no matter what. They aren't that good btw. mainstream does not mean they are automatically good.

Dude, you couldn't be more wrong.

Beatles music is brilliant, doesn't matter if its easy to play or not. its how its constructed.

Amazing how little appreciation kids have for the best music.

They likely had an impact on most any rock band you listen to, respect the influences.

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#54 Couth_
Member since 2008 • 10369 Posts
The game is only $60. Who is going to buy all those instruments just for one band? Smart thing to do would be to buy existing rock band (relatively cheap these days) and get this as an addition. IMO $60 is still a little steep for the 45 songs you get, but the $250 bundle is reserved for the Beatles fanatics/collectors..
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#55 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
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IMO $60 is still a little steep for the 45 songs you getCouth_
isn't it 2 dollars per song on DLC? So, it'd be 90 for the same set on XBL, and it wouldn't be set chronologically in story mode
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#56 CleanNJerk
Member since 2009 • 2104 Posts


The Beatles suck why would anyone under 40 pay anything for it?


You have failed in musical taste.

you fail for telling people they should like the beatles no matter what. They aren't that good btw. mainstream does not mean they are automatically good.

Wow you have no idea what you're talking aboutlol.
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#57 nini200
Member since 2005 • 11484 Posts


I wouldn't een pay $249 for The Beatles.


You must really hate money ,and good music.

But since there are only two of them left, you can have them for $200...whadda ya say?

So just because I dislike that band, means that I hate good music huh? Ok, let's flip the script right quick and see how much you know about "Good Music" Without doing an internet search for the answer, since I obviously don't like good music, I bet you couldn't even tell me what song Shostokovich became famous for (Without doing a google or internet search for it) or even his first name? Or how about what group made Rap history with the song "Hay"? Or better yet, What country music phoenom starred in the movie Tremors? Or hey, how about this one, What is the name of the Japanese Composer of "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7? Better Yet, who wrote "Maian Tears" from Perfect Dark 64? When was White Spirit by Uman wrote? What song was Hiroshima made famous for? When did U2 become popular? Oh man, I must REALLY hate good music because I dislike the Beatles.

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#58 nini200
Member since 2005 • 11484 Posts

*Facepalm at price*

Also why some much hate on them? Christ.


Haaaa!!! The irony is that John Lennon Hated on Jesus Christ with that comment he made. Haaa!!!!

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#59 AFBrat77
Member since 2004 • 26848 Posts



I wouldn't een pay $249 for The Beatles.


You must really hate money ,and good music.

But since there are only two of them left, you can have them for $200...whadda ya say?

So just because I dislike that band, means that I hate good music huh? Ok, let's flip the script right quick and see how much you know about "Good Music" Without doing an internet search for the answer, since I obviously don't like good music, I bet you couldn't even tell me what song Shostokovich became famous for (Without doing a google or internet search for it) or even his first name? Or how about what group made Rap history with the song "Hay"? Or better yet, What country music phoenom starred in the movie Tremors? Or hey, how about this one, What is the name of the Japanese Composer of "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7? Better Yet, who wrote "Maian Tears" from Perfect Dark 64? When was White Spirit by Uman wrote? What song was Hiroshima made famous for? When did U2 become popular? Oh man, I must REALLY hate good music because I dislike the Beatles.

You are best off staying away from U2 or most any other Rock Band for the sake of your argument, because most all of them have been influenced by The Beatles.

The Beatles should have been the first Rock Band put out.....but then what could you have as an encore. Perhaps The Stones and Zeppelin, but not many others.

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#60 Couth_
Member since 2008 • 10369 Posts

[QUOTE="Couth_"]IMO $60 is still a little steep for the 45 songs you getJandurin
isn't it 2 dollars per song on DLC? So, it'd be 90 for the same set on XBL, and it wouldn't be set chronologically in story mode

I thought it was $1 per song on DLC? Which was the whole basis of my thought :P If it's $2 then this is a good deal, but it's still a lot less than the 80 or so songs you got with RB2

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#61 heretrix
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While I think the set is overly priced. I can't believe the ignorance. Love them or hate them the Beatles influence on modern pop music is pretty effin significant. Not only did they influence what you listened to, they influenced HOW you listened to popular music. They deserve all of the hoopla.They are one of the most important bands in the 20th century and THE most important pop band ever.

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#62 stvee101
Member since 2006 • 2953 Posts



I wouldn't een pay $249 for The Beatles.


You must really hate money ,and good music.

But since there are only two of them left, you can have them for $200...whadda ya say?

So just because I dislike that band, means that I hate good music huh? Ok, let's flip the script right quick and see how much you know about "Good Music" Without doing an internet search for the answer, since I obviously don't like good music, I bet you couldn't even tell me what song Shostokovich became famous for (Without doing a google or internet search for it) or even his first name? Or how about what group made Rap history with the song "Hay"? Or better yet, What country music phoenom starred in the movie Tremors? Or hey, how about this one, What is the name of the Japanese Composer of "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7? Better Yet, who wrote "Maian Tears" from Perfect Dark 64? When was White Spirit by Uman wrote? What song was Hiroshima made famous for? When did U2 become popular? Oh man, I must REALLY hate good music because I dislike the Beatles.

.Yeah I don't know the answers to most if not any of wall of text you just hit me with.And my post was supposed to be a light-hearted responce.Obviously it didn't come out that way. :( I'm not one of those Beatle-fanatics that chases people across the internets.Honest. >_>

But the fact that the beatles practically created popular music as we know it today, were the prototype for many,MANY modern pop/rock bands that followed and influened so many bands ranging from the Pixies to Nirvana to Oasis to The Smiths and beyond deserves a little credit.

You don't have to like them.Just show a litle respect where its due is all.

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#63 RadecSupreme
Member since 2009 • 4824 Posts

Certainly not me.

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#64 deactivated-594be627b82ba
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Ned Flanders

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#65 masiisam
Member since 2003 • 5723 Posts

I don't enjoy the Beatles or the game genre..so no I would be getting it…but it's going to sell like hotcakes..If you're a fan of the genre and a Beatles fan I would think it's a must buy.

Good on ACT for getting the game out so people can enjoy their music in other ways

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#66 deactivated-5dd711115e664
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Honestly I think Harmonix, The Beatles and EA missed the boat on this one. You can Buy a Wii for the price of this Bundle. The Guitars are $100 without the game and the game only has 45 songs. I bought the game and love it. But in this economy who is going to pay this much? PS3 wasn't selling til it hit $299 and that for a console with a blu-ray player. Sounds to me like the widows of Lennon and Harrison want to cash in. Or The instrument liscenser's Gretsch and Rickenbacker. I would have bought the Gretsch if it was bundled like guitar hero for $100 might have even bought it for $120. You don't even get 4 mics? This one will bite EA when these bundles sit unsold!


Well, Beatles fans will buy it and it is a special limited edition bundle. Anyone else who wants Beatles Rock Band can just buy the regular version of Rock Band which, for a limited time, comes with the BEatles game instead of the usual RB2 game. Only $159 here in Canada.

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#67 nini200
Member since 2005 • 11484 Posts



You must really hate money ,and good music.

But since there are only two of them left, you can have them for $200...whadda ya say?


So just because I dislike that band, means that I hate good music huh? Ok, let's flip the script right quick and see how much you know about "Good Music" Without doing an internet search for the answer, since I obviously don't like good music, I bet you couldn't even tell me what song Shostokovich became famous for (Without doing a google or internet search for it) or even his first name? Or how about what group made Rap history with the song "Hay"? Or better yet, What country music phoenom starred in the movie Tremors? Or hey, how about this one, What is the name of the Japanese Composer of "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7? Better Yet, who wrote "Maian Tears" from Perfect Dark 64? When was White Spirit by Uman wrote? What song was Hiroshima made famous for? When did U2 become popular? Oh man, I must REALLY hate good music because I dislike the Beatles.

.Yeah I don't know the answers to most if not any of wall of text you just hit me with.And my post was supposed to be a light-hearted responce.Obviously it didn't come out that way. :( I'm not one of those Beatle-fanatics that chases people across the internets.Honest. >_>

But the fact that the beatles practically created popular music as we know it today, were the prototype for many,MANY modern pop/rock bands that followed and influened so many bands ranging from the Pixies to Nirvana to Oasis to The Smiths and beyond deserves a little credit.

You don't have to like them.Just show a litle respect where its due is all.

Didn't take it hard at all, just don't like being told what "good" music is by someone else's definition kinda the same reason I highly dislike video game reviews, I'll like what I like and not what I'm told that I "should" like just because it's popular at the time, that's not directed completely at you by the way stvee101, just stating why I gave that response.

I do respect The Beatles for their contribution to music and I actually like Paul McCartney but as a group, I didn't like them and what they did over in the US. Not to turn this into a politics and religion war by any means. Oh and Sorry about the Wall O' Text.

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#68 nini200
Member since 2005 • 11484 Posts



You must really hate money ,and good music.

But since there are only two of them left, you can have them for $200...whadda ya say?


So just because I dislike that band, means that I hate good music huh? Ok, let's flip the script right quick and see how much you know about "Good Music" Without doing an internet search for the answer, since I obviously don't like good music, I bet you couldn't even tell me what song Shostokovich became famous for (Without doing a google or internet search for it) or even his first name? Or how about what group made Rap history with the song "Hay"? Or better yet, What country music phoenom starred in the movie Tremors? Or hey, how about this one, What is the name of the Japanese Composer of "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7? Better Yet, who wrote "Maian Tears" from Perfect Dark 64? When was White Spirit by Uman wrote? What song was Hiroshima made famous for? When did U2 become popular? Oh man, I must REALLY hate good music because I dislike the Beatles.

You are best off staying away from U2 or most any other Rock Band for the sake of your argument, because most all of them have been influenced by The Beatles.

The Beatles should have been the first Rock Band put out.....but then what could you have as an encore. Perhaps The Stones and Zeppelin, but not many others.

And you are best offstaying out ofdebates that don't concern you. I realize what the Beatles did with music and the reason I put U2 in the list is because they were influenced by the Beatles. I don't like The Beatles, I like Paul McCartney but don't like them as a whole.

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#69 hayato_
Member since 2007 • 5165 Posts


Dude, you couldn't be more wrong.

Beatles music is brilliant, doesn't matter if its easy to play or not. its how its constructed.

Amazing how little appreciation kids have for the best music.

They likely had an impact on most any rock band you listen to, respect the influences.


You shouldn't get so defensive about someones music taste.

I don't really care for the Beatles, don't want to, nor do I feel inclined to.

Im alsosaying this also due to the fact that both my roommates have been playing the game NON-STOP and I have to listen to the Beatles as I sleep, do homework, shower, etc.

Its his opinion, and although you or anyother band, user, etc think they have such an influence, doesn't really affect there music taste or style.

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#70 AFBrat77
Member since 2004 • 26848 Posts


Dude, you couldn't be more wrong.

Beatles music is brilliant, doesn't matter if its easy to play or not. its how its constructed.

Amazing how little appreciation kids have for the best music.

They likely had an impact on most any rock band you listen to, respect the influences.


You shouldn't get so defensive about someones music taste.

I don't really care for the Beatles, don't want to, nor do I feel inclined to.

Im alsosaying this also due to the fact that both my roommates have been playing the game NON-STOP and I have to listen to the Beatles as I sleep, do homework, shower, etc.

Its his opinion, and although you or anyother band, user, etc think they have such an influence, doesn't really affect there music taste or style.

He stated "they aren't that good btw" as though it were a fact. I couldn't care less about whether he likes them or not, but that statement is way off base.

He should realize that a statement like that is going to be lambasted in the forums.

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#71 AFBrat77
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So just because I dislike that band, means that I hate good music huh? Ok, let's flip the script right quick and see how much you know about "Good Music" Without doing an internet search for the answer, since I obviously don't like good music, I bet you couldn't even tell me what song Shostokovich became famous for (Without doing a google or internet search for it) or even his first name? Or how about what group made Rap history with the song "Hay"? Or better yet, What country music phoenom starred in the movie Tremors? Or hey, how about this one, What is the name of the Japanese Composer of "One Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7? Better Yet, who wrote "Maian Tears" from Perfect Dark 64? When was White Spirit by Uman wrote? What song was Hiroshima made famous for? When did U2 become popular? Oh man, I must REALLY hate good music because I dislike the Beatles.


You are best off staying away from U2 or most any other Rock Band for the sake of your argument, because most all of them have been influenced by The Beatles.

The Beatles should have been the first Rock Band put out.....but then what could you have as an encore. Perhaps The Stones and Zeppelin, but not many others.

And you are best offstaying out ofdebates that don't concern you. I realize what the Beatles did with music and the reason I put U2 in the list is because they were influenced by the Beatles. I don't like The Beatles, I like Paul McCartney but don't like them as a whole.

The debate is on a public forum on SW no less, it can concern me as much as I wish. I wouldn't say you don't like good music, but in general I don't think the kids today appreciate the impact the Beatleshad on Rock music. Its amazing how fresh and powerful Rubber Soul and Revolver (IMO their best albums) still sound today.

Always been a John Lennon fan, McCartney is the one I like least.

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#72 SgtMoreless
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Not I.

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#73 jl_m
Member since 2005 • 214 Posts

You do know that the LIMITED VERSION is 249$ and the regular one is 160$ the same price as Rockband and Guitar hero?

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#74 ShuichiChamp24
Member since 2009 • 5014 Posts


The Beatles suck why would anyone under 40 pay anything for it?


wat They don't suck. Better than metal or J-pop or country.

I don't agree, but to each their own no?

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#75 Lto_thaG
Member since 2006 • 22611 Posts

Why would I get it?
I don't like the beatles and it's freaking expensive.

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#76 deactivated-5e836a855beb2
Member since 2005 • 95573 Posts


The Beatles suck why would anyone under 40 pay anything for it?


wat They don't suck. Better than metal or J-pop or country.

I don't agree, but to each their own no?

no my way or the highway, bub
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#77 whitetiger3521
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Not me then again im not a beatles fan nor do I care for 60's music in general. I'm sure my mom would love this game though

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#78 NielsNL
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I personally would only pay that if they did a U2 one.