Whether it will take over in terms of total sales that quickly is debatable, but it seems that the whole world has forgotten about the 360 and is now focusing on the PS3. No games for the 360 coming out soon, the PS3 slim, the price drop, the exclusives... big names like GT5 and GoW...
MS just seems tired now... and i think for some people, the 360 seems like an old console, even tho it is pretty much as powerful
Not me. Sony has things going for them, but all of the Sony fanboys are acting as though everyone and their mother will stop buying Microsoft products and that every major Sony game is coming out like next month....
STOP THE PRESSES! No games coming out soon? Come again?
Froza 3
GTA IV: Ballad of Gay Tony
Left 4 Dead 2
Mass Effect 2
Splinter Cell Conviction
Alan Wake
Plus there is a slew of great multiplatform games coming out, and there are already 30 million+ 360 owners which I think plenty of them are going to go ahead and buy some of these games for the console they already own (I know I will).
Let's just go ahead and dial it all the way back and be mindful of the fact that Sony has been getting trounced constantly for awhile now. Oh yes and also Microsoft seems to be coming out with a $400 bundle that has a 250 gig hard drive, an extra controller, and Froza 3 bundled with it. Plus Microsoft is ahead and can afford a subpar holiday season (especially after how wonderful Sony did last year) and also Sony had to do a redesign to match the price point of 360, what if Microsoft does a redesign and their price drops another $100? Where does that leave Sony having played their redesign card?
lol yea you just named the multiplats.
I bet you half those 30 million 360 owners will buy a $299 PS3
I named games you can't get on the PS3, and these are all games that are coming in the next few months. If you want to play those, you either A.) Get a 360 or B.) Get a PC, either way Microsoft is getting your monies while Sony gets none.
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