This topic is locked from further discussion.
Which is why there has NEVER been an AAA Battlefield game on Metacritic or Gamerankings, yet BOTH CoD4 and Modern Warfare 2 are 94 on both sites. (Not to mention Black Ops scored the same as the highest scoring Battlefield game on BOTH sites ;) )
Oh whats that? You only count gamespot scores? Well fine, there is ONE AAA Battlefield game on here(Bad Company 2) and 4 AAA CoD games.
You were saying?
You guys can scream "teh salez dont mattah" all you want but what Battlefield fanboys fail to realize is that the games are ALSO more critically acclaimed than the Battlefield games. Seriously, I have never seen this much unwarranted arrogance/elietism from one group, when they havent even earned it :lol:
Get your facts straight before starting a pointless argument.
Battlefield 2 = 91.
Only one platform, only multiplayer. It got a 91 from just that.
Lets look at what CoD has been scoring, starting with their favorite game.
Modern Warfare 1 = 92
World at War = 83
Modern Warfare 2 = 86
Black Ops = 81
It had one game above Battlefield 2. One, and that was by only a single point. You didn't miscount, you counted it out on purpose because all you recognized was the consolized Bad Company.
Don't think you realize it, but Battlefield 2 started this generation. It counts.
I agree CoD gets hated on way to much around here. All of a sudden Dice hypes up how the new battlefield is gonna have a few perks on the PC version and some hermits are ready to worship them as Gods. Lets call battlefield what it is: a me too wannabe CoD clone that's just not quite as fun.
Bad Company 2 got a few perks on PC, yet it received almost no hype. Logic failed.
Battlefield a me-too wannabe? Oh please, that's such a childish argument. Battlefield has been around longer than CoD. CoD was nothing more than a Medal of Honor wannabe, and it couldn't surpass it until it went modern day (After Battlefield did it first, and far better.)
Someone has to counter the 10's of "why battlefield 3 is teh best gaem evar, 10/10 AAAA, CoD is finnished" threads that are made every day. The amount of Battlefield fanboyism on this website is disgusting and the unwarranted elitism is vomit worthy at this point. System Wars (as well as the internet at large) has become BF fanboy paridise. They are starting to become the most insecure, annoying comunnity of gamers on the internet. Just remember, im in the minority on here. For every ONE thread like this, there are 100 other CoD hate threads.
Alot of the people who bash it, dont even know WHY they bash it. Ive seen some of them say "ive never bough a CoD game, and I never will!". We get it, you hate things that are cool and popular, and you want to appear "different" :roll:
We're stating the faults that CoD has had for years and hyping a game that actually makes changes, changes for the better. Insecure? About what? Annoying? No one is more annoying than CoD fanboys who act like their game is perfect and supreme. It seems CoD fanboys are the insecure because their game finally has true competition at the casual market, while still maintaining the core market.
It's cool and popular and that's the reason we hate it. Perfect logic. That's the only reason someone can ever bash popular, isn't it? It's impossible to have a legitimate complaint about something that has a truck-load of faults.
Lol, I have absolutely DESTROYED CoD on these boards before. In fact, I have posts completely berating Black Ops that I made within the last 2 weeks. I am fully aware of its flaws. In fact, I even started to become a Battlefield fanboy and jump on the CoD hate bandwagon.....until I actually played the game. Infact, I bought Bad Company just to prepare myself for Battlefield 3.
And yes, they are insecure. Tell me, how many threads do you see like this on this forum? Conversely, how many BF fanboy threads do you see on here? I guarrantee you for every ONE thread like this, there is 20 more Battlefield 3 masturbation threads. BF fanboys are the ones trying to convince everyone that their game is better, not the other way around.
[QUOTE="yellosnolvr"]why hasnt this been closed yet?tomarlynSystem Wars needs more freedom not less freedom and this site. i wish :cry:
for the people who didn't understand:
1. basically tc was saying graphics of cod sucks compared to even BC2, thus bf3 will blow mw3 away in that as well.
2. SOund quality in BC2 was so amazing, that BF3 is gonna have the best sound quality out of mw3 and bf3.
3. Vehicles don't do anything besides you know? just getting kills, destroying objectives, transporting players, etc. So the TC is saying, that COD people are stuck with just using 30 second killstreak vehicles (which arent even fully controllable :)
4. If the TC is serious, basically hes just telling you to never read his posts again or take him seriously in these forums.
I agree CoD gets hated on way to much around here. All of a sudden Dice hypes up how the new battlefield is gonna have a few perks on the PC version and some hermits are ready to worship them as Gods. Lets call battlefield what it is: a me too wannabe CoD clone that's just not quite as fun.
The BF franchise has been a staple of the PC FPS market for a very long time, long before COD4 swept the console FPS market.
The thing is many gamers are hyping BF3, across 360, PS3 and PC.
Also, the gameplay looks very different... as arrogant as EA has been lately I doubt very much that it is yet another CoD clone...
only when the game releases though will we be able to say for certain.
After listening to all the rediculous hype from Battlefield fanboys about how BF "destroys" COD, I finally decided to pick up Bad Company 2 the other day. Seriously? This is the game that has been getting so much hype? . .
- The graphics are terrible.
- The guns feel terrible as well. Terrible sound design, terrible feedback and weak rumble (almost on Uncharted 2 levels). As much as you guys may hate COD, there is no denying that CoD has set the industry standard for shooting mechanics. CoD's guns feel perfect. But this isnt so much a comparison to Bad Company, as it is simply pointing out how unpolished BC2's guns are compared to CoD. Everything in the game feels like its made out of cardboard when you shoot it.
- The character movement is nowhere near as polished and fluid as in CoD, especially black ops. It feels like you are on a boat, or on roller skates. (which is funny because this was one of the things i've heard BF fanboys make fun of CoD for :lol: )(which is also weird because you dont even feel yourself running in BC2).
- ZOMG teh destructable environments! Lol, refer to my "made of cardboard"comment.
- ZOMG, teh vehicles. They are not polished at all, nor do they ad anything relevant to the gameplay. Basically, they dont need to be there. They are there for the sake of being in there.
- ZOMG CoD just rehashes every year, and never does anything new....From what im seeing, Battlefield 3 looks like the exact same thing as Bad Company 2, just with better graphics.
Sometimes I really dont think people even know why they hate CoD so much.
"The graphics are terrible" Right because COD has SOOO much better graphics :roll:
Also BF3 will have some of the best graphics the gen.
" Terrible Sound Design"You can't be serious.
"teh vehichel. They are not polished at all, nor do they as anything relevent to the gameplay" please elaborate the only vehicle that is not polished is the helicopter
I even started to become a Battlefield fanboy and jump on the CoD hate bandwagon.....until I actually played the game. Infact, I bought Bad Company just to prepare myself for Battlefield 3.
BC isn't BF, get it right.
I dislike BC2 as well but I still love the BF games.
Lol, I have absolutely DESTROYED CoD on these boards before. In fact, I have posts completely berating Black Ops that I made within the last 2 weeks. I am fully aware of its flaws. In fact, I even started to become a Battlefield fanboy and jump on the CoD hate bandwagon.....until I actually played the game. Infact, I bought Bad Company just to prepare myself for Battlefield 3.
And yes, they are insecure. Tell me, how many threads do you see like this on this forum? Conversely, how many BF fanboy threads do you see on here? I guarrantee you for every ONE thread like this, there is 20 more Battlefield 3 masturbation threads. BF fanboys are the ones trying to convince everyone that their game is better, not the other way around.
And? That wasn't directed at you
Also, you bought Bad Company to prepare for Battlefield 3. If you want to prepare, get Battlefield 2 on PC. You don't buy Soul Calibur to prepare for Tekken.
Honestly? I only ever notice a few. Then there's the threads that show off new information. Good thing you aren't betting, because you'd lose. Unlike MW3, we've already gotten to play Battlefield 3, and it's godly.
Which is why there has NEVER been an AAA Battlefield game on Metacritic or Gamerankings, yet BOTH CoD4 and Modern Warfare 2 are 94 on both sites. (Not to mention Black Ops scored the same as the highest scoring Battlefield game on BOTH sites ;) )
Oh whats that? You only count gamespot scores? Well fine, there is ONE AAA Battlefield game on here(Bad Company 2) and 4 AAA CoD games.
You were saying?
You guys can scream "teh salez dont mattah" all you want but what Battlefield fanboys fail to realize is that the games are ALSO more critically acclaimed than the Battlefield games. Seriously, I have never seen this much unwarranted arrogance/elietism from one group, when they havent even earned it :lol:
Get your facts straight before starting a pointless argument.
Battlefield 2 = 91.
Only one platform, only multiplayer. It got a 91 from just that.
Lets look at what CoD has been scoring, starting with their favorite game.
Modern Warfare 1 = 92
World at War = 83
Modern Warfare 2 = 86
Black Ops = 81
It had one game above Battlefield 2. One, and that was by only a single point. You didn't miscount, you counted it out on purpose because all you recognized was the consolized Bad Company.
Don't think you realize it, but Battlefield 2 started this generation. It counts.
I agree CoD gets hated on way to much around here. All of a sudden Dice hypes up how the new battlefield is gonna have a few perks on the PC version and some hermits are ready to worship them as Gods. Lets call battlefield what it is: a me too wannabe CoD clone that's just not quite as fun.
Bad Company 2 got a few perks on PC, yet it received almost no hype. Logic failed.
Battlefield a me-too wannabe? Oh please, that's such a childish argument. Battlefield has been around longer than CoD. CoD was nothing more than a Medal of Honor wannabe, and it couldn't surpass it until it went modern day (After Battlefield did it first, and far better.)
STRONG Call of Duty scores bro. Nice job using the PC version scores instead of the consoles, aka, the highest rated score available. :roll: And no, I didnt miscount BF on purpose, I genuinely made a mistake, and didnt see it (didnt have the order set to "by score"). i dont have to cheat to make my game look better, like you just did.
Now, let me show you the PROPER scores for each franchise:
*I had links but couldnt post due to gamespot error messages*
Infinity Ward COD games this gen:
Call of Duty 2: 89
Call of Duty 4: 94 (360) 94 (PS3)
Modern Warfare 2: 94 (360) 94 (PS3)
Treyarch CoD games:
Call of Duty 3: 82(360) 80 (PS3)
World at War:84(360)85(PS3)
Black Ops: 87 (360) 88 (PS3)
If you notice, from Infinity Ward's track record, Every COD game they have made was well acclaimed. ;)
why are call of duty and battlefield fanboys so stupid. They are both multiplatform games, so this topic belongs in general games, not system wars. I DEMAND that this thread is locked or moved to general games. I cannot believe people these days.
You demand??? Or what?
why are call of duty and battlefield fanboys so stupid. They are both multiplatform games, so this topic belongs in general games, not system wars. I DEMAND that this thread is locked or moved to general games. I cannot believe people these days.
You demand??? Or what?
I boycott this thread and never return.
STRONG Call of Duty scores bro. Nice job using the PC version scores instead of the consoles, aka, the highest rated score available. :roll: And no, I didnt miscount BF on purpose, I genuinely made a mistake, and didnt see it (didnt have the order set to "by score"). i dont have to cheat to make my game look better, like you just did.
Now, let me show you the PROPER scores for each franchise:
*I had links but couldnt post due to gamespot error messages*
Infinity Ward COD games this gen:
Call of Duty 2: 89
Call of Duty 4: 94 (360) 94 (PS3)
Modern Warfare 2: 94 (360) 94 (PS3)
Treyarch CoD games:
Call of Duty 3: 82(360) 80 (PS3)
World at War:84(360)85(PS3)
Black Ops: 87 (360) 88 (PS3)
If you notice, from Infinity Ward's track record, Every COD game they have made was well acclaimed. ;)
I used PC for a reason. It's the definitive version. It has the best community, and the best version of the game.
I cheated? Oh please. I have a legitimate reason. I showed you the proper scores. Sounds like you just couldn't handle the truth.
Hmmm, funny, the sound in BF games are absolutely brilliant, Compared to the Guns in CoD, which have some of the most terrible gun sounds. :?
why are call of duty and battlefield fanboys so stupid. They are both multiplatform games, so this topic belongs in general games, not system wars. I DEMAND that this thread is locked or moved to general games. I cannot believe people these days.
You demand??? Or what?
I boycott this thread and never return.
You will be missed.
It's become tiring. Kinda like the cancer of this forum. I'm a big Battlefield supporter, but can we leave it for now, at least untill the betas have started?
[QUOTE="el3m2tigre"]Its not played by 12 year olds.. It is in fact lol. My cousing whojust became 12 years old recentlygot Black Ops for his birthday.You have yet to mention how Battlefield is inferior.
lol at TC using metacritic scores when the user scores tell the truth....
fact is activation has bribed critics AT LEAST twice, so that they could give them high scores(MW2 and black ops)
Not to mention COD is very good at leaving good first impression. The first couple of hours playing COD seem amazing, then you start to see the fundamental flaws.
All critics do when they review COD is play the 3 hour campaign and play about 5 hours of MP. This is far too little.
So in other words you hate BF cause it doesn't play for you?
Its not played by 12 year olds.. It is in fact lol. My cousing whojust became 12 years old recentlygot Black Ops for his birthday.[QUOTE="I_am_a_PS3_FB"][QUOTE="el3m2tigre"]
You have yet to mention how Battlefield is inferior.
:) actually I meant BF3 being inferior to CoD because 12 year olds don't play it.
And isn't Black ops 'M' rated ? :P
Typical. Nobody in this thread has given me a proper reason why they hate COD so much, other than "bu..bu...bu...they rehash it every year! :cry: ". Who the hell cares? You realize that Infinity Ward and Treyarch BOTH have two year development cycles, and release their games in yearly rotation? Lol @ "bu..bu..they just squeeze out a game every year!" when the games have the same development cycle as Battlefield.
Are you still going to deny that the shooting mechanics, player movement, and gun customization are all superior in CoD?
Brb, Guns in CoD dont feel like pea shooters. Each gun has a different feel, and is satisfying to use. Shooting at a wall doesnt feel like im shooting a Nerf gun at cardboard boxes.
Brb, I can actually FEEL myself running and dont feel like im on a boat or on rollerskates.
(and the two above points are funny because BF fanboys worship "realism" all the time :lol: )
Brb, I can put a suppressor, extended clip, and various different ironsight attachments on just about every gun which makes the game play differently.
The only negative I could list about CoD(particularly Black Ops) are the graphics and the Killstreaks being as unbalanced as f***. But if they implimented a system similar to Uncharted 3's Medal Kickback system, then it would be perfect.
Looks like someone doesnt play the game, and watched the Bulletstorm parody video :lol:So in other words you hate BF cause it doesn't play for you?
I approve of this ownage!
The arguments CoD haters have been having are ludicrous! They get graphics and visuals, everything else belongs to COD.
I honestly think they hate CoD because they've been nuked too many times. :idea:
I approve of this ownage!
The arguments CoD haters have been having are ludicrous! They get graphics and visuals, everything else belongs to COD.
I honestly think they hate CoD because they've been nuked too many times. :idea:
Search up the cold blooded pro glitch on youtube and come back to me.People hate COD because of the MP's cheap gameplay.
This. People on here take the hate to far. They refuse to acknowlege that CoD does ANYTHING good and forget that the games are actually good games :roll: / Fluid character movement, The best shooting mechanics in the industry, and best gun customization. Battlefield isnt even on the radar in these categories when compared to Call of Duty. Graphics, vehicles, and environmental destruction are the only things Battlefield 3 has over CoD.I approve of this ownage!
The arguments CoD haters have been having are ludicrous! They get graphics and visuals, everything else belongs to COD.
I honestly think they hate CoD because they've been nuked too many times. :idea:
[QUOTE="DangerousLiquid"]This. People on here take the hate to far. They refuse to acknowlege that CoD does ANYTHING good and forget that the games are actually good games :roll: / Fluid character movement, The best shooting mechanics in the industry, and best gun customization. Battlefield isnt even on the radar in these categories when compared to Call of Duty. Graphics, vehicles, and environmental destruction are the only things Battlefield 3 has over CoD. Best shooting mechanics is completely opinionated.I approve of this ownage!
The arguments CoD haters have been having are ludicrous! They get graphics and visuals, everything else belongs to COD.
I honestly think they hate CoD because they've been nuked too many times. :idea:
Typical. Nobody in this thread has given me a proper reason why they hate COD so much, other than "bu..bu...bu...they rehash it every year! :cry: ". Who the hell cares? You realize that Infinity Ward and Treyarch BOTH have two year development cycles, and release their games in yearly rotation? Lol @ "bu..bu..they just squeeze out a game every year!" when the games have the same development cycle as Battlefield.
Are you still going to deny that the shooting mechanics, player movement, and gun customization are all superior in CoD?
Brb, Guns in CoD dont feel like pea shooters. Each gun has a different feel, and is satisfying to use. Shooting at a wall doesnt feel like im shooting a Nerf gun at cardboard boxes.
Brb, I can actually FEEL myself running and dont feel like im on a boat or on rollerskates.
(and the two above points are funny because BF fanboys worship "realism" all the time :lol: )
Brb, I can put a suppressor, extended clip, and various different ironsight attachments on just about every gun which makes the game play differently.
The only negative I could list about CoD(particularly Black Ops) are the graphics and the Killstreaks being as unbalanced as f***. But if they implimented a system similar to Uncharted 3's Medal Kickback system, then it would be perfect.
Erm... What?
COD guns feel like Pea shooters. No bullet drop, next to no recoil or bullet spread. You can get kills no problem firing an LMG from the hip...
[QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"][QUOTE="DangerousLiquid"]This. People on here take the hate to far. They refuse to acknowlege that CoD does ANYTHING good and forget that the games are actually good games :roll: / Fluid character movement, The best shooting mechanics in the industry, and best gun customization. Battlefield isnt even on the radar in these categories when compared to Call of Duty. Graphics, vehicles, and environmental destruction are the only things Battlefield 3 has over CoD. Best shooting mechanics is completely opinionated.I approve of this ownage!
The arguments CoD haters have been having are ludicrous! They get graphics and visuals, everything else belongs to COD.
I honestly think they hate CoD because they've been nuked too many times. :idea:
It is not opinionated, it is completely objective. It is a FACT that the feel of battlefield's guns is not as polished and fleshed out as in Call of Duty.
It is about as "opinionated" as these two painings:
Now, whichever one of these painings you think is "BETTER" is opinionated. But is a FACT, NOT a matter of opinion that the Mona Lisa paining above is WAY more polished and had alot more effort put into it than the crayon drawing below. This is NOT an opinion matter, it is completely objective. Now, you are free to think the crayon drawing looks better (although you would be in the minority).
It is also not a matter of opinion that Call of Duty has MUCH more diverse weapon feelings and deeper weapon customization. All the guns feel differrent compared to Battlefield. You can put different sights, supressors, and other attachments on just about every gun.
It is also not an opinion that you can feel yourself running in CoD (specifically in Black Ops. Modern Warfare 2 has a different feel to it) but you cannot to the same extent in battlefield. That is a fact.
Best shooting mechanics is completely opinionated.[QUOTE="soulitane"][QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"] This. People on here take the hate to far. They refuse to acknowlege that CoD does ANYTHING good and forget that the games are actually good games :roll: / Fluid character movement, The best shooting mechanics in the industry, and best gun customization. Battlefield isnt even on the radar in these categories when compared to Call of Duty. Graphics, vehicles, and environmental destruction are the only things Battlefield 3 has over CoD.StrongDeadlift
It is not opinionated, it is completely objective. It is a FACT that the feel of battlefield's guns is not as polished and fleshed out as in Call of Duty. Now, whichever one of these painings you think is "BETTER" is opinionated. But is a FACT, NOT a matter of opinion that the Mona Lisa paining above is WAY more polished and had alot more effort put into it than the crayon drawing below. This is NOT an opinion matter, it is completely objective. Now, you are free to think the crayon drawing looks better (although you would be in the minority).
It is also not a matter of opinion that Call of Duty has MUCH more diverse weapon feelings and deeper weapon customization. All the guns feel differrent compared to Battlefield. You can put different sights, supressors, and other attachments on just about every gun.
It is also not an opinion that you can feel yourself running in CoD (specifically in Black Ops. Modern Warfare 2 has a different feel to it) but you cannot to the same extent in battlefield. That is a fact.
By the definition of art it is completely opinionated as to which is better. Saying something is fact doesn't make it fact. Battlefield has better shooting mechanics than CoD, that is fact. What I just said is just as much a fact as what you said.Sorry TC, wou should have put 'the graphics are terrible' at the end because it was where i stop reading :P
New seriousy, i have nothing against CoD games, they are just not my cup of tea. I prefer slower paced gameplay and the more coop/tactical orientation of Battlefield games.
[QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"][QUOTE="soulitane"] Best shooting mechanics is completely opinionated.soulitane
It is not opinionated, it is completely objective. It is a FACT that the feel of battlefield's guns is not as polished and fleshed out as in Call of Duty. Now, whichever one of these painings you think is "BETTER" is opinionated. But is a FACT, NOT a matter of opinion that the Mona Lisa paining above is WAY more polished and had alot more effort put into it than the crayon drawing below. This is NOT an opinion matter, it is completely objective. Now, you are free to think the crayon drawing looks better (although you would be in the minority).
It is also not a matter of opinion that Call of Duty has MUCH more diverse weapon feelings and deeper weapon customization. All the guns feel differrent compared to Battlefield. You can put different sights, supressors, and other attachments on just about every gun.
It is also not an opinion that you can feel yourself running in CoD (specifically in Black Ops. Modern Warfare 2 has a different feel to it) but you cannot to the same extent in battlefield. That is a fact.
By the definition of art it is completely opinionated as to which is better. Saying something is fact doesn't make it fact. Battlefield has better shooting mechanics than CoD, that is fact. What I just said is just as much a fact as what you said. My point completely went over your hear. You are 100% correct. It IS opinionated which one is BETTER. However, it is NOT opinionated which one had more time, effort, and polish put into it. It also is NOT an opinion that Call of Duty has deeper weapon customization than Battlefield, because you can clearly see that from playing the game. I can pop in Bad Company and realize that I cannot customize the iron sights, put suppressors on my weapons, or underbarrel attachments, or rapid fire, or grip attachments. To say the opposite would be as rediculous as saying it is an OPINION that there are 50 states in the US, because you can clearly look at a map and see for yourself.[QUOTE="soulitane"][QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"]By the definition of art it is completely opinionated as to which is better. Saying something is fact doesn't make it fact. Battlefield has better shooting mechanics than CoD, that is fact. What I just said is just as much a fact as what you said. My point completely went over your hear. You are 100% correct. It IS opinionated which one is BETTER. However, it is NOT opinionated which one had more time, effort, and polish put into it. It also is NOT an opinion that Call of Duty has deeper weapon customization than Battlefield, because you can clearly see that from playing the game. I can pop in Bad Company and realize that I cannot customize the iron sights, put suppressors on my weapons, or underbarrel attachments, or rapid fire, or grip attachments. To say the opposite would be as rediculous as saying it is an OPINION that there are 50 states in the US, because you can clearly look at a map and see for yourself. So you agree my original statement is correct then, CoD having better shooting mechanics is completely opinionated. All this other stuff is irrelevant to my original statement.It is not opinionated, it is completely objective. It is a FACT that the feel of battlefield's guns is not as polished and fleshed out as in Call of Duty. Now, whichever one of these painings you think is "BETTER" is opinionated. But is a FACT, NOT a matter of opinion that the Mona Lisa paining above is WAY more polished and had alot more effort put into it than the crayon drawing below. This is NOT an opinion matter, it is completely objective. Now, you are free to think the crayon drawing looks better (although you would be in the minority).
It is also not a matter of opinion that Call of Duty has MUCH more diverse weapon feelings and deeper weapon customization. All the guns feel differrent compared to Battlefield. You can put different sights, supressors, and other attachments on just about every gun.
It is also not an opinion that you can feel yourself running in CoD (specifically in Black Ops. Modern Warfare 2 has a different feel to it) but you cannot to the same extent in battlefield. That is a fact.
Whatever you say, BF series (yes even BC/2) is much more realistic than CoD. Its accepted fact, CoD is NOT realistic, it has NO recoil and lacks a sense of weight in the controls, BF has those things and does a better job of maintaining realism.
however which game you enjoy is purely your opinion and since you do not seem to value realism in a shooter, CoD is automatically the winner for you, thats not the same for others, I'll take a realistic shooter like BF3 (with better graphics i might add) over MW3 any day!
it all comes down to your playing style, its accepted fact that MP in CoD is frustrating because of the Noobs and the hacks and thats why there is a lot of hate for it. while MP in BF is generally more realistic and has larger playing fields with more interactivity. CoD is for people who like easy shooters..
I dont hate CoD.. I just don't like it.. gave me YLOD..
The reason I'm getting MW3 instead of BF is because of the campaign and the spec ops and survival mode.
I don't trust Dice when it comes to SP and the BF mp has never entertained me that much.Longest BF MP I have played is BF2 and that was only because my brother kept asking me to play.
Will I get BF3?Probably when it's dirtcheap or maybe borrow it from a friend.
Looks like someone doesnt play the game, and watched the Bulletstorm parody video :lol:Typical. Nobody in this thread has given me a proper reason why they hate COD so much,other than "bu..bu...bu...they rehash it every year! :cry: ". Who the hell cares? You realize that Infinity Ward and Treyarch BOTH have two year development cycles, and release their games in yearly rotation? Lol @ "bu..bu..they just squeeze out a game every year!" when the games have the same development cycle as Battlefield.
Are you still going to deny that the shooting mechanics, player movement, and gun customization are all superior in CoD?
Brb, Guns in CoD dont feel like pea shooters. Each gun has a different feel, and is satisfying to use. Shooting at a wall doesnt feel like im shooting a Nerf gun at cardboard boxes.
Brb, I can actually FEEL myself running and dont feel like im on a boat or on rollerskates.
(and the two above points are funny because BF fanboys worship "realism" all the time :lol: )
Brb, I can put a suppressor, extended clip, and various different ironsight attachments on just about every gun which makes the game play differently.
The only negative I could list about CoD(particularly Black Ops) are the graphics and the Killstreaks being as unbalanced as f***. But if they implimented a system similar to Uncharted 3's Medal Kickback system, then it would be perfect.
So in other words you hate BF cause it doesn't play for you?
We don't hate CoD. We hate Mw2, Blops and the next standalone expansion Mw3. They give the shaft to the fanbase that made CoD what it is today. Why not hate?
[QUOTE="_VenomX"]Looks like someone can't play Battlefield this September StrongDeadlift
Right, because its impossible that someone just doesnt WANT to play Battlefield this september? :roll:
I actually bought the game to prepare me for BF3, but i dont even want it now TBH. Honestly, for the first time ever, I actually WANT the game to fail just because of the fanboys.
Wanting a game to fail because of fanboys is even more fanboyish than just trash talking.Looks like someone doesnt play the game, and watched the Bulletstorm parody video :lol:Typical. Nobody in this thread has given me a proper reason why they hate COD so much, other than "bu..bu...bu...they rehash it every year! :cry: ". Who the hell cares? You realize that Infinity Ward and Treyarch BOTH have two year development cycles, and release their games in yearly rotation? Lol @ "bu..bu..they just squeeze out a game every year!" when the games have the same development cycle as Battlefield.
Are you still going to deny that the shooting mechanics, player movement, and gun customization are all superior in CoD?
Brb, Guns in CoD dont feel like pea shooters. Each gun has a different feel, and is satisfying to use. Shooting at a wall doesnt feel like im shooting a Nerf gun at cardboard boxes.
Brb, I can actually FEEL myself running and dont feel like im on a boat or on rollerskates.
(and the two above points are funny because BF fanboys worship "realism" all the time :lol: )
Brb, I can put a suppressor, extended clip, and various different ironsight attachments on just about every gun which makes the game play differently.
The only negative I could list about CoD(particularly Black Ops) are the graphics and the Killstreaks being as unbalanced as f***. But if they implimented a system similar to Uncharted 3's Medal Kickback system, then it would be perfect.
So in other words you hate BF cause it doesn't play for you?
Shooting mechanics? What? Aim Assist?:lol: Player movement is purely subjective. It comes down to gameplay preference. Honestly, it seems like you're getting really desperate. Making all these down right ridiculous arguements. It doesn't help your case at all. Battlefield is obviously superior in graphics and sound effects. It also offers a variety of vehicles and destructible evironments but apparently this doesn't mean anything to you. There's no point in discussing this with you if you refuse to acknowledge this.
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