It seems the thread already devolded into classic SW themes ("Top100 sales", "Console add on X will beat Y in sales"...).
Anyway, to the question at hand, why so many trashing Move and Kinect.
1. First of all, "because it's fun to bash something". I dare say way too many people in SW would fit in this category here. (There is a certain beauty in seeing the flames of SW rise as fanboys try to defend or bash further something. Some rare few times you'll even see something that makes sense).
2. I guess the second better explanation is that "Casual games will flood the market", "Hardcores will have less attention". Let's be honest here, Hardcore gamers are dead (Or at least a race in extinction). Hardcore gamers never cared for graphics and console wars (SEGA Genesis x SNES anyone?), they cared for one single truth "Is the game fun to play?". Anyway, I digress. Casual gaming isn't meant to be graphic oriented, and thus the "Hardcore" graphic whores will be upset...
3. Wii did it first, did (does?) it better and have an extensive library. So what? Nintendo created the motion controls, years ago, and if their library of shovel... err... games wasn't larger that would be weird. Does it work better than Move and Kinect? I cannot know, lets wait the launch of some games and see how gamers react.
4. "If I wished a motion controlling gimmick I'd have bought the Wii a long time ago". A sound proposition, but lets face reality here, MS and Sony are aiming on a new market here.
5. "It's an add-on, add-ons are doomed to fail" (Historically true, more or less).
Those are the reasons I can think about for now... those are (some of) the reasons so many trash Move and Kinect.
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