First what makes a character a bad ass?
A character who always kicks ass and does it without caring. A character who takes no nonsense and defys the odds. A character who relys on nothing but their own skill and wit. A character that never gives up.
(characters such as Master Cheif are not bad asses because they rely on being geneticaly modified and thick armor to win, real bad asses rely on only their own skill and wit to win).
Why is he a bad ass?
Because he goes to hell and LITERALLY climbs back out! Who is more bad ass than that? He is also capable of killing pagan gods. If you were going to be in a bar fight, Kratos is the man you want watching your back! Kratos kills gods, titans, and anything else that get's in his way. He does not care. He can rip people in half with his bare hands and has even killed Hercules! Who is supposed to be the strongest man alive, obviously Kratos proved that to be untrue. If you saw Kratos walking down the street, you would cross to the other side, or just run away. You stay out of this guy's way.
Gordon Freeman:
Why is he a bad ass?
Because he kicks ass and doesn't b!tch about it! That's why! Always calm, always collected, this man single handidly destroyed an alein invasion and corrupted government. He is highly intelligent, creative, and always dangerous. You don't fvck with Gordon Freeman! He also has a girl that follows him around, and he managed to do it without even saying a word, this is because he is a bad ass. If you walked into an elevator and saw Gordon in there, you would just know he is a bad ass, you can just tell from the energy he gives off.
Why is he a bad ass?
Because not only is his name Snake, but he has also been shot at, burnt, stabbed, bitten, starved, and yet still manages to come out on top and save the world! Even when he get's into old age (Either Solid or Boss Snake) he still keeps kicking ass. You cannot kill Solid Snake, end of story. He will find a way to survive any situation and defeat any enemy. Snake is a true bad ass.
Why is he a bad ass?
Because he's Batman. Enough said. He has trained his body in various martial arts and throws himself into dangerous scenarios constantly, like putting himself into a loony bin filled with murderous psycho paths that want to kill him at any cost. Any normal kind of video game character would break down and cry for their life in such a place. But not Batman! And he does all the while always sticking to his moral rules such as not killing. Batman keeps you alive so you can FEEL the pain! That is a true bad ass right there.
Why is he a bad ass?
On the surface many of you would laugh and mock the idea of Mario being a bad ass, but those people are fools. If you dig deeper and look closer you discover a person who is not only a bad ass, but may in fact be the very first bad ass of video games. This guy is driven by his love for a woman, and is willing to trek across dangerous places filled wth evil turtles that want to bash your brains in with hammers, climb dangrous ladder sky scrapers and fight a giant gorilla, tread through sewer pipes and dark water ways, Mario does it all in the name of love! And he is just an Italian Plumber, and as we all know, Italians are pretty bad ass! No matter how many times his love get's in trouble, Mario always takes up the cause. That is some true commitment right there, the mark of a real bad ass.
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