@AdobeArtist: "It was Sony who initiated the future of gaming as multimedia. First with PS1 to play music (CDs), then PS2 to play movies (DVDs), and then PS3 as an HD multimedia hub (BluRay)."
OK, but Sony cares about us........................
Sega started that with the CD systems not sony,not only the Saturn beat the PS1 in release date,and play music but also the Sega CD add on also played music Cd's...
So once again your wrong,and the PS1 and PS2 multi media capabilities in nothing changed the fact that both were the best place to play games on,in both of its generations,no other console had as many games.
The problem with MS was how they sold the xbox one rather than been a multi media hub,which the 360 also was and the PS3 and also PS4 are.
Why? Well its called trying to be first at something. It was a bad move, as believe it or not, many first attempts are. But had it paid off? Thank god it didn't. Still as Sony and the PSnow streaming is introducing and a few here have called it the beta for PS5, it may be the future. Why not milk people for access to games they don't own by disguising it under the term "convenience"? I bet if next gen this is the staple, cows praise Sony for it.
Is call rental and video clubs have been doing it since the 80's buffoon,or did you own a game you rented for $3 or 4 dollars on Bloockbuster..?
How much was renting a single game in blockbuster for a single month.? $30 $40 oh wait you had to return the game at the 3rd day because if not they would charge you a late fee of $3 or $4 daily.
PSN now is a renting service much like gamefly which charge people $22 dollars for any 2 games per month at any time,and is nice not every one has tons of cash to buy 30 or 40 games per year,renting is one option that is cheaper and in the end effective since there is a truck load of games which are not own wordy,and you be better off playing them rented.
Where were you when MS was charging people for Netflix last gen,and on the start of this gen to now that is some hardcore rip off,charge people for things every one gets free,Explorer,HBO Go,hulu,skype...hahaha
But i guess rip off are just a matter of opinion right...
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