1. Nintendo...
They totally brought their A game last year, it will be interesting to see what they do this year.
Project Cafe is Nintendo's attempt to get back into the so-called "hardcore" game. How powerful will it be? Will it be a middle gen console like the N64 by only being marginally more powerful than the PS3 or will it be like the PS2 by being the first true next gen system, forcing Sony and Microsoft to play catch-up with processing power the way they had to with motion controls?
I get the feeling that Nintendo put the 3DS on store shelves but didn't really release the system. E3 may be the official launch of the 3DS with software, marketing strategies and the so-called "working with other companies" thing that Iwata has been talking about recently.
While it's not out selling the other two every month anymore, Wii sales are still significantly higher than a console on the verge of death. They're basically doing PS3/ 360 numbers from several years ago. If Project Cafe is Nintendo's new "hardcore" system then will they try to keep the wii around as a machine for everyone and try to support two consoles at the same time? If so, what kind of software will they be comming out with for it?
2. Microsoft...
I own an xbox and want to know why I should keep it besides the multi-plats.
3. Sony...
I want to hear their excuses for the PSN being down. With more powerful hardware coming from Nintendo, I want them to tell me why I should buy a PS3 instead of waiting for the Cafe.
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