I don't need a 360 to play it. Its out on the PC and better in fact on that platform. I'm seeing alot of ME2 vs Uncharted 2 or really any recent PS3 game. ME2 is not exclusive as I don't have a 360 and still can play ME2, not to mention UC2 and Demons souls. I forsee the same thing will happen with Splinter Cell.
so your a PS3 owner hiding behind a PC?
Heard that argument before.
is this a PC and PS3 vs Xbox360 now?
Please, I have a more then a capable PC and can play better versions of multiplats on itbut it doesn't stop games selling on the Xbox360.
how about MW2? why would people get the PS3 version when the PCversion is markedly superior?
nice try singlingout the Xbox360.
Why are Cows hinding behind the PC?
Because some of us with gaming rigs prefer to play games made for consoles on consoles unless we can't. I don't play games that were made for consoles like say Devil may cry on a PC as it's a console game that got a port... I used to play all my games on pc as it was alway my number one platform for gaming. But in the last 3 years I got a great job designing/ programming websites and web apps. I sit at a computer 9-11 hours a day and I don't want to do it when i get home. But I will for great pc exlcusive games and games that aren't coming to the ps3 but are coming to the PC. I buy most of my games any more on PS3 and everything else on PC. PC is also the only place to really get turn based strategy which is a genre I love as well as really good wrpgs as the pc is where these games were made for.Just because someone has a gaming pc and a PS3 doesn't mean they are hiding behind anything. I have a gaming ready pc for 25 of my 31 years.
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