Because cows are the most dishonest faction in SW. They believe all their exclusives, no matter how crappy, deserve a 9+. At other forums, I'll see people mixed on a ps3 exclusive, or the majority didn't care for it. But here in SW it will have 99% defense from cows that it's a GOTY contender. Not to mention they carry angry vendettas against reviewers who don't give their exclusives the scores they demand. People question ps3 exclusives because of cow lies and cow dishonesty.
That doesnt make any sense bro. This thread is about WHY Non-Cows questions and always make threads about how a PS3 game got a good score shouldnt have had that score, it shouldnt been lower. This thread isnt about cows, its about everyone else reaction and manner towards PS3 exclusives all the time. IDK why you are talking about "cows think all their game deserve 9/10s" or that every PS3 game should be GOTY, Cow lies and dishonesty (whatever those are) have nothing to do with a reviewer giving a PS3 exclusive a good socre.People make those kind of threads about all kinds of games. This thread is nonsense.
It is but I want it to keep it alive so it can reach 100 post and it just did. Mission accomplished, this thread is now over. BOOM! This thread could go to hell now for all I care...
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