Donkey Kong Country Returns was superb and Rayman Origins is absoluely beautiful and looks extremely fun and inventive level design-wise. So why the hell can't Sega make a legit 2D Sonic reboot (No, Sonic 4 is not even close to legit)? I realize that Sega doesn't have the kind of talent to make a game as good as DKCR, but it doesn't even have to be as good as DKCR. A Sonic reboot just needs to have some creativity invovled and be better (much better) than Sonic 4.
Sonic 4 pretty much shows how lazy Sega has gotten with the Sonic franchise. Yes, Sonic Colors was an imaginative bright spot in the series, but that's a 3D Sonic game (weirdly enough). When it comes to making a sidescrolling reboot, Sega has the laziest of approaches. They basically just ripped off Green Hill Zone, the casino zone from Sonic 2, the Labyrinth Zone from Sonic, and the usual mechanical factory zone, and tried to pass it off as a new experience. It's actually kind of an insult to call it Sonic the Hedgehog 4. That implies that the game actually has new levels. And now Sega is being lazy again with Sonic Generations, choosing to rehash a bunch of older levels instead of come up with something new. But this time they're trying to legitimize the rehashing with the whole "generations" idea.
What makes DKCR so great is that it reminds the player of what made the Donkey Kong Country games so great, but it actually feels like a new experience with new levels and a new look. It is a substantial game that stands firmly on its own two feet. Sonic 4, on the other hand, is just a lazy "episodic" game (because Sega can't be bothered to actually make a substantial 2D Sonic game) that borrows levels from better games and has wonky physics.
I mean, how hard is it to come up with new levels with some pizzaz? I can think of several original level ideas right this moment and I'm not even a game designer!
Anyway, I'll stop ranting. I've just been playing Sonic 3 (which is by far the best Sonic game when you combine it with Sonic & Knuckles IMO), thinking about the disgrace that is Sonic 4, and looking at some brilliant Rayman Origins footage, and thus this rant was born.
Why do you think Sega can't make a legit Sonic sidescrolling reeboot?
Maybe because they have a legion or groupof fanboys complaining about every movethe Sonic devs make with the Sonic franchise. I just wish Sega went their own way and tried to satisfied as many as their fans as possible without adding anything that destroys Sonic's gameplay. Any I'm fine with the rehasing of stage names or stages ingenerations since it's an anniversary collection.
That's pretty much Sega's problem. They keep trying to cater to fans instead of just making a great 2D Sonic sidescroller just for the sake of making a great game. They think that fans want rehashes of the old levels when many fans just want original levels with strong designs.
Let's be honest here, what did NSMB and NSMBWii do to reinvent the 2-D Mario formula? All the levels were archetypes that were found in the older 2-D Mario games, they still followed the formula of a map that had several levels with fortresses and bonus games added in, and the powerups felt like evolutions of older ones in the franchise, and you still had the feeling that the games were created to appeal to old-school Mario players that grew up with Mario on the NES and SNES.
At the end of the day, both those games did not try to stray too far from the classic Mario formula.
And that's the thing, why is Sonic getting bashed for not innovating their 2-D titles and yet Mario gets a free pass? Even if we go by the idea that Sonic 4 was a terrible game that failed to innovate, I don't see anything wrong with Sonic's 2-D games playing up the nostalgia for older fans.
I would rather see Sega take the Nintendo route and focus of making Sonic's 3D entries innovate titles that move the series forward. Sonic Colors proved that Sonic could have bright future in 3D and I would rather see them build on that instead of falling back on 2D.
Sonic is not Donkey Kong or Rayman. He's a character who was was Mario's equal in the 16-bit era and he deserves to finally move forward with 3D games that redefine the series and even potentially the platforming genre.
Nintendo has found great success with how they are currently handling the Mario franchise. The 3D titles are the innovative titles while the 2D titles are the ones that are based on nostalgia and gameplay of the classic Mario titles.
Personally, I see no issue with Sega following the same approach with Sonic. Let his 3D titles be the innovate titles that redefine the series and move the series in new directions while the 2D titles base themselves in nostalgia and use gameplay that reminds people as to why Sonic became popular in the first place.
Sonic Colors was a promsing start. If the Sonic series wants to once again be considered the equals or close to the level of Mario games, they can't stay in 2D forever.
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