Xbox one X is one of if not the best console to get if its your only console and you don't have a gaming pc.
And 4K 60fps is true. As is the performance of the GTX 1070 being matched and is even being exceeded:
Wolfenstein 2 2008-2160p 60fps -exceeds GTX 1070
Forza 7: 2160p 60fps -exceeds ultra PC
Halo 5 1800-2160p 60fps
Titanfall 2 1800-3400p 60fps
Battlefront 2 1800-2160p 60fps - exceeds GTX 1070
Gears of War 4 - 2160p 30fps - exceeds PC ultra
Shadow of War 1800-2160p 30fps - Exceeds GTX 1070 at same settings
Assassins Creed Origins 1800-2160p 30fps- exceeds GTX 1070 levels after 12-12-2017 patch for its 12gb GDDR5 platform
Hitman 60fps 1440p, 30fps 4k -exceeds GTX 1070 performance (yes at same settings)
ETC and more coming..
That's one heck of a list of good games that I didnt play yet that I now can on the X. It's a console, it won't have PC's flexibility of tweaking settings or it doesnt have the CPU to back up the framerate. But it sure does run games incredibly beautiful and yes even at 4K 60fps depending on the title. Bro's, a console pulling high settings with ultra textures at 4K 60fps, or 1800p 60fps (which is very close and highly respectble). A console...
The X launched with around 100 enhanced titles, with even old games running at better fps, 4k and 16x AF (so all BC games look sharper). BC games will continued to be added.
If you like playing your older collection, the X is the best console. If you like Multiplatform games the X is the best console. If you like the best performance the X is the best console. If you like UHD blu ray entertainment the X is the best console. If you like graphics the X is a way better budget than a gaming pc for the same price. The X is pumping out mostly 2x the pixels of the PS4 pro and gained 40% cpu power, 460% gpu power and 250% more ram bandwith compared to the OG Xbox One. That's next gen gains folks. It runs at 4x the resolution of the Xbox one X with better framerates and almost twice as good looking assets. That smells like Next gen again folks.
Lastly, let's not forget what Microsoft has done to the status of multiplatforms that were all Playstation exclusive before and that are playable on the Xbox one family consoles. Metal Gear, Devil May Cry, Demon Souls, Red Dead Redemption, L.A. Noire, Final Fantasy and the list can go on. The Xbox welcomes multiplatform support. Sure the PS family has a ton of JRPG's and first party games that have amazing story based single player experiences. But the X has over 1300 games playable, with over 130 enhanced and growing, with a growing BC list that adds even 4K resolutions to classics like Ninja Gaiden, Kotor, Halo 3 & Assassins Creed for starters. The shooters are fantastic in multiplayer, the racing games are the definitive industry leading examples, the indie games are growing and the arcade has too many twin stick shooters and sidescrollers like Ori that are unforgettable.
The Xbox one X has made a statement. It can perform in the high end sector with 10bit added into the mix. This console is promoting RAW power again, with the love for old games. Dang, Microsoft sure loves games. They support them even if they are 15 years old. Now that's love for the medium, not just making money of a temporary product which fades after one year. No, Microsoft is fucking supporting devs to upgrade their old games. How can you not have respect for such a work ethic?They organised a whole professional team to target BC. Microsoft doesn't want exclusivity. I hope MS and Nintendo team up. It would be a beautiful sight. Peace.
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