@Xplode_games: I can't speak for every hermit, but when we say "at least PC can get 60 fps", that's generally referring to the option to get 60 fps by adjusting resolution, image quality, etc in order to achieve it.
Consoles on the other hand, the best you can usually hope for, is rock solid 30 fps like HZD, which is rare. And there are no settings to tinker with in order to fix the frame pacing/frame rate issues.
I think you're assuming we're all sitting here smugly claiming to be hitting 60+ fps in every game on Ultra settings at 4K.
Most of us are gaming anywhere from 1080p - 1440p, with whatever mix of IQ settings is required to lock in that frame rate.
Myself, I run most games between 1300p and 1600p, with the "ultra" preset, and then useless shit like depth of field, chromatic aberration, lens flare etc turned off. I might even lower anti-aliasing, since 1600p is already a type of MSAA that drastically reduces jagged lines anyways.
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