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What happened to "taking a stagnant frachise and giving it Nintendo innovation" with it "being made by the Namco dream team"? :lol:Uisdwhat
it was hype a little when they first heard about it but after seeing the first previews the hype died out. much like Genji for ps3.
Who hyped it ? :|
There was some talk when it was first announced, but it died when we saw the first gameplay vid.
alot of sheep were hyping atleast 5-7/10 as an average buyable 3rd party power franchise
at 3.5 game is a flop an unbuyable/playable
[QUOTE="BuryMe"]Who hyped it ? :|
There was some talk when it was first announced, but it died when we saw the first gameplay vid.
alot of sheep were hyping atleast 5-7/10 as an average buyable 3rd party power franchise
at 3.5 game is a flop an unbuyable/playable
Um you can play a 3.5 game it's easy, go to the shops pick it up of the shelf give the person at the counter the money for it, take it home put it in your Wii and start it up and then try to enjoy, see that was that hard now was it? Also we hyped it or at least I did until we saw the gameplay videos and then we backed off. Even so I hyped A but then after the vids about a 5 I was guessing, so it getting a 3.5 doesn't make it a flop as we didn't hype it but rather guess it score because we knew it was going to be bad. Are you guys still upset about Lair that your saying Sheep hyped AAAA and GOTY just so you can sleep better at night? Because we never did unlike you guys with Lair and it's AA score :lol:
Because they're Ashamed & Embarrassed. Therefore, to avoid ownage, they try to deny hyping it.
What's even more disturbing is the fact most sheep still live by the notion (or delusion) that more "quality" 3rd party games will flood the Wii system in the next few years. :lol:
we would mention it as a great title for the future, but no one really gave it a letter hype grade (eg. A, AA, AAA), and as soon as any information came out about the game people stopped showing it off
I dont think that counts as backpedalling. I guess it is a flop, but I would say a game like Lair is the prime example of a flop, where the ownage comes after previews and the score fail to meet expectations but until then it is hyped to be good.
by SW law, unless there was an official hype level for it, all pwnage in relation to this game is denied. speculating about some ppl being excited over it is simply not enough, they could easily just be soul caliber fans who were going to get this game regardless of reviews.
no official hype, no pwnage. if there is an official hype thread here then let it rip though.
I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.TheJuiceyBar
I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.TheJuiceyBarThey probably put it on their list as a POTENTIALLY good game. :| They couldn't have put in on their "good game" list before it released - that wouldn't make much sense, now would it?
Who hyped it ? :|
There was some talk when it was first announced, but it died when we saw the first gameplay vid.
[QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.ErkiduThey probably put it on their list as a POTENTIALLY good game. :| They couldn't have put in on their "good game" list before it released - that wouldn't make much sense, now would it?
potentially good games = hype
if it was good game list then it would already be rated tho?
an tehre is few old soul calibur is going to be awesome posts croppin up it seems someone 1 is bumpin them :|
[QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.ErkiduThey probably put it on their list as a POTENTIALLY good game. :| They couldn't have put in on their "good game" list before it released - that wouldn't make much sense, now would it? Well actually i seen sheep put this under as a good 3rd party game or w.e that`s call, there`s no denying that.
[QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.TheJuiceyBarThey probably put it on their list as a POTENTIALLY good game. :| They couldn't have put in on their "good game" list before it released - that wouldn't make much sense, now would it? Well actually i seen sheep put this under as a good 3rd party game or w.e that`s call, there`s no denying that. You mean after the game released some sheep were putting in on "good" lists? :|
No hype thread so its hard to gauge. I do remember the game making alot of "wii is getting games" lists.
Thats it tho. It does count as another massive wii failure. But that is all.
[QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"][QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.ErkiduThey probably put it on their list as a POTENTIALLY good game. :| They couldn't have put in on their "good game" list before it released - that wouldn't make much sense, now would it? Well actually i seen sheep put this under as a good 3rd party game or w.e that`s call, there`s no denying that. You mean after the game released some sheep were putting in on "good" lists? :| No, they put it under as a good third party game everytime they`ll name games in a thread to claim ownage.
User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
yeah i notice this too it seems like a lot of sheep rate games much higher then critical reception of the game
why are wii gamers rating this game 7-10 when it is doin terrible everywhere?
atleast when somethin flops on playstation or xbox ppl admit it sheeps seem to actually like bad games
another wii owner gav cruis'n a 7 and it is recommended by 4 wii users the gam got a 2.5 on gamespot
whrt the heck is wrong with wii gamers? do they not understand flop = bad?
I didnt seen much hype but i see tons of sheeps and i mean tons put Soul Calibur under their list as agood wii game.TheJuiceyBar
thats very true
[QUOTE="-Murdock-"]While I'm not interested in the game - it's ridiculous to ignore the concept of an "opinion".User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
Please, just...stop. We both know that giving this or any poor game a perfect score is not a matter of opinion. "I liked this game alot" is much different than "this game is perfect and perhaps one of the greatest gaming titles ever created." We don't look at reviews and scores to see just how much the player enjoyed the game. "I loved this game an 8!"
It's rediculous to think that scoring this game a 10 is a matter of opinion and not the eembellishment of the reviewer, or simply the actions of a fan to inflate it's score.
[QUOTE="-Murdock-"]While I'm not interested in the game - it's ridiculous to ignore the concept of an "opinion".User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
Most games have the user's give it a higher score then most reviewers do. Most games don't get lower then a 5 by user reviews.
I think some people have a very poor understanding of what hype is. Hype is not saying, "I think SCL is going to be a good/great game." or "I'm looking forward to SCL" or "SCL is one of the games I want to buy" Hype is tied to and expectation of a certain review score, which there wasn't an official theard. Hype can also be in the form of really extream praise for an upcoming game such as "X is a systemseller or a Y killer" or "X has the best graphics, gameplay, fun etc... ever"
It's really rediculous that somepeople are so quick to try and find failure. Did SCL get a bad score? Yes. Did it score lower than a lot of people expected? Yes. Was it hyped? No. Did it flop? No. Will I still buy it? Probably, since it's a genre I like and I usually find my tastes or at least my expectations don't line up with GS.
[QUOTE="Erkidu"][QUOTE="-Murdock-"]While I'm not interested in the game - it's ridiculous to ignore the concept of an "opinion".User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
Please, just...stop. We both know that giving this or any poor game a perfect score is not a matter of opinion. "I liked this game alot" is much different than "this game is perfect and perhaps one of the greatest gaming titles ever created." We don't look at reviews and scores to see just how much the player enjoyed the game. "I loved this game an 8!"
It's rediculous to think that scoring this game a 10 is a matter of opinion and not the eembellishment of the reviewer, or simply the actions of a fan to inflate it's score.
A score of 10 doesn't mean "perfect". OoT got a 10 from GS - which I heartily disagree with, but it's the opinion of the reviewer. Regardless of what you say, an opinion is an opinion. You can't prove that a score of 10 is an embellishment, rather than what the reviewer really thinks. Thus, fail. You also fail to mention the "perfect" 10 that is given to games like Lair by users. It's "always the sheep", right? :roll: However, who am I to say they are wrong - I haven't even played Lair, as I'm sure you haven't played SC: Legends.
[QUOTE="-Murdock-"]User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
yeah i notice this too it seems like a lot of sheep rate games much higher then critical reception of the game
why are wii gamers rating this game 7-10 when it is doin terrible everywhere?
atleast when somethin flops on playstation or xbox ppl admit it sheeps seem to actually like bad games
another wii owner gav cruis'n a 7 and it is recommended by 4 wii users the gam got a 2.5 on gamespot
whrt the heck is wrong with wii gamers? do they not understand flop = bad?
First, the game is not terrible everywhere. Most places have it as average, which usually falls into the massive pit of tons of games that 1 month after they are released will be completely forgotten.Secondly, user reviews for most games are usually higher across all platforms because as a whole we are a whole lot less demanding than your average reviewer. Also, if you're going to take the time to review something, chances are you either really liked something about it or really hated something.
Last, if people are so quick to admit 360 and PS3 flops, can I ask what happened to R&C or Lairor even Crackdown. I have not seen one thred calling GS biased or threatening to leave because of the SCL review.
[QUOTE="-Murdock-"]User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
yeah i notice this too it seems like a lot of sheep rate games much higher then critical reception of the game
why are wii gamers rating this game 7-10 when it is doin terrible everywhere?
atleast when somethin flops on playstation or xbox ppl admit it sheeps seem to actually like bad games
another wii owner gav cruis'n a 7 and it is recommended by 4 wii users the gam got a 2.5 on gamespot
whrt the heck is wrong with wii gamers? do they not understand flop = bad?
First, the game is not terrible everywhere. Most places have it as average, which usually falls into the massive pit of tons of games that 1 month after they are released will be completely forgotten.Secondly, user reviews for most games are usually higher across all platforms because as a whole we are a whole lot less demanding than your average reviewer. Also, if you're going to take the time to review something, chances are you either really liked something about it or really hated something.
Last, if people are so quick to admit 360 and PS3 flops, can I ask what happened to R&C or Lairor even Crackdown. I have not seen one thred calling GS biased or threatening to leave because of the SCL review.
ive actually heard 3 ppl post in the main SC legends 3.5 thread that the score is lowballed an that it deserved atleast a 6 but ur right they didnt threaten to leave or throw a fit but they still thinkt he review is wrong an they havent even played it
A score of 10 doesn't mean "perfect".Erkidu
Really? 10 doesn't mean perfect?
OoT got a 10 from GS - which I heartily disagree with, but it's the opinion of the reviewer. Regardless of what you say, an opinion is an opinion. You can't prove that a score of 10 is an embellishment, rather than what the reviewer really thinks. Thus, fail. Erkidu
OoT is generally regarded as the top game ever (though has been suggested Galaxy might bump it, who knows) by countless websites, reviewers and so on. Yes of course it is a matter of opinion, but would you then rate it a 1 because you just don't like it? No, you look at it objectively, and giving a 10 to a craptastic game isn't being objective. These are things I'm surprised I have to explain.
You also fail to mention the "perfect" 10 that is given to games like Lair by users. It's "always the sheep", right? :roll: However, who am I to say they are wrong - I haven't even played Lair, as I'm sure you haven't played SC: Legends.Erkidu
We're not talking about Lair, we're talking about Soul Calibur: Legends for the Wii. Please attempt to stay on topic. Any game, including Lair, Chicken Shoot, (insert crappy 360 title here), or any other pitiful title that receives perfect 10's without at least some sort of fact to back it up besides "I had t3h funz0rz playin' it" is pretty much a throw away score.
I rarely agree with user scores because I personally feel they base it too much on being a fan or are unable to accept the flaws in games they enjoyed. Either way there is nothing wrong with questioning how good or bad a game is, but the point is to take nothing at face value, but let's not be stubborn either.
If a game stinks, it stinks. Let's not crucify Gamespot because they gave it a score it may very well deserve, but that doesn't mean it's perfect either.
I never hyped it. It's a fighting game with relatively new installments and no real development. They even cut and paste console icons into the previous installments to get some extra press.
The idea that it would make a decent action/adventure title is most assuredly based solely on peyote...
It is an example of a decent franchise that is giving support to the Wii. It was used in only a fraction of the threads to list third party support. It doesn't have the same backing as a third party title that IS being hyped (No More Heroes) and everyone knows from the first few months that beat'em up/Hack n' Slash action titles are horrible on the Wii. It doesn't lend itself well to the genre (yet),and until somebodydoes something other than waggle combos, the genrewon't succeed. Godfatherhas a better control set-up and Madden is more innovative with it's motion.
Bottomline is it wasn't hyped because the majority weren't hyped for it.
[QUOTE="Erkidu"]A score of 10 doesn't mean "perfect".-Murdock-
Really? 10 doesn't mean perfect?
OoT got a 10 from GS - which I heartily disagree with, but it's the opinion of the reviewer. Regardless of what you say, an opinion is an opinion. You can't prove that a score of 10 is an embellishment, rather than what the reviewer really thinks. Thus, fail. Erkidu
OoT is generally regarded as the top game ever (though has been suggested Galaxy might bump it, who knows) by countless websites, reviewers and so on. Yes of course it is a matter of opinion, but would you then rate it a 1 because you just don't like it? No, you look at it objectively, and giving a 10 to a craptastic game isn't being objective. These are things I'm surprised I have to explain.
You also fail to mention the "perfect" 10 that is given to games like Lair by users. It's "always the sheep", right? :roll: However, who am I to say they are wrong - I haven't even played Lair, as I'm sure you haven't played SC: Legends.Erkidu
We're not talking about Lair, we're talking about Soul Calibur: Legends for the Wii. Please attempt to stay on topic. Any game, including Lair, Chicken Shoot, (insert crappy 360 title here), or any other pitiful title that receives perfect 10's without at least some sort of fact to back it up besides "I had t3h funz0rz playin' it" is pretty much a throw away score.
I rarely agree with user scores because I personally feel they base it too much on being a fan or are unable to accept the flaws in games they enjoyed. Either way there is nothing wrong with questioning how good or bad a game is, but the point is to take nothing at face value, but let's not be stubborn either.
If a game stinks, it stinks. Let's not crucify Gamespot because they gave it a score it may very well deserve, but that doesn't mean it's perfect either.
*Sigh* A 10, on GS, means "Prime" - not "Perfect". Please keep yourself up to date. Thanks. Second, you haven't played SC: Legends, so you're in no position to say whether or not it is "craptastic" firstly - and you're in no position to say that if someone gives it a high score, that they are "wrong". My point is - you tried to suggest that only sheep give low-rated titles high scores out of fanboyism. By bringing up Lair, I have proved you wrong. EVERY GAME ON EARTH HAS RECIEVED SOME SCORES OF 10 FROM USERS. You also just contradicted yourself by saying "GS may have given OoT the score it deserved, but that doesn't mean it's perfect either", even though, earlier in the thread you asserted that a score of 10 meant "perfect". Please make up your mind.*Sigh* A 10, on GS, means "Prime" - not "Perfect". Please keep yourself up to date. Thanks. Second, you haven't played SC: Legends, so you're in no position to say whether or not it is "craptastic" firstly - and you're in no position to say that if someone gives it a high score, that they are "wrong". My point is - you tried to suggest that only sheep give low-rated titles high scores out of fanboyism. By bringing up Lair, I have proved you wrong. EVERY GAME ON EARTH HAS RECIEVED SOME SCORES OF 10 FROM USERS. You also just contradicted yourself by saying "GS may have given OoT the score it deserved, but that doesn't mean it's perfect either", even though, earlier in the thread you asserted that a score of 10 meant "perfect". Please make up your mind.Erkidu
I must be reading it wrong then because generally when I see the word perfect, I read perfect and the definition that goes along with it. Now if Gamespot decides to change that word to say..I dunno.."Prime" then I'd be glad to concede the point of bad games not being perfect, but simply given scores much higher than any rational person should give them. :D
You're right I don't know if its craptastic, or bad, or just plain boring, but the point is that any game that is generally regarded as lame to then get high scores and get defended the way it is, is a strong sign of fanboyishness no matter what console it is on.
Once again I must repeat myself, sheep is in regard to the game at for the Wii. If we were to discuss Lair or whatever for 360, I'd be happy to use the appropriate slang for those fanboys. Stop trying to "win" whatever rediculous arguement you think we're engaged in and try to grasp what I'm saying here.
OoT may be a perfect game, and as far as GS is concerned, it is. I'm not sure what is contradictory about that. To me it may NOT be a perfect game, but the game elements are there to defend that sort of score. You don't give a game a perfect score unless you think it is, right? A 10 should denote one of the best games you've ever played. This is a different idea than just not enjoying it. I have no interest in Forza 2, but because I dislike it doesn't mean I'll be giving it a 2.5. This is why when you write a paper in school you're supposed to back up your statements.
The arguement you're trying to make that "It's their opinion if they want to give it a 10" is well and good...if they can prove it. Giving ANY game a high or low score without an intelligent review that backs up the score is worthless. Until someone writes a review with solid points that contradict the generally low scores it has gotten, I'll be sticking with the totally reasonable idea that giving a perfectly prime 10 out or 10 score for a game with a 60% rating is in all probability not as honest as it should be.
Wouldn't you agree?
[QUOTE="Erkidu"]*Sigh* A 10, on GS, means "Prime" - not "Perfect". Please keep yourself up to date. Thanks. Second, you haven't played SC: Legends, so you're in no position to say whether or not it is "craptastic" firstly - and you're in no position to say that if someone gives it a high score, that they are "wrong". My point is - you tried to suggest that only sheep give low-rated titles high scores out of fanboyism. By bringing up Lair, I have proved you wrong. EVERY GAME ON EARTH HAS RECIEVED SOME SCORES OF 10 FROM USERS. You also just contradicted yourself by saying "GS may have given OoT the score it deserved, but that doesn't mean it's perfect either", even though, earlier in the thread you asserted that a score of 10 meant "perfect". Please make up your mind.-Murdock-
I must be reading it wrong then because generally when I see the word perfect, I read perfect and the definition that goes along with it. Now if Gamespot decides to change that word to say..I dunno.."Prime" then I'd be glad to concede the point of bad games not being perfect, but simply given scores much higher than any rational person should give them. :D
You're right I don't know if its craptastic, or bad, or just plain boring, but the point is that any game that is generally regarded as lame to then get high scores and get defended the way it is, is a strong sign of fanboyishness no matter what console it is on.
Once again I must repeat myself, sheep is in regard to the game at for the Wii. If we were to discuss Lair or whatever for 360, I'd be happy to use the appropriate slang for those fanboys. Stop trying to "win" whatever rediculous arguement you think we're engaged in and try to grasp what I'm saying here.
OoT may be a perfect game, and as far as GS is concerned, it is. I'm not sure what is contradictory about that. To me it may NOT be a perfect game, but the game elements are there to defend that sort of score. You don't give a game a perfect score unless you think it is, right? A 10 should denote one of the best games you've ever played. This is a different idea than just not enjoying it. I have no interest in Forza 2, but because I dislike it doesn't mean I'll be giving it a 2.5. This is why when you write a paper in school you're supposed to back up your statements.
The arguement you're trying to make that "It's their opinion if they want to give it a 10" is well and good...if they can prove it. Giving ANY game a high or low score without an intelligent review that backs up the score is worthless. Until someone writes a review with solid points that contradict the generally low scores it has gotten, I'll be sticking with the totally reasonable idea that giving a perfectly prime 10 out or 10 score for a game with a 60% rating is in all probability not as honest as it should be.
Wouldn't you agree?
You tried to suggest, in your original post, that sheep were the ones that "always defended to the end" bad games, which is ridiculous. That's all I was saying about that. You are also failing to consider that people rate games on different scales on which you might rate your games. A score of 10 may not mean "one of the best games I've ever played" to someone other than yourself. On another note, I'm not saying that fanboys don't give bad games perfect scores simply to spite the website in question. I'm just saying that, firstly, sheep are not even close to being the only ones to do it - and I'm saying that it's possible that the reviewer in question simply loves a game that GS gave a low score. Lastly, GS did, in fact, change the meaning of a 10 to "Prime" from "Perfect". It was a recent change.If you wanted to act like this game was officially hype (when it wasnt) why did you go and bump those barren SCL old threads? You proved yourself WRONG with those instead of helping yourself. There was no official hype for this game at all. There were 3 or 4 people that thought it might be good when it was announced, then they showed the video and it looked worse than a Dreamcast game and everyone gave up on it.
Noone even bothered to predict a score for this game and your trying to call it a flop? Man you are REACHING. You want the Nintards to take a loss badly, give it time, games will flop, no need to fake it.
[QUOTE="-Murdock-"]User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
yeah i notice this too it seems like a lot of sheep rate games much higher then critical reception of the game
why are wii gamers rating this game 7-10 when it is doin terrible everywhere?
atleast when somethin flops on playstation or xbox ppl admit it sheeps seem to actually like bad games
another wii owner gav cruis'n a 7 and it is recommended by 4 wii users the gam got a 2.5 on gamespot
whrt the heck is wrong with wii gamers? do they not understand flop = bad?
TheAAAA user scoresare just another form of trolling. However, the gamerankings score is above 6, so I might actually pick this up simply because it's a soul cal game.
You tried to suggest, in your original post, that sheep were the ones that "always defended to the end" bad games, which is ridiculous. That's all I was saying about that. You are also failing to consider that people rate games on different scales on which you might rate your games. A score of 10 may not mean "one of the best games I've ever played" to someone other than yourself. On another note, I'm not saying that fanboys don't give bad games perfect scores simply to spite the website in question. I'm just saying that, firstly, sheep are not even close to being the only ones to do it - and I'm saying that it's possible that the reviewer in question simply loves a game that GS gave a low score. Lastly, GS did, in fact, change the meaning of a 10 to "Prime" from "Perfect". It was a recent change.Erkidu
Oh oh someone kill me, please. Sheep DO defend their bad do lemmings and cows and whatever the rest of the terms are. If people are rating games on different scales, then what is 10 reserved for..just sorta okay titles they happen to like? Is a 3 then actually their idea of a perfect game? What alternate world are you coming from where you might suggest that a 10 out of 10 isn't the best of the best?
Sure, it is possible that a gamer loves a title that got a 2, and generally I don't think high/low scores are trying to spite the site or other games, but just that they're a little misplaced. The system isn't perfect, hence why broken games tend to get far higher scores than they should from gamers, which is why I tend to go with the rankings from a variety of websites.
As far as 10 now being Prime, that's fine, but the image I posted was before the change, hence the meaning of 10 was Perfect at the time the ratings were given, at least as far as Gamespot's ratings were concerned. Oh and lastly, if Sheep aren't even close to being the only ones, then whom..cows...lemmings...? Fanboys are all the same no matter what system, so don't worry your pretty little head over it anymore, for the nth time I'm stating...sheep are not the only ones who overrate games. I keep saying it, but you just don't wanna believe me.
End of discussion.
What happened to "taking a stagnant frachise and giving it Nintendo innovation" with it "being made by the Namco dream team"? :lol:Uisdwhat
Oh oh someone kill me, please. Sheep DO defend their bad games...
Not often. Red Steel had mixed opinions, but other than that, most people are prtty clear cut with what sucks and what doesn't. What? Nobody's defending this or any of the other bad games.
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