consoles and pc both have strong points. the pc is ideal for gaming, if one cares to go to the trouble of learning how to upgrade it, learning how to deal with common pc problems, such as errors and viruses. consoles are for the people who like to pop it in and play, i.e. casual gamers.
Which is the case with the PS3 right? WRONG. The PS3 also requires game installs (even multiple times like MGS4, something that's not even on the PC) and of course system updates.
And what casual wants to deal with calling MS about the RROD.
Trouble these days is that technology is getting more and more advanced. In order to make sure your tech stays in great condition, the consumer needs to put research into the product. Otherwise, it'll be dead or inefficent very quickly.
there is plenty of market space for both, and while the pc constitutes the largest singular platform sales (obviously), the consoles together take away its some of its market space, and equal a larger portion than the pc.
Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony do not share profits. This "market space" obviously translates into PC vs Wii vs XBox 360 vs PS3.
simply put, the pc is the biggest singular platform, has unparalleled gaming technology, and has the best mmorpg, and the best shooter controls. but the consoles are fun, and have a different target market.
in other words, its all about preference.
I agree and I also think that in order to have the best gaming experience, you'll need to buy every system.
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