I mean if blizzard came out with a starcraft game that looked exactly starcraft an had some kinda remote control that u could plug in instead of mouse
PC magazines would be flippin out an saying 1/10
this is crap
whny is this new it shoulda been an add on?
.5/10 graphics are old look like it shoulda been expansion
omg i dont wanna play with wii mote get this outa myt face
blizzard go make a new game instead of the same old stuff
man i cannot believe how easy ratings are giving out the wii and the cube
if this stuff happened on PC?
do u know what pc gamers would say they would say NO i m not buying that make it free or get out
omgoodness its just wow
do u realize blizzard made a n expansion to starcraft called brood war an it was well recieved
ITS NOT GOTY ITS NOT 10/10 its an expansion for god sakes its not somethin like OMGOODNESS BEST GAME OF ALL TIME like ppl are sayin galaxy is
it just really messed with my head that sthis stuff is oging on here an that gamestop gave it such a highscore in this day an age that is just uncalled for imo
its a game gbut its not good i mean wow i dont know how to say this but this game did not push anything its like an expasion to me of a mario 64 or mario sunshine its like lil add on maybe some colorful graphics here same mechanics here
and in some suits that have been done b4 this isnt amazing
amazing was the gravity gun in half-life 2 or physics in half-life 2 or like u know new stuff that coems out an ppl r like wow this is cool
this isnt cool weve played htis game for 20 years mario flyin around now hes in space i mean what r u guys doin
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