[QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="SambaLele"][QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="Aquamarine2"]PS3 is 3 times more powerful than Xbox360.
The PS3 has the Cell=8 Cores, and RSX= Nvidia 8800 GTX.
Xbox360 hsa 3 core cpu, and Xenos=9800 Pro
The ps3 has one main core, and 6 secondary not as useful ones (2 are not being used). The ps3's main core is very powerful, the other ones are good for preventing bottlenecking or other non-major operations. The 360 cores are more general purpose, although none or as powerful as the ps3s main core. The 360 has a slight GPU advantage as well.
you just proved you know nothing about the Cell.
the SPEs are not less powerful cores. they are extremelly efficient and have greater performance than most CPUs we have in many tasks. the only thing is that they are not general purpose cores. but that doesn't mean anything when we're talking about gaming processing, since general purpose processing is good for systems like a PC.
No, this proves you didnt read my post. SPEs are less useful, since they are not general purpose. The sony style is to have pretty games that play well enough, with cinematic experiences. Microsoft are more focused directly on gameplay and things like AI. Did you like God of War better than Ninja Gaiden? Alot of people did actually. Thats what ps3 will bring to the table, games like MGS4 & God of War 3. While the xbox 360 will give us games like Halo 3 & Mass Effect. Im actually buying a ps3, i cant not have Team ICO games!
this is exactly where you fail your logic. the 360's general purpose CPUs are great for general codes (like concatenating between OS, Live and games, and such things) but other tasks like sounds, AI, physics, and even gfx, uses much more specific processing methods, like vector processing. and the SPEs are way better on those type of tasks than any processor out there, even the PowerPCs used in the 360 (curiously, the Cell was based on the PowerPC, but it has some drastic changes that causes all those differences).
I disagree with that, with more research you will see that the SPE's are actually quite limited on what they can actually do. i mean the can only run code at 256kb! Open your eyes.
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