I don't get it...has NO ONE played the DS Sonic Games? It's classic old school sonic. There it is...go get it...it's not THAT friggin great. Bread_or_Decide
No it's not. There's a huge difference, not just in quality. It's not classic old school sonic, not by a long shot.
Generations is promising. Demo had its flaws but people seem to forget it's a DEMO. A dated demo which was an older build than the E3 build, for crying out loud. They can fix some of the issues, since they seem to be trying really hard. Just fix the camera (particularly the zoom) a bit, fix the rolling physics so you actually gain speed when curling up, fix the vertical leap momentum when jumping on springs or badniks or monitors (Like the old games where depending on how hard you land you'd have higher leap, and when jumping on a spring if you had momentum built up you could still move to the left or right, unlike the demo which did not allow this), and a few other minor problems and it'll be the best 3D Sonic game ever.
I still wish they would bring in more platforming elements like Adventure 1 had. That is IMO the only 3D Sonic that actually captures the Genesis magic in 3D... well, I wouldn't say just right but a lot better than every other game after that..
Also, I never realize how bad the Sonic hate bandwagon is in GS. Wonder how many of them have actually played any Sonic game, or at least the Classic games. Yes, I'm a classic sonic fanboy, I can't help it. I'm still hyped for Generations.
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