With the passing of Satoru Iwata, it has shocked and sadden everyone in the game industry as he left a big legacy. Iwata-San was chosen by Yamauchi, who also became the first person that's not part of the Yamauchi clan to run the 100-year old business. The blueprint of the new NX console is already in placed, but who shall now run Nintendo?
Shigeru Miyamoto - Seems like the first choice as he has a history of making every hit titles for Nintendo such as Popeye, the Original Donkey Kong, Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, ect. He was once part of the nomination list in the 2000's but Yamauchi ultimately went with Iwata.
Genyo Takeda - Not much known is about him, but according to SJW site Polygon, he did worked on classic arcade games, such as EVR Race. He was also responsible for the Punch-Out!!! Arcade games as well as Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!! Now, he is along with Shiggy co-running as Interim CEO.
Reggie Fills Aime - It will be strange if they added a Western person on a Japanese traditional company. However, Nintendo is now a Global company and building western relationships with third-party developers is important as well as building trust with a much bigger Western gamers base compared to Japan.
Other - This is where the gamers come in, who do you think is fit to run Nintendo? Give your reasons and explain how he/she can turn the company around.
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