In early 2005 when the ps3 was announced and I saw the "Ducks" demo it looked absolutely amazing and I wanted one really really badly. But i was kept waiting for about 2 years, and just as it was about to come out before my birthday it got delayed, and at that point the ps3 and sony looked absolutely unlikeable, and it became cool to hate it. even the ducks demo turned out to be pre rendered anyway.
Shortly before then I accidentally stumbled over the fact that nintendo's revolution would be called the wii, and after that i also accidentally stumbled upon gamesradar and found out that the new warioware was going to come out on the wii. "HOLY SH*T I WANT MORE INFORMATION!" and then for the first time I stumbled upon gamespot and found more information. so the wii looked very very dazzling, and I got one for christmas.
After warioware came out my friend got an xbox 360 and it had dead rising on it. AND IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! the wii was really boring after i finished warioware. no other games had any real depth, there were mostly minigame collections.
So I weighed my options. the ps3 had absolutely no substantial games out, metal gear solid 4 was over a year and a half away, and the ps3 was outrageously expensive when it came out. The xbox 360 had all the games I wanted; dead rising, among many others, you could download any old arcade games you wanted, you could download the dwemos any time you wanted, and not have to buy them with magazines, put on voicemasks, and bioshock was coming out exclusively (Kind of) for it. so it was absolutely no choice.
I found my 360 preowned, for less than half the price of a ps3, and to this day it has NEVER rrod'ed on me. (Except for one time, but it went away when I turned the 360 off and on again.
Now i want littlebigplanet really badly. so im gonna buy a ps3 next year.
LONG STORY SHORT: the ps3 made all these false promises, so i bought a wii just for warioware, the wii turned out to be crap so I bought a 360 just for bioshock and dead rising, and also because the ps3 was $800 at the time and had no good games. now i want to buy a ps3 just for littlebigplanet and MGS4.
The moral of this story is that littlebig planet and dead rising are the best games ever. :D
So why did you buy your console(s)?
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