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every game i own for my PS3, Wii, PS2, and Gamecube all have at leat 1 sequel or have the same character in another gamethats a good thing. it means you were able to enjoy another game.
**I'm not counting many old school games, just this Gen and last Geninfamous_27
Where as people who played crimson skies, pysconauts, Phantom Dust, Odd's World wrath, and many other games never get a chance.
I own quite a few games with no sequels, but Imust say most of my ghames either has sequels or are sequels.
Well just too mention one I could say Sarifice, I would really like a sequel too that one lol.
Oh TC changed the topic.. Lets say eternal darkness then or something.
[QUOTE="gamecubepad"]No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, Boom Blox.omgimba
Isnt NMH considerd a spirtual sequel too Killer 7?
As much as Crackdown being considered the "spiritual" successor to GTA, Call of Duty the successor of Medal of Honor, or Mass Effect the successor to KOTOR.
I don't think of it like that, but I could understand why somebody would.
This would be better phrased as "who owns a new IP without a sequel."
Dead Rising is one example.
Right. Lost Odyssey, Kameo, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Blue Dragon, Dead Rising, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed, SMG, etc...
There are a ton of them. What's the point of this thread?
New IPs with no sequel yet formally announced: (only current gen, last gen had many that I liked so I would never end)
Radiata Stories (Although it does mention Star Ocean 3 at some point so I guess doesn't count?)
Disgaea Hour of Darkness
Atelier Iris ...
Guess that is of games I have that come to mind...
Radiata Stories (Although it does mention Star Ocean 3 at some point so I guess doesn't count?)
Disgaea Hour of Darkness
Atelier Iris ...
Guess that is of games I have that come to mind...
You know that Disgaea has 2 PS2 titles, one PSP title, 1 DS title and 1 in the PS3?
Atelier Iris is also a series.
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