There's nothingwe can do. Just take it on the chin that Microsoft didn't deliver and made proper strides to implement motion tech on consoles and computers.
What are Cows going to do if it isn't a failure like so many say it's going to be? keep populating System wars living in denial?
Actually probably will because Cows have been going through this motion now for what 3 years?
Deny the Wii and it's motion control a success.
Thinking that the PS3 would overtake the Xbox360 in '06, 07' 08' 09...and when it doesn't happen.
Still can't figure out why DS keep beating the PSP.
However I think the hit will be bigger for Lemmings because they are not so use to strings of failure and half attempts like six-axis and Home and Sony's attempt at motion tech like the Wand.
I've read your comments leading up to this one and quite frankly, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
All the things you mentioned are good in theory, but you've already succumbed to what Microsoft wants everyone to do: Use your imagination. While this sounds all well and good, the imagination is a tricky thing. You can literally imagine ANYTHING (as noted in this thread). And while Natal may inspire a myriad controller-wielding dreamers to feel as though they are about to step into the game world, it's also setting a lot of people up for the moment of doubt when they realize that all the good intentions in their head don't come in to focus the way they had hoped.
The hardware hasn't proven itself yet. It may still, but I'm quite dubious of that. The fact of the matter is both console manufacturers, Sony and Microsoft are trying to cash in on the motion control market 3 years too late. Like I said though, Microsoft KNOWS how to market, so I have no doubt Natal will sell...at first. But once we see how well it works, the reviews come rolling in, and the "hype dust" has settled...only THEN, will we know the truth.
And as for this:
However I think the hit will be bigger for Lemmings because they are not so use to strings of failure and half attempts like six-axis and Home and Sony's attempt at motion tech like the Wand.
Oh really? A console whose hardware is highly questionable, overpriced peripherals that aren't included, and add-ons that are now obsolete (HD-DVD drive, I'm looking at you). No, Microsoft knows nothing of failure.
I know that MS has failures as well, from the looks of things MS is making greater stride then Sony is in regards to motion tech this generation. I think that's where the threat is coming from really since little is heard, playtested and anticipated like Microsoft's Project Natal
We already know how commited MS is with Project Natal as a whole.
Windows 7,
shifting SKU's and likening it toa console launch and no doubt have the resources, time and money to allocate to the launch
So that's a pretty big scheme to just simply pull the plug on.
Yes, the hypefor it is quite apparent and so is the anticipation- Obviously that's a good thing since it has peaked consumer interest, whether or not it delivers is something else, but given the information we have and journalists hands on it is quite positive and we can't completely discount it either like so many here claim to do and try to parrallel Project Natal to known failures.
Regarding the imagination thing-of course that is an individual thing and I am atleast exited for it alomg with the rest who are anticipating it. Creativity is what is needed in how to tackle something that is obviously so different that it has so many people in arms.
No doubt the marketing arm of MS is doing a better job then what Somy is doing with the Wand and they are appealing to another audience- but then since when was that really an issue?
There are still "Hardcore" games on the platform and we have not heard of any developers drop their support on the Xbox360 since they are still money makers.
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