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When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?-Damien-Can I borrow your crystal ball? Also while I have never played it myself but from everything I read it sounds like a lot of fun.
The problem is, as of now, we do not know if it is the death of core games. Currently we're not seeing much, however as a controller it is still new. If they refine this for future console iterations could could make for a never before seen depth to video games.
The technology itself, I find very interesting. As of now though, I have no reason to own one.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?CanYouDigltCan I borrow your crystal ball? Also while I have never played it myself but from everything I read it sounds like a lot of fun.
let me just take out my crystal ball...
although i bet you'd be cheering and hollering if move is more successful than the kinect
It doesn't mean the death of guys over exaggerate way too much
kinect is brand new and MS is just concentrating on it right now and trying to market something they put alot of money into...big deal, get another console or game on PC for a bit or something
nintendo did the same thing, but look how many core games they're putting out now
everyone is still learning the tech of kinect and learning how to create better games....give em time
When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?-Damien-
Because they love casual shovelware, especially fitness and party games.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?CanYouDigltCan I borrow your crystal ball? Also while I have never played it myself but from everything I read it sounds like a lot of fun. it is a lot of fun, and, its very good that you likely can't really mix core games with kinect games without a controller. Which means, this new interface... is not going ot really impede on the controller, like nintendo wii's controller that replaced it entirely.
It doesn't mean the death of guys over exaggerate way too much
kinect is brand new and MS is just concentrating on it right now and trying to market something they put alot of money into...big deal, get another console or game on PC for a bit or something
nintendo did the same thing, but look how many core games they're putting out now
everyone is still learning the tech of kinect and learning how to create better games....give em time
This man has a point! Though I am not going to get another 360 on mere speculation, hopefully MS makes this E3 their best for both casuals and the core gamers.
Im cheering, but I do think Kinect was released too early, MS is just not making hardcore games. like I can see them doing soo much with kinect, if only
To those 360 fans cheering for Kinect let's be honest here, can you tell me that you're actually excited for the 360 core exclusives line-up for 2011?-Damien-
Yeah lets be honest here, can you tell me if Move was in Kinect's place you would not be cheering it on?
When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?-Damien-
I don't know about that. But I think the success of Kinect is proof that the 360 audience isn't the necessarily the "mature" group of "hardcore" gamers that the 360 fans have long bragged they are.
I think it also proves that all those 360 fans who complained about how stupid Wii gamers looked jumping around waving their arms in the air were really just jealous all this time.
theyre chering it because its their console. theyll cheer anything that comes out for that thing that has a major impact on its future. Same thing goes for all fanboys.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]To those 360 fans cheering for Kinect let's be honest here, can you tell me that you're actually excited for the 360 core exclusives line-up for 2011?BoomshafftedWell, frankly, I've never cared much about exclusives as long as I've had enough games to play. I don`t hold having bought some piece of hardware that someone else made software for as a badge of honour that`s to be lorded over others who bought a different box with different software. If it meets my entertainment needs, it has done its job. The 360 has yet to fail to do that. I know this isn`t regular System Wars talk, but simply put, this year... Mass Effect 3, Diablo 3, Elder Scrolls V, continuing with Civ V, Duke Nukem Forever, Magic the Gathering Online, fiddling with Kinect games, continuing with Street Fighter IV, Marvel VS Capcom 3,... That`s a good year of entertainment for me. And what`s more, new titles almost always pop up over the course of a year.
Well said. I agree completely.
I care for exclusives pretty much for the SW metagame (and Halo - cuz I love me some Halo) but otherwise, I don't really care. I've never been starved for a good game to play on my 360, and I've got a massive back-catalogue.
Not to mention, Kinect titles such as Steel Battalion, Project Draco, Haunt have my interest if only for the fact they have to prove Kinect can be utilized for core games.
Okay General Lemming here.
Please point out to me where I've cheered on the success of kinect? have I defended unfair comparisons with an equally Bad product called move in hypthetical situations? yes I have. but I have been more then vocal is my disdain for the move and Kinect equally *as well as the Wii*
what I'm reading is because all 360 users aren't decrying microsoft and claiming there will never be another core game and that all Microsoft has planned is kinect games *which is being claimed only by cows* that means they are cheering kinect on.
There is a difference between believing the fud, and also using Kinect sales to own cows with and cheering the product on.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?CanYouDigltCan I borrow your crystal ball? Also while I have never played it myself but from everything I read it sounds like a lot of fun.
Really? what have you read? Because all i have read are a bunch of bad reviews of kinect games . And you dont need a Crystal ball to show it means the death of 360's core games. The 360 has 3 major exclusive titles annouced for this year while the PS3 already has 8.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?CanYouDigltCan I borrow your crystal ball? Also while I have never played it myself but from everything I read it sounds like a lot of fun. Fun is not important here! Only exclusives that are deemed "Hard core". give me a break, TC because if Move was "moving" units that well, cows would be screaming about it.
Okay General Lemming here.
Please point out to me where I've cheered on the success of kinect? have I defended unfair comparisons with an equally Bad product called move in hypthetical situations? yes I have. but I have been more then vocal is my disdain for the move and Kinect equally *as well as the Wii*
what I'm reading is because all 360 users aren't decrying microsoft and claiming there will never be another core game and that all Microsoft has planned is kinect games *which is being claimed only by cows* that means they are cheering kinect on.There is a difference between believing the fud, and also using Kinect sales to own cows with and cheering the product on.
my take on kinect is that no one can really claim that it isnt a sales success right now. they advertised it masterfuly, people boguth it in droves, its a hit now. But if sales drop off by alot 9which may or may not happen this year) then whats the big deal? All im saying is that we should give this thing a good year on the market before claiming anything is a success or not.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]To those 360 fans cheering for Kinect let's be honest here, can you tell me that you're actually excited for the 360 core exclusives line-up for 2011?Casboof
Yeah lets be honest here, can you tell me if Move was in Kinect's place you would not be cheering it on?
Im a cow and no I wouldnt , Move is selling well enough for Sony to make profit and thats fine to me but I dont want it to sell so well that it becomes the focus of there platform. And as i have said in previous forums the move has at least some appeal to the core gamer. Watching move being played with KZ3 and Heavy Rain was actually really impressive. At least Sonys Focus is to offer a diffrent way for the core gamer to expereine there games while Kinects main focus is a slew of casual shovelware.
Okay General Lemming here.
Please point out to me where I've cheered on the success of kinect? have I defended unfair comparisons with an equally Bad product called move in hypthetical situations? yes I have. but I have been more then vocal is my disdain for the move and Kinect equally *as well as the Wii*
what I'm reading is because all 360 users aren't decrying microsoft and claiming there will never be another core game and that all Microsoft has planned is kinect games *which is being claimed only by cows* that means they are cheering kinect on.There is a difference between believing the fud, and also using Kinect sales to own cows with and cheering the product on.
1. Codename Kingdoms (Microsoft Game Studios/Crytek)
2. Codename D (Microsoft Game Studios/Grasshopper Manufacture; Kinect required)
3. Project Draco (Microsoft Game Studios/Grounding Inc.; Kinect required)
4. Haunt (Microsoft Game Studios/NanaOn-sha; Kinect required)
5. Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor (Capcom/From Software; Kinect compatible)
6. Rise of Nightmares (SEGA/SEGA; Kinect required)
7. Forza Motorsport 4 (Microsoft Game Studios/Turn 10; Kinect compatible)
8. Gears of War 3 (Microsoft Game Studios/Epic Games)
9. Gun Loco (Square-Enix/Square-Enix)
What can you add to this list?
Since I don't care for kinect and the only game coming that I want is Gears 3, I will be able to buy more PS3 exclusives this year.
I personaly dont care if Kinect is a success, or Move for that matter. i do care if their success effects my core gaming in anyway though.
When that actually means the death of 360 core exclusive games?-Damien-
why would you not cheer for it? thats dumb. its business. Gamespot is the only place i know where making money is a bad thing. They have to make money so they can make exclusive games and kinect brings in the money for that. also, all those casuals who are buying kinect are keeping the industry going. they dont care about you sittin in your parents basement playing crapzone 2. they more than likely, have already got your money. they want the other billion people that dont have 360's. im all for that. sell more 360's and make more games. pretty simple really.
I am cheering for the success of both Kinect and Move.
TC and many people posting above me demonstrate a failure to understand capitalism.
The casual and core markets for gaming are complementary, not substitutive. Some of the new casual people brought into gaming will migrate to core games at least some of the time. Some of the core gamers will experiment and enjoy some of the new casual experiences at least some of the time.
The net effect is that both core gaming and casual gaming will grow. Growth attracts further investment. Expect the total amount of money attracted to both categories to grow over time.
This is because capitalism is not a zero sum game. The core market has not suddenly been vaporized. There are not fewer core gamers today than before Kinect/Move. Those gamers will continue to exist and continue to want core games. And their numbers will rise over time as some new casual gamers are converted to core gamers. And the money to fund both will grow as new money enters to a new market. Ultimately, that investment money is paid for by new consumers buying a new category of products. It is not paid for by core gamers.
Welcome to capitalism.
It's the new craze and not just for kids, but adults too. Instead of a controller, the Xbox Kinect works by sensing every move your body makes. Who knew playing it could send you to the hospital?
proof the industry's going in the wrong direction, we didnt hear about these story's with traditional controllers because they're safer and more skilled based and fun,.
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