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Because rotation dodging is bull****.
I wouldn't limit the good fighters to 2D graphics. SSB plays on a 2D plain with 3D graphics and it's awesome.
Truth to be told, 3D fighters haven't advanced beyond Tekken 3 and the original Soul Calibur since they were originally release some 10 years ago. You basically still remember all the moves and combos, master how to use those moves, then pummel the other guy into the ground. Break it all down, every fighter, whether VF, Tekken or SC, all follow this basic rule. What's new? That's the question.....That why alot of people preper games like Super Smash.StryderK
When you think about it, the FPS genre hasn't evolved since Half Life or Halo 1....
i duno, their pretty much dead nowadays. 2d ones too.
the only fighter that anyone cares about anymore is smash bros.
[QUOTE="StryderK"]Truth to be told, 3D fighters haven't advanced beyond Tekken 3 and the original Soul Calibur since they were originally release some 10 years ago. You basically still remember all the moves and combos, master how to use those moves, then pummel the other guy into the ground. Break it all down, every fighter, whether VF, Tekken or SC, all follow this basic rule. What's new? That's the question.....That why alot of people preper games like Super Smash.Optusnet
When you think about it, the FPS genre hasn't evolved since Half Life or Halo 1....
Yep. Goldeneye basically established the rule for console FPS's. Halo: CE and HL perfected it.....EVerything else....Well.....Halo:CE. WOW. Halo 2 Meh.....Halo 3....OMG CRIES!!! :cry:
The Tekken series died for me after Tekken 3; I still play Soul Calibur, however, and I'm finally getting into Virtua Fighter, after having shunned the series for four installments. Mortal Kombat sucks immensely, and has done so after MKIV. The Street Fighter 3D games were all horrible.. There are a few which were good, like Rival Schools and Power Stone, but those franchises are dead.
I love 3D fighters, and 2D fighters, but the future looks bleak. If, and only if, SFIV can somehow combine both elements into a coherent and awesome game, will fighting games prosper once more, or not. It depends, really.
[QUOTE="StryderK"]Truth to be told, 3D fighters haven't advanced beyond Tekken 3 and the original Soul Calibur since they were originally release some 10 years ago. You basically still remember all the moves and combos, master how to use those moves, then pummel the other guy into the ground. Break it all down, every fighter, whether VF, Tekken or SC, all follow this basic rule. What's new? That's the question.....That why alot of people preper games like Super Smash.Optusnet
When you think about it, the FPS genre hasn't evolved since Half Life or Halo 1....
You mean Doom.Only changes since doom is graphics and maybe duel wield.
because Tao Feng: Fist Of The Lotus, Kakuto Chojin,and Bruce Lee killed the genre!
seriously though, there needs to be some new fighter IP's
Those failed, miserably..
I agree, there needs to be a new fighter IP, though. But will people accept one?
[QUOTE="gridlok"]because Tao Feng: Fist Of The Lotus, Kakuto Chojin,and Bruce Lee killed the genre!
seriously though, there needs to be some new fighter IP's
Those failed, miserably..
I agree, there needs to be a new fighter IP, though. But will people accept one?
There have been many new fighter IPs but most stay in Japan and those that due make it over to the west are overlooked and only noticed by the hardcore fighter community.Fighters don't have that mainstream appeal they did in the SF2 and Tekken 3 eras anymore.
I dunno I think the next SF2 is gonna show up here in the next few years. It's about due. I mean some game that comes out of nowhere and makes everybody freak because it's so cool and fun. HALO CE was the spiritual succesor to DOOM. But SF2 doesn't have it's spiritual succesor yet...
[QUOTE="StryderK"]Truth to be told, 3D fighters haven't advanced beyond Tekken 3 and the original Soul Calibur since they were originally release some 10 years ago. You basically still remember all the moves and combos, master how to use those moves, then pummel the other guy into the ground. Break it all down, every fighter, whether VF, Tekken or SC, all follow this basic rule. What's new? That's the question.....That why alot of people preper games like Super Smash.Optusnet
When you think about it, the FPS genre hasn't evolved since Half Life or Halo 1....
Gameplay evolution and Halo in the same sentence? Blasphemy! Though really the FPS genre hasn't changed much other than with certain gimmicks since Quake, and that game's gimmick was that it had teh omg 3d grafix with teh polygonz.
[QUOTE="ChrisMun"][QUOTE="Cali3350"]Guilty Gear is the best fighting series out there imo. Thank goodness its still 2d.Cali3350
You haven't seen the latest 360 game that invovles Guilty Gear, have you?
No, playing Accent Core on PS2 still. Fighting perfection.
I thought Reload was a lot more balanced. AC is okay. I'm just waiting for my KoF11 to come in. Hear it's the best of the series.
[QUOTE="Cali3350"][QUOTE="ChrisMun"][QUOTE="Cali3350"]Guilty Gear is the best fighting series out there imo. Thank goodness its still 2d.ChrisMun
You haven't seen the latest 360 game that invovles Guilty Gear, have you?
No, playing Accent Core on PS2 still. Fighting perfection.
I thought Reload was a lot more balanced. AC is okay. I'm just waiting for my KoF11 to come in. Hear it's the best of the series.
Im not a fan of Potemkin in AC, but i like the overall feel much better. Plus Kiske is way more fun to play.
[QUOTE="ChrisMun"][QUOTE="Cali3350"]Guilty Gear is the best fighting series out there imo. Thank goodness its still 2d.Cali3350
You haven't seen the latest 360 game that invovles Guilty Gear, have you?
No, playing Accent Core on PS2 still. Fighting perfection.
I just can't sink my teeth into Guilty Gear. I've got Reloaded on PS2 for about $25AU, but I just prefer other fighters.
[QUOTE="Optusnet"][QUOTE="StryderK"]Truth to be told, 3D fighters haven't advanced beyond Tekken 3 and the original Soul Calibur since they were originally release some 10 years ago. You basically still remember all the moves and combos, master how to use those moves, then pummel the other guy into the ground. Break it all down, every fighter, whether VF, Tekken or SC, all follow this basic rule. What's new? That's the question.....That why alot of people preper games like Super Smash.Olidsc
When you think about it, the FPS genre hasn't evolved since Half Life or Halo 1....
Gameplay evolution and Halo in the same sentence? Blasphemy! Though really the FPS genre hasn't changed much other than with certain gimmicks since Quake, and that game's gimmick was that it had teh omg 3d grafix with teh polygonz.
Halo 1 did more than what many nay-sayers think. It's hard to describe some of the elements, but there were all these subtle differences that made it feel apart from the competition. Of course, I've only played Halo 1 in mult and co-op and had a blast with it.
The fact is, FPS games are still immensely popular but have only recently had cosmetic upgrades or minor improvements to the obvious (like in every genre) - A.I, physics, online interface, etc.
Same reason as every genre has died.
#1 People grew tired of the formula.
#2 Change in Market.
When you think about it, the FPS genre hasn't evolved since Half Life or Halo 1....
But the thing is the market has recently made the switch to the genre, probably most contributed to the whole online gaming craze and America being the current console gaming capital in the world. Eventually people will tire from the formula and a new genre will take it's place or a new way of gaming will be introduce where the genre will seem alienated.
Well since Glitchspot won't let me edit my own messages. :|
No, playing Accent Core on PS2 still. Fighting perfection. Cali3350
I just got mine ordered from Amazon in the mail. I got the Wii version and damn my left thumb is sore from this game.
It's fun though. I love the 2D visuals. :)
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