[QUOTE="-Murdock-"]User score - 7.6
Sheep just won't concede. I enjoy the perfect 10 reviews a few Gamespotters have given it.
yeah i notice this too it seems like a lot of sheep rate games much higher then critical reception of the game
why are wii gamers rating this game 7-10 when it is doin terrible everywhere?
atleast when somethin flops on playstation or xbox ppl admit it sheeps seem to actually like bad games
another wii owner gav cruis'n a 7 and it is recommended by 4 wii users the gam got a 2.5 on gamespot
whrt the heck is wrong with wii gamers? do they not understand flop = bad?
TheAAAA user scoresare just another form of trolling. However, the gamerankings score is above 6, so I might actually pick this up simply because it's a soul cal game.
Your part of the problem
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