[QUOTE="beefalo"]I'm asking this to people who have chosen to get the xbox one over the playstation 4....i had both a ps3 and a 360 this generation, and although there were some amazing ps3 exclusives I thought the 360 was the better console in just about every other way. for next generation, I am looking at the ps4 over the xbox one for these reasons: GDDR5 over DDR3 : PS4 has a huge memory bandwidth advantage, even with the xbox one's esram....from my past research, memory bandwidth has a huge impact on graphics performance 18 compute units vs 12 : the ps4 has 18 GCN compute units while the xbox one only has 12 which means the ps4 has 50% more graphics power than the xbox!!! 7GB memory free for games vs 5gb : this is still rumored but many sources are saying the ps4 reserves 1gb for the OS while the xbox reserves 3gb due to it's triple OS virtualized system......this means the ps4 has 40% more available memory as well $400 vs $500 - not that this matters much to me but the ps4 is also cheaper with a smaller form factor and built in power supply based on all of this, the ps4 is hands down much more powerful than the xbox one. so for those still getting the xbox one, what is leading you to this? my best gueses are the following 3 but please let me know if its something else: Kinect : you like kinect games and want more of them....for me i guess i'm just not as interested HDMI in/TV functionality : i don't really see the purpose of this so i would love some people to chime in here...to me it honestly seems like a solution for people who don't have another hdmi input anywhere, or if you want to watch tv while u play games xbox one exclusive games : there is halo(loved 1, 2 and 3 but the rest not really), gears of war(again loved 1 2 and 3 but not the latest), and that new titanfall game which looks interesting So those of you getting an xbox one over a ps4 please chime in, i would love to hear if im missing something....i'd have no problem getting both consoles if the xbox one appealed to me moreAntwan3K
i have to agree with you on the PS3 vs 360 arument.. i used to be a huge PS3 fanboy and it wasnt until i finally picked up a 360 (mainly for the UFC app) that i realized i was dead wrong.. the 360 simply does everything just a little bit better than the PS3, and taken as a whole, that results in a much better product. i'm thinking this trend is going to continue into the next gen and i'm going to get a Xbox One before i eventually get a PS4. here's why:
*disclaimer: all of this is just my personal opinion/preference or speculation based on what i've seen so far*
1) Xbox Live will continue to be better than PSN.. PSN has made huge strides but lets face it, Sony is still playing catch up in comparison to XBL. i think most everyone will agree on this..
2) Kinect 2.0 will continue to be a better motion control solution than PS Move.. I have a Kinect for my 360 and i really enjoy it.. the Kinect 2 looks like it has vastly improved on absolutely everything that was good about the Kinect and fixed everything that was bad.. beyond that, now that it's packed with every XB1, developers will have more incentive to use it meaningful ways beyond gimmicky stuff..
3) Smartglass will continue to be a better second screen solution than what Sony is currently offereing (which is currently nothing). There's rumor of a "Playstation app" that's going to be similar to Smartglass but again i'm sure Sony will playing catch up for the foreseeable future as far as second screen is concerned. Now the PS Vita remote play feature is VERY nice but i dont own a Vita and dont plan on buying one just for that.. i already own a smartphone and a tablet for Smartglass.
4) the dashboard will continue to be more dynamic. This is mostly speculation because we havent seen much of the PS4's dashboard but that may be a bad thing becasue maybe there's nothing special to show. So far, i have to say that the XB1's seemless multitasking, fluid transitions from games, movies, tv, music, and apps, and "snap view" for further multitasking all look very interesting. especially when coupled with the voice controls and gestures with Kinect. also judging from the current gen, Microsoft takes their dashboard experience way more seriously than Sony. The 360's dashboard has changed and improved dramatically over the years yet the Ps3's XMB has remained largly the same.
5) The Xbox One's multimedia will continue to be better than the PS4's. Between Xbox Music, Xbox Video, Windows 8 apps, and cross platform functionality with Windows 8 PCs, tablets, and Windows Phone 8 devices, multimedia is going to be another area where Sony is going to be playing catch-up imo. And for me personally, i already have a Windows 8 PC, a Surface RT tablet, and a Nokia Lumia 920 so with the Xbox One running on the same architecture there's plenty of exciting potential there.
6) Believe it or not, i actually like the idea of being still connected to Xbox Live while watching TV so i'm looking forward to the HDMI input of the Xbox One. Watching TV and also being able to fully interact with my XBL buddies and seemlessly be able to hop into a game of Battlefield 4 with a quick gesture or voice command is very appealing to me..
7) Teh Cloudz
Now lets address the elephant in the room: the theoretical 40% more powerful hardware of the PS4 for making games. I can respect that and i have taken that into serious consideration. At the end, i came to the conslusion that most multiplatform games will likely look roughly identical for the foreseeable future.. developers are basically indicating that there will be no real difference visually between their games (atleast no real difference in the 1st gen games anyway) and since most of the games i'm excited about are multiplatform (MGS5, Final Fantast XV, Destiny, The Division, etc) then i'd rather play those on a system with the better functionality in all the other areas that i've mentioned. PS4 exclusives may eventually show that "40%" advantage but it looks like the XB1 exclusives are going to still look impressive regardless. a 1080p 60fps Forza at launch?.. yea, i'm not worried about Xbox One's games not looking good lol.. if PS4 games can look 40% better than that, more power to ya.. I may pick one up if/when that time comes but for now, i'm picking up the Xbox One..
so there you have it, just one man's opinion.. I can totally understand why someone would want to buy the more powerful PS4 for $100 less when you just look at that surface value. I'm looking at the machines as a whole. And as a whole, I feel the Xbox One was the better online, ecosystem, user interface, motion control, multimedia, and more..
Well stated, logical argument. I agree with most of what you said. I just think the functionality of the console with be a step above that of the PS4. Specs are not that big of a deal to me, my PC dominates both consoles right now anyway.
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