If you bought one without actually having a justification for it then that's on you 🤣
If you bought one without actually having a justification for it then that's on you 🤣
His argument is confusing to me. He says the PS5 is a paper weight for his reasons so he bought a xbox Series system.
That should be problem solved, but then he goes on to try to use his personal reasons to tell other people they should not buy a PS5.
Like, why does he care what other people are playing on? Why does he care if people want to play on PS5 as long as he has his xbox series? lol shits weird.
Why buy an XSX? Not that I'm saying Twelve Minutes and The Medium aren't fine games, but they aren't system sellers. In fact, XSX doesn't have one of those for another year. In fact, why not just keep your old system until about mid gen? There's not that much out for either system and after a few years there will be plenty of choices.
What's that? Oh this is system wars and we need to pretend to get wins over the other side while sitting in a glass house? Okay then.
Here's the thing. There's not been a ton out for the PS5. I got one anyway. Maybe I could have waited, but I'm glad I didn't as these things are impossible to find. I thought by this time I'd also have an XSX but those aren't much easier to come by. I'm in less of a hurry, though, as I don't really care until Starfield is about to come, and I have some suspicions that might not happen until 2023. Until then, there are last gen games to play and a few indies here and there. All of which my old Xbox or PC will play. So, why get an XBox?
For that matter, why get a Switch? Or a PS5? Or a top end gaming PC? Because we want them. It's not a matter of brainwashing or whatever else people try to sell as a way to win the topic. It's a hobby, of course people are going to buy things to further their interests.
Because people are enjoying playing games on said system.
Seems pretty obvious.
Well it's clearly upsetting to some here that others are playing and enjoying a system they don't own or like.
I don't understand this mentality but if someone has this much energy to waste on worrying about the system they don't have, then the system they do have can't be all that fulfilling.
I could make a topic crying about people playing mobile games (the most profitable market in gaming ATM) giving all my personal reasons why I feel mobile gaming is bad but I don't care enough to waste energy and I'm enjoying my own gaming platforms so why bother.
@blaznwiipspman1: Psychonauts 2 is on PlayStation 4/5 (at launch) and The Medium is now (or soon to be) on PS5.
Suggesting Xbox hasn't had a drought because of GamePass is nonsense considering 98% of those games are on PlayStation as well. They just cost you money. lol
PlayStation has undoubtedly had a much better content offering since launch with Miles, Demon's Souls, Ratchet, Returnal, Sackboy, and Astro. Heck, there's also Ghost of Tsushima Iki Island and soon Death Stranding Director's Cut.
And Horizon releases just two months after Halo. We're literally further from Halo right now than Horizon is from Halo. It's not much time at all.
psychonauts 2 released on ps4, and can be played on ps5 through BC. Thats not the same as a true next gen xbox series X version. Medium was pretty much exclusive for the past year on xbox, and yes its going to release on the ps5, but doesn't change the fact that it was available on xbox for the past year.
drought means theres nothing to play, and gamepass theres always something to play. It doesn't matter if its available on playstation or not, if you won't buy them. Its just like netflix...theres tons of movies on netflix that you never heard of before and you only tried them because of netflix.
Why buy an xbox or anything?
According to sales data not many people are. Hence lemmings melting down over PS5 being the fastest selling console ever.
the xbox is the fastest selling xbox in MS history. It might not be beating playstation, but this generation is going to be a home run for MS.
I own one and I love it so far. Would I pay scalping prices for one?? Hell no!! but there are actual exclusives for the system I loved (returnal, ratchet, demons souls) but then there are ps5 versions of games that are the clear better versions with next gen improvements (Controller and its features, ssd, better frame rate/graphics). Even if you play just ps4 games, lots of the ps4 games have added resolution options or performance on the PS5. Again I will say, not worth more than MSRP
@blaznwiipspman1: It's arguably the worst in gaming history. If not, tell me which other console launched without a single high rated exclusive? after a year? PS5 has 3-4 quality exclusives already.
Yeah, man. Nobody should buy a console for like the first two years or so. Then... when it is deemed worthy to buy by the council of gamers (CoG) everybody flashmob and the great console shopping spree will commence.
The best part, by then the console will be discontinued and everything will be dirt cheap. Hooray Gaemers... yeee-y...
The answer is : To play a few good next-gen titles and enjoy faster loading times on older titles. It is not much, so that's why I am also waiting a year or two. And I really, REALLY hope a slim version will be available within too long, because the PS5 is by far Sony's ugliest console ever. PS2, PS3 and PS4 had a fairly similar design, so why on earth they went for that new, giant ufo sandwich design is beyond me.
Agree with the first part, disagree with the viewpoint on aesthetics -- I love the way it looks.
On top of the current games, there is the QOL improvement with many older games. Another point, I had the money at the time, I knew I would be buying one anyway and no price cut is coming anytime soon. Why would I wait?
@blaznwiipspman1: And yet people completely dismiss cross gen PlayStation games. Miles is for instance a different next gen experience on PS5 but ok.
I don't agree with your definition of drought at all. It makes absolutely no sense. There's always something to play on PlayStation too ... you just need to spend some money on the games.
I guess drought now means how many games I can play without having to pay for them? lol what.
I don't have one, but if I did purchase one it would be to play games on silly :P especially Demon's Souls
@blaznwiipspman1: It's arguably the worst in gaming history. If not, tell me which other console launched without a single high rated exclusive? after a year? PS5 has 3-4 quality exclusives already.
You’re rating consoles based on exclusives, when there’s just so many more criteria to judge a console on. If exclusIves were the metric, then Switch wins hands down….but as sales tell us, the most popular games are not exclusives.
Even Sony doesn’t believe in exclusives any more, which is why they made a U turn on “Generational games” as well as PC.
@zeldabotw2: doesn't matter what games you list. Lems say they have the best console, so they have the best console /s
@zeldabotw2: doesn't matter what games you list. Lems say they have the best console, so they have the best console /s
But of course you'd never know, because buying and playing anything other than a Playstation console is forbidden by your master. Isn't that right? You'd never ever do such a taboo thing, amirite?
@zeldabotw2: doesn't matter what games you list. Lems say they have the best console, so they have the best console /s
But of course you'd never know, because buying and playing anything other than a Playstation console is forbidden by your master. Isn't that right? You'd never ever do such a taboo thing, amirite?
Everything worth playing on xbox is Multiplatform meaning I can play it on ps4/ps5 and I am not going to spend like $500 to buy a system to play games I could already play without spending that $500. Switch and ps5 and you are good. There is no reason to own a xbox.
Its actually been an ok launch for the system. For SW it probably needed one of there usual blockbuster out by now to finish things of. Outside of SW for me Demon Soul (Souls bias) and Returnal are the best exclusives out there for any system right now. They don't play here because of sales flop. I have also enjoyed Strive on the system not exclusive.
other then 1 semi indie game. that it. on ps5 side i want to play.
so why should i buy the console then and then spend another 1k for a 4tb ssd?
The. Worst. Generation. Ever.
Mainly ports.
Barely an upgrade to the previous generation. If NEW games, NOT ports, can't run at 4k/60fps/with Ray Tracing, then this gen is an absolute failure.
This was scalpers creating artificial demand.
I'll wait for another year or so when there's a real library of games. Maybe longer.
The SAME is true is for the Series X.
Moved country, wanted to be able to play Demon's Souls remake + my PS4 library. Worked out quite nicely for me.
@zeldabotw2: doesn't matter what games you list. Lems say they have the best console, so they have the best console /s
But of course you'd never know, because buying and playing anything other than a Playstation console is forbidden by your master. Isn't that right? You'd never ever do such a taboo thing, amirite?
Everything worth playing on xbox is Multiplatform meaning I can play it on ps4/ps5 and I am not going to spend like $500 to buy a system to play games I could already play without spending that $500. Switch and ps5 and you are good. There is no reason to own a xbox.
Don't be a pathetic loser, there are plenty reasons to own and enjoy an xbox. Projecting your own biases and shitty beliefs on others isn't going to make you any friends either.
It's time to grow up and stop acting like a blind fanboy, and just accept that others have different preferences and tastes than you do. It's fine if you like and prefer something, but don't talk in absolutes and blanket statements as if the whole world thinks like you do.
I've played more games I've played in a long time since I got my PS5, but most have been games I've already played I give you that.
Edit: I'm also looking for a SX, but the availability is lower than ever before. After last generation, there was no way in hell I'd get the next Xbox first.
I have all current systems (PS5, XSX and Nintendo Switch) as well as a gaming PC. In the past year I have played the PS5 most of the the systems I have, and its really simple. It had the most games that appealed to me. So if a system didn't have any games that appealed to you, doesn't mean it didn't appeal to others.
Then again it is pretty obvious you are trying to project your preference by dissing the "competition"
The only legit reason is....
Because they've been looking and looking and looking but XSX's sell out in milliseconds so as much as they didn't want to have that damn fugly azz TumorStation in their home, they gave in and bought one anyway. lol :P
@Pedro: what console had better launch than series x plus gamepass? I've owned most consoles and can't think of anything else.
so you bought last gen games on previous launch consoles or did you buy a new game to go with your new systems? there was nothing to show off your new console. ps5 had new games to play at launch. even if miles was cross gen they gave you a ps5 version that looked next gen. plus demon souls. plus 22 games with plus like god of war and day gone. plus a free game that comes with every system like the old days astro playroom.
sorry last gen games with nothing new to play does not = best launch ever.
@brimmul777: the series X is the greatest launch console in history. That's because of gamepass mainly. It's really not even a comparison between the two, the xbox has been obliterating the ps4.1 since launch. However, that's just launch period. I expect Sony to come out with the big guns starting next year, but mostly 2023.
I disagree. The Series S may be, because given it's low cost, relying on Gamepass is acceptable, but because of the cost of the Series X, the first year isn't acceptable imo.
PS5 has had a better first year. But that's really not saying much. Compared to past gen consoles, it's pretty terrible.
But I also disagree about Sony and "the big guns". This is it, next years PS4 ports and Wolverine/Spider-Man 2 following on from that. But the problem is, they're not really applying the pressure, because Xbox too will bring it's big guns, and it's big guns include Bethesda games console exclusive. Sony needed to be more competitive early on instead of relying solely on PS4 brand power to carry the PS5.
It's a mistake that Sony thinks the PS5 is the PS4 of this gen and the Xbox Series is the Xbox One of this gen. It's not going to be like that. MS are throwing the kitchen sink and have 23 studios making games.
PS5 is outselling Xbox on PS4 brand power alone, but that can not carry them indefinately. The Xbox draught is pretty much finished. The only mistake MS has made so far is the first year dry spell. Sony missed E3 and didn't even put on a killer show a few days ago.
I agree, the series S might even be better than the series X as a launch console. Its hard to beat that value.
I disagree that ps5 had a better first year launch. You would have to ignore MSFS20 which is currently the graphics king, you'd have to ignore psychonauts 2 (which is as good as ratchet), the medium, and a whole bunch of others. On top of that, FH2 is coming out in november, and halo infinite in december. Xbox has massacred the ps5 launch. You're right about sony needing to step up its game, and that MS has thrown the kitchen sink this generation, because its been constant barrage of titles on MS end.
What do you mean this is it for the ps5 lol?? The big guns are coming. Persona6 is on my mind, so is spiderman 2, uncharted 5??, the last of us??. Even wolverine sounds interesting. Those are the big guns, and we all know its coming. The first year for ps5 was meh, but its not unexpected, this is how launch usually goes.
The xbox hasn't had a drought since it launched...theres always something to play on gamepass. Thats been my experience anyway. The xbox series x is definitely not the xbox one, and its going to do really well this generation.
Up until MSFS PS5 was better. Now the games are coming on Xbox.
I mean these are the big guns coming and they're nothing the Xbox hasn't got an answer to with a big gun of it's own.
Sony brings GT7 and MS brings two big budget Forza games one year apart. All of Bethesda's next gen Xbox exclusives, MS own ips too.
I mean that Sony's big guns are kind of negated now. They aren't the big guns they were in the past when Xbox had no answer.
I mean with the past two gens, MS struggled a lot more with exclusives and I think they have finally sorted out this issue.
to be honest both systems are going to be great. this gen looking to be another 360 ps3 error all over again without three rings of death. ps5 has some big bangers coming that are on par with xbox big guns. forza sorry is a racing game and only fans of racers just like gt7 its for the fans. halo will do great. but in 2022 xbox needs more than just halo and forza to compete against god of war2, hzd2, gt7, forspoken.
halo and forza is not going to help alone they been relying on those 2 games for to long and people are starting to notice. bethesda just finished deathloop and starfield will not be out until November 2022.
xbox needs to show more games and needs to do it soon. fable will not be here until 2024 or 2023.
@zerothehero: screw your noise. I play hades through gamepass. Big whoop, I don’t own it forever cuz I’m not gonna play it forever
I've played more games I've played in a long time since I got my PS5, but most have been games I've already played I give you that.
Edit: I'm also looking for a SX, but the availability is lower than ever before. After last generation, there was no way in hell I'd get the next Xbox first.
In my experience, it was much harder getting a Series X than a PS5.
If you already have a gaming PC, then it's utterly pointless to buy an Xbox, while there's still some value in the PS5. But, I'm on the side that says it's not really worth it to get either console with my gaming PC, currently.
@brimmul777: the series X is the greatest launch console in history. That's because of gamepass mainly. It's really not even a comparison between the two, the xbox has been obliterating the ps4.1 since launch. However, that's just launch period. I expect Sony to come out with the big guns starting next year, but mostly 2023.
I disagree. The Series S may be, because given it's low cost, relying on Gamepass is acceptable, but because of the cost of the Series X, the first year isn't acceptable imo.
PS5 has had a better first year. But that's really not saying much. Compared to past gen consoles, it's pretty terrible.
But I also disagree about Sony and "the big guns". This is it, next years PS4 ports and Wolverine/Spider-Man 2 following on from that. But the problem is, they're not really applying the pressure, because Xbox too will bring it's big guns, and it's big guns include Bethesda games console exclusive. Sony needed to be more competitive early on instead of relying solely on PS4 brand power to carry the PS5.
It's a mistake that Sony thinks the PS5 is the PS4 of this gen and the Xbox Series is the Xbox One of this gen. It's not going to be like that. MS are throwing the kitchen sink and have 23 studios making games.
PS5 is outselling Xbox on PS4 brand power alone, but that can not carry them indefinately. The Xbox draught is pretty much finished. The only mistake MS has made so far is the first year dry spell. Sony missed E3 and didn't even put on a killer show a few days ago.
I agree, the series S might even be better than the series X as a launch console. Its hard to beat that value.
I disagree that ps5 had a better first year launch. You would have to ignore MSFS20 which is currently the graphics king, you'd have to ignore psychonauts 2 (which is as good as ratchet), the medium, and a whole bunch of others. On top of that, FH2 is coming out in november, and halo infinite in december. Xbox has massacred the ps5 launch. You're right about sony needing to step up its game, and that MS has thrown the kitchen sink this generation, because its been constant barrage of titles on MS end.
What do you mean this is it for the ps5 lol?? The big guns are coming. Persona6 is on my mind, so is spiderman 2, uncharted 5??, the last of us??. Even wolverine sounds interesting. Those are the big guns, and we all know its coming. The first year for ps5 was meh, but its not unexpected, this is how launch usually goes.
The xbox hasn't had a drought since it launched...theres always something to play on gamepass. Thats been my experience anyway. The xbox series x is definitely not the xbox one, and its going to do really well this generation.
Up until MSFS PS5 was better. Now the games are coming on Xbox.
I mean these are the big guns coming and they're nothing the Xbox hasn't got an answer to with a big gun of it's own.
Sony brings GT7 and MS brings two big budget Forza games one year apart. All of Bethesda's next gen Xbox exclusives, MS own ips too.
I mean that Sony's big guns are kind of negated now. They aren't the big guns they were in the past when Xbox had no answer.
I mean with the past two gens, MS struggled a lot more with exclusives and I think they have finally sorted out this issue.
to be honest both systems are going to be great. this gen looking to be another 360 ps3 error all over again without three rings of death. ps5 has some big bangers coming that are on par with xbox big guns. forza sorry is a racing game and only fans of racers just like gt7 its for the fans. halo will do great. but in 2022 xbox needs more than just halo and forza to compete against god of war2, hzd2, gt7, forspoken.
halo and forza is not going to help alone they been relying on those 2 games for to long and people are starting to notice. bethesda just finished deathloop and starfield will not be out until November 2022.
xbox needs to show more games and needs to do it soon. fable will not be here until 2024 or 2023.
Redfall will also come out next year from Arkane, who just proved they are that damn good. Forza Motorsport 8 too.
Sony will blow most of their load VERY early on next year with H: FW and GT7 in Feb and March, leaving GoW 2 to carry the PS5 the rest of the year mostly.
It's really not that much better, only PS are blowing their load early and MS are waiting till later. And it's working, 1. Not rushing games any more on Xbox is starting to really pay off in terms of quality and 2. Honestly, those Sony games aren't going to bring people off Gamepass, so it's much harder for Sony to trouble Xbox in that way now.
Also, MS listed like 30 games at E3, Sony showed like 10, many are coming later too. So I really don't think it's MS that needs to announce more games.
And even Perfect Dark is in excellent hands at The Initiative. A new MS developer that consists of talent from some of the top developers there are including Naughty Dog.
@HalcyonScarlet: ok think about it forza 5 then forza 8, halo, gunk, starfield to close 2022 in November.
Ps5 since launch has giving some great games.
This month alone f.i.s.t., death loop yes it might not be forever but its there. Kena bridge of spirits next week, deathstranded week after.
Got sifu and hzd2 coming then, forsaken, god of war2.
The last show games they showed are from only 4 studios. Insominac 2 games gt7 developer and Santa Monica. Sony owns 16 studios. What are the rest making?
Xbox don't get me wrong are going to do a lot better this gen but don't act Sony showed all there cards and not going to put out great games.
First year three scored 9 games. Demon souls, ratchet and clank, returnal. Deathstranded gong to get a 10 as well since the first one got it. I skipped it on the ps4 so I can't wait.
If you already have a gaming PC, then it's utterly pointless to buy an Xbox, while there's still some value in the PS5. But, I'm on the side that says it's not really worth it to get either console with my gaming PC, currently.
Exactly. I bought a PS5 for all of the same reasons one would buy an Xbox Series X, plus for the fact that it actually has games that are exclusive to it. My PC does pretty much everything else.
Wow the mother of butthurt threads; "why do people like something that I don't?"
Lol of course that is what this thread is but this *is* SW.
@Pedro: what console had better launch than series x plus gamepass? I've owned most consoles and can't think of anything else.
The Xbox Series X launched and that is about. If you wanted a nothing special outside of hardware like the One X, the Series X is the place to go but NO ONE should be talking about the amazing launch. GTFO. 😂 You need launch titles in order to have the best launch ever. 🤣
@Pedro: gamepass with 150 titles itself was the launch. There has always been something to play on the console. And if you want to talk about exclusives or new games, ori is one, they also had medium another AAA game that launched in December. Theres more I can't remember but even without that there are 150 games on gamepass
@HalcyonScarlet: ok think about it forza 5 then forza 8, halo, gunk, starfield to close 2022 in November.
Ps5 since launch has giving some great games.
This month alone f.i.s.t., death loop yes it might not be forever but its there. Kena bridge of spirits next week, deathstranded week after.
Got sifu and hzd2 coming then, forsaken, god of war2.
The last show games they showed are from only 4 studios. Insominac 2 games gt7 developer and Santa Monica. Sony owns 16 studios. What are the rest making?
Xbox don't get me wrong are going to do a lot better this gen but don't act Sony showed all there cards and not going to put out great games.
First year three scored 9 games. Demon souls, ratchet and clank, returnal. Deathstranded gong to get a 10 as well since the first one got it. I skipped it on the ps4 so I can't wait.
I doubt MS only has three games next year. As you said, both of them will do well. MS is slowly getting to a point where they'll have consistent releases, so the big draught imo is more or less over for them.
This year we have FH5, Halo and Scorn to look forward to. To be honest, the chances of either only having 3 or 4 games next is slim.
@sonic_spark: its a huge jump. The graphics might not be but the hardware it self for both is huge.
1. Ssd we are back to cartridges loading were the
game started instantly.
2. Cpu and gpu that is capable of doing performance mode for once. Never had that in the past for console.
3. A sound card or chip in both free up the cpu. Both Xbox and ps4 used the cpu to do sound.
4. I/o through put chip that can decompress 5 gigs a second series x/ 9 gigs on the ps5 without the cpu.
Besides how much can developers do with one year on the market? Ps4 and Xbox graphics was great. How fast of a jump was you expecting were ps4 and Xbox can produce those graphics?
Remakes are great and there are plenty of new ips and sequels coming as well. So they made one remake so far for the ps5 demon souls. Which other ones cameout already? Alan wake is coming but not out yet.
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